13 02, 2025

The Holy Sacrifice and the Unholy Sacrifice.

By |2025-02-13T12:59:49+00:00February 13th, 2025|Theology|

p/c New Liturgical Movement, NBC. The priest sunders with unbloody cut the body and blood of the Lord, using his voice as a sword.—St. Gregory Nazianzen. The above is a quote from an Eastern Church Father (recognized as a saint by both the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Christians.) St. Gregory in that quote means that the dual consecration at Mass (the bread becoming the body and the wine becoming the blood) effects a mystical and unbloody separation of the body and blood. This is because it happens in two separate sets of consecration. In a mystical way, this separation of blood from body somehow comprises the fact that [...]

11 02, 2025

Immaculate Mary: Mirror of Justice.

By |2025-02-11T16:12:15+00:00February 11th, 2025|Theology|

Every angel saw nearly all of creation during its creation in what was called the "first instance" (not found in the same time frame as us on earth.) During the "second instance," each angel had the chance to obey God or disobey Him through some act of sacrifice of its will in regards to its specific mission (where it stayed an angel or became a demon.) Then, the "third instance" was immediate reward with the beatific vision (if the angel obeyed) or damnation into hell where its will is locked into rebellion against God forever. There is a talk by the exorcist Fr. Ripperger titled Our Lady of Sorrows and [...]

6 02, 2025

How to Evangelize Leftists.

By |2025-02-05T18:06:51+00:00February 6th, 2025|Theology|

p/c Jeffrey Bruno For the longest time, I believed the Right could reason with the Left with evidence on the many incendiary issues lighting up Church and State over the last decade.  Because I had two conversions (from left to neo-con, and then neo-con to trad as I recounted in this video here) I believed everyone else had a desire to seek the truth as I did.   "If the evidence were simply presented in charity," I reasoned in regard to any dozen topics of Church and State, "then many more people would repent of their former errors and quickly convert." I actually still think that is true, but there's [...]

4 02, 2025

The Great Inversion of Love

By |2025-02-08T02:42:07+00:00February 4th, 2025|Theology|

Many new traditionalists may be ignorant of the fact that the first heretics excommunicated by Pope St. Pius X were heretics in their denial on the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture.  For instance, Pope St. Pius X excommunicated the French seminary professor, Fr. Loisy, for denying the supernatural aspects of the Bible.  Notice that Fr. Loisy was not excommunicated for liturgical issues or even moral issues, but denying the Bible.  This makes sense the initial heretics of modernism doubted Scripture, for Satan himself first said "Did God really say...?" Later in the 20th century, we saw the heresies of Fr. Loisy and others mushroom out into the heresy of modernism that [...]

30 01, 2025

RIP Bishop Williamson

By |2025-02-01T14:28:18+00:00January 30th, 2025|Theology|

Bishop Williamson was born Richard Nelson Williamson on 8 March 1940.  A convert to the Catholic faith, he was consecrated a bishop by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988.  He fell asleep in the Lord at 23:23h GMT last night on 29 January 2025.  I had the honor of staying with him in the UK two years ago.  Also, I interviewed him on my channel just a few months ago here. Bp. Williamson drew a brilliant outline connecting Protestantism to modernism via naturalism, rationalism, ecumenism and even communism as seen below.  Always standing against the revolution within the Church, Bp. Williamson was a living St. Athansius who stood for true, orthodox and [...]

28 01, 2025

Closing Our Dangerous Borders: Trump, the USCCB and Aquinas

By |2025-01-29T14:03:29+00:00January 28th, 2025|Theology|

The above picture is Venezuelan criminals known to the Aurora, CO police department. There are thousands of Venezuelan immigrants near my hermitage in Aurora, CO.  I have spoken to and helped some of them seeking a better life for their families. (I asked one in Spanish how he crossed the border and he simply admitted: "I walked across it.") But other Venezuelans who came to my town took over a building where they raped and killed people to such an extent that even the Aurora police were unable to enter it this last summer.  A few of these dangerous gangsters are seen in the above picture. When the office of [...]

23 01, 2025

Catholicism Is “the Eternal Gospel.”

By |2025-01-23T17:59:45+00:00January 23rd, 2025|Theology|

Recently, while reading the Book of the Apocalypse (the last book in the Bible frequently called "Revelation" by Protestants) I noticed the astonishing Greek words εὐαγγέλιον αἰώνιον (Apo 14:6) translated into the Latin as evangelium aeternum meaning "The Eternal Gospel" in English.  Upon reading that, I realized it was the very best definition of Catholicism, namely, the Eternal Gospel precisely because Divine Revelation cannot change (Mal 3:6.) If you look up catholic in a dictionary, you will find the word universal as one of the main definitions of the word.  This refers to catholic in general.  (Notice, I did not capitalize the word catholic in the two previous sentences.)  Thus, [...]

21 01, 2025

“Once a Catholic Always a Catholic”? Not Necessarily.

By |2025-01-21T16:50:24+00:00January 21st, 2025|Theology|

Many Catholics casually say the following line to ex-Catholics in order to get them back into a Church building:  "Once a Catholic, always a Catholic." It sounds welcoming, but it's theologically wrong. This is because the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and the Church Fathers, St. Thomas Aquinas and the Popes all taught:   A bad Catholic never ceases to be a Catholic, provided his failure be not faith-based but morality-based (and also provided those moral failures be not excommunicable.)  On the other hand, a baptized person who has purposely rejected even one tenet of the traditional Catholic faith is a heretic who is no longer Catholic.  Furthermore, a baptized person [...]

16 01, 2025

Should Chaste Gay Men Be Catholic Priests?

By |2025-01-19T14:11:12+00:00January 16th, 2025|Theology|

And Peter said, “See, we have left our homes and followed You.” And He said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life.”—Lk 18:28-30. Notice the title of this article is slightly different from this question:  "Should non-chaste gay men be priests?"  To the latter question, leftists would reply "yes."  Of course, both neo-con non-trad Catholics as well as traditional Catholics would reply "no" to that question.  But now [...]

14 01, 2025

The Duty of the Pro-Life Rescuer

By |2025-01-13T20:12:13+00:00January 14th, 2025|Theology|

The following was written from inside a Connecticut prison during January 2025 by Will Goodman (top left, currently a political prisoner in the United States for his peaceful pro-life work inside pre-born children killing-centers.) Pro-life rescuers experience a variety of criticisms & compliments. Some in the movement suggest: "you could do more for the babies if you didn't go on the property," or "I would support you if you took a strictly legal approach." While others reply to rescuers: "what you do is amazing," or "you are a hero for your sacrifice!" To be honest, I am uncomfortable with both replies to rescue. Even though these words are well-intentioned, I [...]

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