Life Updates2021-12-06T17:31:59+00:00
2703, 2021

Life Update 2021.03.27

By |March 27th, 2021|

Vaccine vs. Ivermectin The 512th reason I won't take the Covid vaccine is because people are hawking it in front of supermarkets on a poster boards that look slightly less professional that what the Girl Scouts would use: I took this picture of a shady drug deal outside a Denver supermarket last week. Instead, I will be taking this if I catch COVID-19: Please be aware of four other things: 1. Don't take the horse medicines of Ivermectin. It might be too strong for the human liver.  A nurse friend sent me the above ivermectin that I snapped it a picture. Notice:  Made for humans, not horses. 2. The "ingredients" to the Pfizer vaccine can be found here. 3. A Yale University professor and renowned cancer researcher said here that “The bottom line is that ivermectin works."  He continued: [...]

2003, 2021

My Great Grand-Uncle: a Monsignor in Rural Illinois

By |March 20th, 2021|

When my father was only 10 months old, on the 9th of February 1942, my grandfather wrote him a letter that I found and saved to my Evernote.  It begins: Just how to begin this, I do not know, but perhaps if I just write down the thought in my heart you shall see what I have in mind. To begin with, this idea of putting every day events into a sort of letter to you, our children, occured to me long before your Mother and I were married, for I did know that some day with Gods wish we would have you, and I your mother. Therefore I shall try to relate to you those events of this day that interest us now…As this is being written we are at war with Japan, Germany and Italy. Your history books [...]

2702, 2021

Life Update 2021.02.27

By |February 27th, 2021|

Changing My Habits This is what I looked like in a Roman Collar for most of my priesthood: Here's an example of the vestments I wore when I was doing Mass in English (and other languages) in 2015: After Holy Mass in the Basilica of St. James of Campostella in Santiago, Spain after finishing the Camino in 2015. Here's an example of the vestments I wore after switching to the Traditional Latin Mass: After Holy Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Jacksonville, Florida. This was my last active assignment (2018) before becoming a diocesan hermit. My first religious habit as a hermit was this.  (A habit is worn under Mass vestments at Mass, but the habit is supposed to be worn all day.) A "habit" is what I wear in my hermitage [...]

802, 2021

Life Update 2021.02.08

By |February 8th, 2021|

Three things today: 1. My PO Box went down but it is now back in business.   You can find it on my donate page. 2. Two unexpected diversions to my normal life of prayer was when a) a Catholic filmmaker invited several of us priests out for a super-charging retreat to his place in California... Mel Gibson, myself and Fr. Jim Altman spent four days in Southern California at Mel's place with a few other priests in January 2021. ...and b) after a wedding in Dallas I got to spend a morning (and later) an evening with Dr. Taylor Marshall:   3. Please note that even though I'll be off Facebook, Twitter and Gab for Lent, my continued goal on podcasting, videos and writing is: Monday:  Podcast/video Tuesday:  Blog Wednesday:  Podcast/video Thursday:  Blog Friday: Podcast/video Finally, even though I [...]

2601, 2021

Life Update 2021.01.26

By |January 26th, 2021|

There's no way I can refute every calumniation of me found online. Thankfully, I am daily losing more and more bitterness and learning to pray for my enemies. So, I am writing this blog post about my past not as an act of bitterness to those pastors in my Rear View Mirror, but rather as something my readers might find interesting. As many of my readers know, there are rumors out there that I failed at parish life and that is why I became a hermit. There are rumors that I was kicked out of all these parishes for being mean to people. The email I discovered from 2012 disproves most of that.  I was ordained in 2010. It is now 2021. I have been a priest almost 11 years. As the below email I sent to a bishop in [...]

501, 2021

Life Update 7: A First-Hand Look at Eugenics in 2021

By |January 5th, 2021|

I recently stopped by for confession at an old Capuchin parish just north of downtown Denver.  It is traditionally a parish on the border of an African-American neighborhood and a Mexican neighborhood.  Holy Mass is offered in English and Spanish. As I went inside to look for the older Capuchin who was going to hear my confession, I noticed that they were setting up for a funeral. I went up to the casket to pray and I saw it was an open-casket funeral.  A young Mexican man, perhaps 18 years old, had died.  I prayed for his soul. I then went to the back of the Church where the Franciscan was opening up the confessional door.  I said "How did he die so young, Father?"  He replied, "The same way as so many of them—suicide."  To be honest, I thought [...]

2212, 2020

Life Update 6: Hermit Credentials

By |December 22nd, 2020|

St. Philip Neri used the ripped up pieces of his diploma as ribbons in his Roman Breviary. That is how much worldly-honors meant to him! However, his friend St. Ignatius of Loyola was much more astute in answering questions against his character.  Alas, I am going to take St. Ignatius' approach in this blog post. Recently, a young woman on Twitter publicly tweeted to me: "Did you really go to BC? Which year did you graduate?"  I answered her with a picture of my diploma.  Now, it turns out she was very friendly to me, but I think many people out there wonder how I could have have been the product of a Jesuit High School and a Jesuit University. In fact, I'm sure some people are surprised I was ordained in a normal diocese at a Novus Ordo ordination [...]

1311, 2020

Life Update 5: New Life and Turn Arounds

By |November 13th, 2020|

The above featured image is a picture of my first nephew born recently (after three beautiful nieces being born to my sister and my sister-in-law.) The below is a extemporaneous video I made the day after "the election" and also when we here in Colorado lost Proposition 115 in our attempt to stop late-term abortions.  The below is a short, encouraging video to show the two "turn arounds" we had in front of that large Planned Parenthood in Denver. It also shows that God answers all our prayers and penances and that God reigns: (You may need to unmute the above video at the bottom left of the Periscope screen.)

2609, 2020

Life Update 4: California Missions

By |September 26th, 2020|

Mission One The last time I was in California was last year, but several trips are worth recounting here that shaped my ten years of priesthood.  First, during the summer of 2012 (when I had been a priest for only two years) I led a group of university (and barely post-university) students on a trip called Bike for the Unborn (BFU) where we rode our bikes up the missions of Southern and Central California to raise money for the unborn and their plight in this country.  By "missions," I mean we visited the ancient Churches founded by Bl. Junipero Serra, the great Spaniard Franciscan known as the "founder of California."  That summer, we rode our bikes with our belongings on our back and stayed in California State Parks where we cooked by fire at night.  Every mile we tried to raise [...]

2808, 2020

Life Update 3: Evangelization with Miraculous Medals

By |August 28th, 2020|

What is Marian Evangelization? If I were on a flight, perhaps 20 years ago (this was shortly after my conversion, you see) I might share the Gospel with a person next to me on the airplane as if I were to answer to God for that soul in my particular judgment.  In other words, I would share the Gospel with the hopes by the time they landed they were willing to accept Jesus as Savior.  I might even throw heaven and hell in there... I don't regret that zeal.  (In fact, I wish I had more of it now.)  Now, I don't even regret the approach, for the Holy Spirit tells us through the prophet Ezekiel: So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you [...]

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