To Beloved Donors: Three Small Changes
In the Roman Canon, after mentioning the Pope and bishop, the priest prayers for his own personal intentions. The first people I mention every Mass (even if not by name, but sometimes—yes, by name!) is "all of my benefactors both spiritual and material." I am so thankful to both the person who gave a big donation for my condo all the way down (or rather, up the latter) to the older lady offering suffering for me who gives nothing financial. I'm not trying to sound pious as I write: I am more in need of suffering and sacrifice offered for me than money because of the great spiritual attack in my life. But many of you are offering up both prayer and financial sacrifices. I'm extremely thankful to you all. As to the latter, I wanted to point out a [...]
An Emergency Confirmation
A friend who I went to seminary with over a decade ago left before ordination and got married. He's been living outside Colorado with his wife. She got pregnant and in the ultrasound for their first baby, they found the baby had Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries. This is where a baby needs an arterial switch surgery after birth to change the way the arteries connect to the heart. The two places offered to them for this invasive surgery was San Francisco or Denver. They chose to come to Denver, the same town my buddy attended seminary (even though he was studying for a different diocese over 10 years ago, as many dioceses send men to major seminaries outside their diocese.) This weekend that baby was happily born at Children Hospital in Denver. Immediately after birth, his Dad baptized him. [...]
FACE Laws that Both Hurt and Help
p/c LSN. The above is an arrest of Fr. Fidelis, myself and Will Goodman in New Jersey with Red Rose Rescue in July 2019. In the 1980s, the great heroes of the pro-life movement were those associated with "Operation Rescue" and other pro-lifers who locked themselves peacefully to abortion centers. They were often beat up by police until they released themselves from a PVC pipe connecting themselves to others with a seat-belt release found only in that PVC pipe. Though rattled, they usually only had to do a short time in jail for this. However, Bill Clinton passed the FACE laws which made it not a misdemeanor but a felony to block entrance to an abortion center. This greatly put the breaks on "Operation Rescue" since this would be an immediate five years in prison. Years later, "Red Rose Rescue" [...]
What Does It Mean to Be a Priest “In Good Standing”?
This weekend, I was at the FSSP ordinations in Nebraska at the invitation of one of the mothers of a newly ordained priest. Sadly, the day after the ordinations and just after the first Masses of the newly ordained, one rather courageous FSSP priest told me there was a rumor going around their fellow FSSP priests that I was suspended. Apparently, the other Frat priests running this rumor mill were too lazy to look at my blog (which shows I'm in good standing on many other pages besides this one) and were not courageous enough to simply ask me my status in my diocese. Actually, a few FSSP priests asked me about my status (but only one told me about the FSSP rumors.) I told them (each separately) I was in good standing (as seen above) since the Archdiocese of [...]
A Wedding in San Francisco
I recently participated in the Solemn High Mass wedding of two friends of mine at Star of the Sea parish in San Francisco on the 7th of May 2022. Archbishop Cordileone was in choir on the sanctuary and I was the roll of sub-deacon. The full Solemn High Mass can be seen here:
A Hermit’s “Base of Operations.”
Please be aware that the email-notification app on this blog no longer works, so you’ll just have to check out these Life Updates every week. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to all my talks and videos at Padre Peregrino on Rumble. One of the funny accusations against me is that I'm not a good hermit precisely because I'm teaching people online or doing street evangelization (or, for example, today I am the roll of sub-deacon at a wedding.). As I have written before, a hermit in the tradition of the Church is simply one who lives-alone. It does not mean he refrains from talking to people or refrains from ministry. A cursory read of the life of my middle-name's saint, St. Jerome, will tell the story of a cave-dwelling hermit who was critcized even by St. Augustine for talking to [...]
A Big Thanks to Donors
To Material Donors I want to thank all my material donors (who greatly overlap with my material donors) who are so generous in monthly donations and one-time donations. Ten years ago, I never expected to be having to raise my own funds as a priest. But now I found that I have a freedom to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ without compromise comes as I run a private Catholic charity dedicated to evangelization, teaching, pro-life work and Church reform. As you know, I still get health-insurance and dental-insurance from my diocese. However, all of my room and board as well as ministry expenses are covered by your generous donations. As I mentioned on my donate page, my 501(c)(3) provides me a $2,000 salary a month for personal needs and other gifts. Finally, please note that you have seen some [...]
Pro-Lifers Arrested by FBI with Drawn Guns
p/c Survivors LA Instagram As most of you know, I have been arrested for peacefully praying and counseling inside abortion centers in NJ and DC. I do this with a group called Red Rose Rescue (RRR) that my friend Will Goodman wrote about on my website here not long ago. A "rescue" is a group act to directly save lives in immediate danger by remaining in a killing center to intervene inside with peaceful prayer and calm counseling. There was a rescue in 2020 not associated with RRR but with some of the same people including my friends Will and Lauren. The FBI went after them today. Although Will is homeless (and therefore hard to pin down) he texted me this about his friends who were arrested for that 2020 rescue with him and Lauren: "My friend Jonathan Darnel had his [...]
Personal Observations of Death Row
For some reason, I have never written about my ministry at Sterling Correctional Facility (above) on the Eastern Plains of Colorado. It's an extremely high-security prison in Sterling, CO. I was once stationed as a Catholic priest here about 10 years ago. Sterling contained Colorado's criminals who were on death-row. However, two years ago (to the week) Governor Polis abolished the death penalty. This was obviously several years after I left the facility. (Notice that the Federal-crimes death-row criminals are located in Colorado at infamous facility called Supermax.) In any case, I used to go to the high-security Sterling Correctional Facility a few times a month to hear confessions, lead a Bible study and sometimes offer Holy Mass. This location held many of Colorado most violent criminals including murderers and rapists and sexual predators. I was never called to ministry [...]
Miraculous Medals: Should You Hand Out Blessed Ones?
Hello Father Nix, I am a senior in a public high school and have been trying to discuss matters of the Faith to various people, I have been contemplating on whether I should give out blessed or unblessed Miraculous Medals in this type of environment. What do you suggest? Sincerely, G --- Hi G, It's a good question. I understand the philosophy of giving out unblessed Miraculous Medals (MM)s in case people of bad will sacrilege them but ultimately I think it's best to give out blessed MMs on chains to people who have a good-will. If someone has a bad will, we don't want them sacrileging MMs that are blessed or unblessed . If they have a good will (even if not Catholic) the blessing can only help them. Of course, you can't judge who has a good-will or [...]