21 03, 2022

Continued Mass Psychosis Formation

By |2022-03-21T12:55:27+00:00March 21st, 2022|Theology|

One can have truth without love, but one can not have love without truth.  Also, even though not all mental illness is directly due to sin, all sin eventually leads to mental illness.  Such mental illness now seems to include a large part of a North America's population actually desiring nuclear war.  This was something absent even in the Cold War of the 20th century.  The below graph reveals that if most people live in mortal sin, then most people will have insane desires:  NB I'm not saying that taking the C19 vaccine was necessarily a mortal sin. But I am saying that living in spiritual blindness for years has now [...]

15 03, 2022

Have America and Russia Switched Roles Since the 1980s?

By |2022-03-15T14:07:37+00:00March 15th, 2022|Theology|

Putin is dangerous to the Ukrainians, but do you know who is more dangerous?  Michael Matt of RemnantTV points out that the globalist communists from the West who are stoking this war are much more dangerous to Ukrainians than anyone in Russia.  The New Western Communists who control CNN demand that you fight for the Ukrainians. But these globalists care about the Ukrainians as much as they cared about George Floyd or grandma catching COVID:  Not. at. all.  It's a ruse for thermonuclear war to reduce the global population—their constant eugenic-based goal in everything they do. As I wrote before, I do not consider Putin to be a good man. [...]

12 03, 2022

What We Must Pray for in this World’s Mess

By |2022-03-12T04:33:29+00:00March 12th, 2022|Theology|

The above is Our Lady of Grace of the Gate of Dawn of Lithuania.  It's the Polish-Lithuanian icon recently placed in my hermitage. Two years ago, leftist lies from BLM and other organizations turned into a race-baiting that probably killed more people than actual racism, at least in the past 20 years of this country's history.  Leftist lies also led to an unjustified government lockdown that certainly killed more people than coronavirus.  Therefore, I have good reason to believe that leftist lies on the situation in Ukraine will probably kill more people than the Russians. Putin is no saint, but I believe Biden, the EU, NATO and the oligarchic globalists against Putin are [...]

29 07, 2021

Yes, “Truth is a Person…” but…

By |2021-08-04T18:28:37+00:00July 29th, 2021|Theology|

We often hear the phrase "Truth is a person, not a concept."  I do like this phrase because it is a reference to Jesus Christ.  Of course, it was Jesus who said I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.—John 14:6. But I fear that the phrase "Truth is a person, not a concept," is now being commandeered to place emotions over doctrine.  I fear that some people who say that phrase  are moving towards a state of placing their own personal emotions towards Christ over Christ's doctrine as established by the Catholic Church, especially as what is found in [...]

15 07, 2021

Extreme Evil Requires an Extreme Remedy

By |2021-07-15T12:02:13+00:00July 15th, 2021|Theology|

"They wound; they kill; they go down to hell."—St. Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises #108. Leaving a sick call about 10 years into my priesthood, I ran into a gothic-looking fellow.  He was about 30 years old and decided to strike up a conversation with me.  I didn't have much time to talk, but I realized this would be one of his only interactions with a priest his whole life, so I couldn't brush him off.  As usual, I had to listen to someone preach to me.  (This is ironically more common than me preaching to someone.)  In any case, this guy was a little different.  He just wanted to [...]

10 07, 2021

Life Update 2021.07.10

By |2021-08-09T04:43:23+00:00July 10th, 2021|Life|

I was recently  thinking about being an ex-paramedic and my desire to work with mercenaries involved in the rescue of child slaves. Mercenaries rescuing child-slaves is not something only found in the congregations of the Middle Ages like the Trinitarians or the Mercedarians or the Knights Hospitaller. The fact is that today there are Catholic organizations of laymen dedicated to rescue Christians kidnapped by Muslims. However, due to the corrupt situation found in the leadership in both Church and State, these modern mercenaries must work around the Catholic hierarchy and around European and African governments, not with them. In other words, these Catholic mercenaries fly under the radar of both [...]

24 06, 2021

Pope St. Pius X and Joe Biden

By |2021-06-24T13:25:23+00:00June 24th, 2021|Theology|

The current contention on the pro-abortion unelected-President Joe Biden receiving Holy Communion is a late outgrowth in the debate between traditionalists and modernists on issues of dogma vs. conscience and Church vs. State. Pope St. Pius X saw all of this mayhem coming when he warned against those modernist political Catholics in Pascendi Dominici Gregis over 100 years ago. Pascendi, as it is now known, was an encyclical released by Pope St. Pius X on the 8th of September 1907. It is also known as "The Doctrines of the Modernists." The following is the saintly Pope's description of how bad Catholic Politicians were justifying  themselves even when he wrote it: [...]

1 06, 2021

Lawful Authority

By |2021-06-02T22:29:41+00:00June 1st, 2021|Theology|

When there's not just a question of a stolen election but even evidence of it, we must remember that God preserves our conscience as Catholics who believe in the social reign of Christ the King.  This is a prayer I heard prayed publicly at a parish last month: Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ true God and true Man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. I believe O Jesus. That Thou are the Christ. The Son of the Living God. I proclaim my love. For the Vicar of Christ on Earth. I believe all the sacred truths Which the Holy Catholic Church Believes and [...]

23 01, 2021

Communism according to Pope Pius XI & Lockdown

By |2022-05-11T00:00:34+00:00January 23rd, 2021|Theology|

As I recently explained in a recent CPX 48 podcast, communism in the 20th century killed 14x the amount of people than Nazism did.  Yes, gulags killed more people by execution than even the concentration camps.  This is a historical fact, even it is not politically expedient to admit.  We must now ask if this global health-theatre lockdown continued under Joe Biden's plan for our country meets the criteria of Pope Pius XI's description of communism. On the 19th of March, 1937, Pope Pius XI published an encyclical on "atheistic communism" including this paragraph: Communism, moreover, strips man of his liberty, robs human personality of all its dignity, and removes all [...]

14 01, 2021

Injecting Appeasement and Shame Into Others’ Lives For Your Own Sins Prevents Repentance

By |2022-05-10T23:08:18+00:00January 14th, 2021|Theology|

Here's a situation relatively new to the past 50 years, but especially pronounced in the past year in the USA:  Liberals justify their sins in front of conservatives by demanding either the conservative ratify the liberal's conscience (appeasement) or the liberal flips the tables and shames the conservative for implying anything shameful exists about the liberal's life-decisions. When a liberal injects appeasement or shame into the mind of any conservative who questions the left's behavior, this seems very much to hurt the right.  But from a Christian point of view, it hurts the left.  Here's why:  The left's every sin demands appeasement and shame from the other (not himself) which [...]

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