1 04, 2021

Cancel-Culture’s Liberal-Catholic Zombies Are After Me Again

By |2021-04-01T08:49:58+00:00April 1st, 2021|Theology|

I guess my Holy Week wouldn't be complete without false-accusations...again.  This time, I'm considered "racist" for reporting how African immigrants see African-American culture on a podcast.  My initial response to such ridiculous accusations is this:  Reporting how, for example, Irish-immigrants see Irish-Americans would not be called "biased" by the cancel-culture liberals.  Therefore, the very accusation that any comparison between African culture and African-American culture is "racist" naturally presupposes that blacks are an inferior race (which I do not hold, of course.) That the long-held premise of Democrats holding blacks as inferior is the only explanation to come to the conclusion that a discussion on African versus African-American culture is "racist." [...]

3 03, 2021

TCE 13: Freemasonry and ‘Black Lives Matter’ with David Gray

By |2021-03-04T00:31:58+00:00March 3rd, 2021|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Fr. David asks David Gray about his conversion from high-level freemasonry to non-dom Christianity and then his conversion to Catholicism. We discuss 'Black Lives Matter' and the state of the African-American family in the 21st century as communism approaches. https://youtu.be/YII7VvLX5vU

13 02, 2021

A Thank You and Tax-Note to My Donors

By |2021-02-19T23:40:49+00:00February 13th, 2021|Theology|

Dearest Benefactors, Ave Maria! Thank you so much for your donations to me. As we approach tax season, please know that Peregrino Hermitage Ltd is a 501c3 non-profit. Its Federal tax ID is #83-4544433.    For anyone who donated in 2020, you should be receiving an email from me on your total donations in 2020 very soon.  If you don't, please email me at the email-address found on my donation page. According to my rule of life, I have been trying to pray a few hours a day and do online catechesis a few hours a day. This commitment (and lack of virtue) has delayed my responses to your snail-mail [...]

4 02, 2021

Catholics Living Taqiyah

By |2021-02-04T23:05:31+00:00February 4th, 2021|Theology|

Some Catholics hold their private beliefs as different from their public beliefs. It's starting to resemble the Muslim notion of taqiyah (in Arabic above in the featured image.) I thought for a long time that taqiyah was permission from Mohammed to lie about Islam precisely for the promotion of Islam. But the more I studied it, the more I realized that taqiyah is dialing down your own beliefs so as fit into a different culture (at least, until you constitute the majority of a population.) Taqiyah (Arabic: تقیة‎ ) is defined as "a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution...dissimulation by silence or [...]

2 07, 2020

An Albanian Convert Speaks on Totalitarianism and Catholicism

By |2020-07-02T17:02:41+00:00July 2nd, 2020|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

On today's podcast we have an Albanian immigrant to the USA (also a convert from Islam to Catholicism.)  He speaks about Muslim and Marxist regimes and he recounts why he later became an American and even later a traditional Catholic.  Michael is a bit of a living “Josip” from Michael O’Brien’s “Island of the World."  Bumper music credit to Byzantine Chant Albanian-Agni Parthene.

26 06, 2020

How To Use This Blog

By |2020-06-26T04:27:23+00:00June 26th, 2020|Theology|

There are now six sections to my blog: Theology (default reading when you put in "pilgrim priest" or "padre peregrino" to the url); Talks (Please see the longer description at the bottom of this post); Life (I just started monthly stories about myself); Español (rarely updated); About Padre (my permanent bio with an ever-changing Twitter feed) and Donate(now seeking one-time and monthly donors.) You can find these six-sections at the top of your desktop or laptop screen: Or, if you read my blog on your phone, the pull-down menu bar is here: Then, select one of the six: TALKS:  My new teaching channel got delayed due to my commentaries on [...]

7 06, 2020

Before Whom Do You Kneel Podcast

By |2020-06-07T21:22:37+00:00June 7th, 2020|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Today's podcast discusses worship of God or a new world order, Black Lives Matter, Franciscan missionaries and the Blessed Trinity.  It is released on Trinity Sunday 2020. A baptism conducted by California mission friars is shown in a sketch displayed at the Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala in San Diego.

5 06, 2020

What Happens to America’s Poor if the Police Are Defunded?

By |2020-06-05T04:52:45+00:00June 5th, 2020|Theology|

I've done missionary work in Central America, South America, Africa, Europe and Asia.  After so much travel, I can say in very good confidence that we in the USA have the least corrupt police departments of anywhere in the world. Our cops sometimes do horrible things, as the George Floyd video demonstrates. But here's what anyone who has lived outside the United States already knows: In most third-world countries, the only people with physical protection are the rich who can afford private security guards for their families. The police in most third-world countries are so corrupt that they are frequently in cahoots with traffickers. If a woman loses her husband [...]

12 05, 2020

The Nanny-State Wants to Babysit Your Family

By |2020-05-12T16:49:57+00:00May 12th, 2020|Theology|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPrbGU0Wyh4 Last week, on 28 April 2020, Tucker Carlson had a 15 minute segment on Fox News (above) called “Big Tech Censors Dissent Over Coronavirus Lockdowns."  At minute 5, Tucker talks about how Dr. Erickson MD (the doctor who countered corona-hype with data that was unwelcome) was removed from numerous internet platforms. The CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, justified such removals on a CNN clip that Fox News borrowed.  She said anything “medically unsubstantiated..anything that would go against World Health Organization” would be removed from YouTube. Tucker continues his critique: “Big Technology companies are using this tragedy [of COVID-19] to increase their power over the American population. They’re working in concert [...]

9 05, 2020

The Designation “Essential” Goes Against Catholic Social Teaching

By |2020-05-12T02:18:15+00:00May 9th, 2020|Theology|

I took the above picture today at a parking lot near Denver International Airport.  I'm sure they're a fine company, and this is not a blog post against them.  But as I left the lot, it hit me that what most US governors now consider "essential" is really just a categorization that is at best arbitrary and at worst discriminatory against the small business owner. My words above do not reveal a very brilliant epiphany, to be sure. Every one of us have noted the long lines to get into Home Depot or Wal-Mart (big business) while a Dallas hair stylist (small business) gets thrown in jail for trying to stay [...]

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