Life Update 1: Monk-Missionary Life Has Begun
The featured image above in this new section of my blog "Life" was a recent shot of me when a friend asked me to do the old rite holy water and holy salt blessing while we were praying at the abortion center. This was before the "clients"seeking abortion showed up. These would be those "clients" who we lovingly ask to leave the abortion center. Certain mornings are now our day of prayer and counseling Denver's Stapleton "Planned Parenthood" with my friend Kevin. At this horrible facility, they kill 10,000 babies a year. While my friend does the sidewalk counseling, I pray the Divine Office (old Roman Breviary) and walk the perimeters. We had one "turn around" the second week there. In pro-life sidewalk counseling, there are a few terms that can be confusing. A "turn-around" is essentially a save. It [...]
The True Account of Alana Chen
I, Fr. David Nix, led about 20 Colorado University students to Rwanda in 2014. Upon return, Alana Chen (then at CU) encouraged 20 CSU students from our Africa trip to write letters about my character when it was doubted by older folks back in the US on issues of pastoral kindness. This was around one of the very last times I saw her (2014) and she sadly died this past weekend (7 Dec 2019.) I am extremely grateful for her defending my good name even from the grave, when doubted on similar issues of pastoral kindness towards University students this past week of mourning her loss. May God grant salvation, perpetual light and peace to her soul. On Aug 28, 2014, at 6:18 PM, Alana Chen <> sent to [20 different, verified Colorado State University addresses]: Hi friends! I'm sure you [...]
Please Help Me Build a Hermitage
Dear Friends and Readers, Ave Maria! As many of you know, I am beginning life as a diocesan priest hermit. My rule of life has been tentatively approved by the Archdiocese of Denver and it includes much prayer and some ministry. I am now seeking to raise $250,000 under Peregrino Hermitage Ltd., a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) organization, in order to buy a small home or condo in Denver as a hermitage. Here are a few reasons why you should continue to believe in my priesthood: I will continue praying Holy Mass and the Divine Office. I will be praying several hours a day for the restoration of the Catholic Church and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In the past 12 months alone, my blog and podcast had 2,200,000 visits with 794,000 unique visitors, not including bots. This means that [...]
The Best Day of my Priesthood
I spent 2017 as the parish priest in a small bayou parish in south Louisiana. Their normal pastor was serving as a chaplain for the US Army for a year, and he needed someone who knew the Traditional Latin Mass. His tiny bayou parish was very unusual insofar as it was under the jurisdiction of the diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, but was 1962-sacraments-only. The bishop down there was very good to me. Like most “Latin ghettos” in other dioceses, this Latin Mass parish was found in a poor part of the state, in this case on Tiger Bayou, full of gators and ditched oil rigs. I describe Louisiana as a “Catholic Texas” and I very much fell in love with Louisiana and her people. For example, when my neighbors across the bayou found out that my sister’s family was coming out [...]
“The Office” Catholics
The Office is not a particularly edifying TV show and I would not recommend it for its secular world view. I’ve never seen the UK version of The Office and I’ve only seen a few episodes of the American version. Still, it struck me this week that the personalities (not the religious or political views) but the personalities of The Office characters seem to reflect the very personalities attracted to various movements of American Catholicism in the 21st century. Notice equal-opportunity target-practice below: JPII Catholics≈Jim These are the young Catholics who want to make Catholicism look relevant. Jim Halpert is no neo-conservative on the TV show, but his personality is exactly what young neo-conservative Catholics like to be: cool but accessible. Perhaps he is even hip, at least when compared with the stranger breeds who surround him. [...]
Traditional Latin Mass at Midnight. Christmas ‘Missa Cantata’
Filmed in Louisiana on Christmas 2016
Why Did Jesus Really Have to Die For Us?
This is the same as my podcast but in video form. Also, the audio did not include the Question and Answer period at the end. This video on YouTube includes it.
Henry Thomistic Swamp Theology
Creation and Redemption and the Bayou. Henry Thomas gives us some classic but modern Thomistic Theology on gaining wisdom in spiritual warfare.
How to Keep Your Kids from Being Trafficked
Airplane Evangelization