23 04, 2023

Production Update

By |2023-04-23T01:52:08+00:00April 23rd, 2023|Life|

Happy Easter, Christ is Risen!  Christ is Truly Risen!As you know, I was taking care of my mother medically and sacramentally before she fell asleep in the Lord.  I thank you all so much for the prayers for the repose of my mother's soul.   To keep up my normal life of prayer this Spring of 2023, I could only keep up on my website, not the videos or podcasts, at least while helping my family and others locally.  However, most of my productions are coming back this Spring.  The following items are quite boring and long-winded, so I put the following topics in order of importance, starting with the [...]

17 04, 2023

Interview with Polish Catholic Newspaper

By |2023-08-29T19:10:15+00:00April 17th, 2023|Life|

I was interviewed by Nasz Dziennik, a large Catholic production in Poland.  A writer named Beata asked me political and religious questions regarding my recent article called Good Catholics Need to Tackle the Hard Topics More.  Here were her questions and my answers: Beata: Were Catholics too easily persuaded that they meddle too much in politics? Who and how is working on it so that we would think so? Me: The Catholic Church in the United States was exploding with baptisms and vocations before Vatican II.  Since the Council, we lose four Catholics for every Protestant convert that comes to us.  Our clergy are afraid to lose more people, so usually [...]

5 04, 2023

Divine Providence Acting Upon Two Births

By |2023-06-19T21:01:24+00:00April 5th, 2023|Life|

My mother, Claire Nix, got sick just before Christmas 2022.  Before offering my own low-Mass on Christmas day, I remember attending a sung midnight Mass at another traditional Church near me.  Before Mass, I was kneeling on the prie-Dieu in the sanctuary as I listened to a Christmas carol called Lully, Lulla, Lullay.  It's a silly name, but it was one of the most beautiful carols.  I had never heard it before.  Although dark before that midnight Mass, I hid my face because I was crying.  Deep inside, I knew my mother would not beat this illness, even though she was admitted to the hospital with rather mild symptoms.  She [...]

4 04, 2023

The Maniturgium On the Mother of a Priest

By |2023-04-20T04:39:37+00:00April 4th, 2023|Life|

My mother died yesterday.  Her name is Claire Nix and her maiden name is Donnelly.  She was 100% Irish but born and raised on the South Side of Chicago.  I'm going to write more about her death later this week. When referring to death, the Apostle Paul says someone "fell asleep in the Lord."  That might sound like overly-pious language to most Catholics today, but it is more theologically accurate if we really believe Christ has conquered death, as we know He did on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  We especially are reminded that "Christ has trampled down death by death" during Holy Week, as the Eastern Rite Liturgies exclaim. [...]

22 03, 2023

Lenten Outreach 2023

By |2023-03-23T02:52:27+00:00March 22nd, 2023|Life|

The second-lesson in the TLM today is: Thus says the Lord God: Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds from before My eyes; cease doing evil; learn to do good. Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow. Come now, let us set things right, says the Lord: though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool. If you are willing, and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land, says the Lord almighty.—Isaiah 1:16-19. Wednesdays at the third largest Planned Parenthood in the world is mostly a [...]

10 03, 2023

Why Apostolic Catholicism?

By |2023-03-20T19:10:44+00:00March 10th, 2023|Life|

Notice:  There will be few forthcoming blogs and podcasts and videos this Spring for three reasons:  1) I am assisting my mother in what seems to be her last days on earth.  2) I was locked out of my YouTube channel for thought-crimes against the left.  3) My pro-life trial from three years ago in New Jersey is delayed until April or May 2023... All of these things seem to have piled up in a way that is far outside my control at this point. Most of the lies repeated about me online have something to do with this or this, both of which I disprove in the above links. [...]

8 03, 2023

Two Curve Balls

By |2023-03-10T01:45:09+00:00March 8th, 2023|Life|

The above map is found at my parents' place. Two days ago I sent out this Telegram alert:  "My mom appears to be in her final week on earth. This is going to be difficult for me to navigate with the pro-life trial on Friday in NJ. Please pray for my whole family, including extended family coming into town, but especially that my mom receive the graces God wants to give her at the end of her life." Today, I sent out this Telegram alert, explaining basically the exact opposite: "Sorry to have you join me on my emotional roller-coaster this week, but I PROMISE you I did not expect [...]

23 02, 2023

Upcoming Trial for a Necessity-Based Rescue

By |2023-02-23T22:20:39+00:00February 23rd, 2023|Life|

I've been arrested twice in abortion centers, once in the picture above in New Jersey.  Our arrests with Red Rose Rescue are always for peacefully asking women not to kill their children.  The last of my two arrests was the summer of 2019.  Because of scamdemic lockdowns, the NJ justice system is only getting around to our trial now, in 2023.  That's almost four years late! Normally, I would not be facing prison time for a simple misdemeanor of trespassing in a killing-center.  However, the Department of Justice is now making an example of pro-lifers as seen in recent news.  LifeSite News also ran this story about me in 2019 that corresponds [...]

12 02, 2023

From Liberal-Catholic to Neo-Con to Traditionalist

By |2023-02-18T17:24:59+00:00February 12th, 2023|Life|

I originally wrote this at the request of a traditional Catholic magazine, but they rejected it based on a misunderstanding of expectations, so I publish it here.  The below is basically a summary of the three different intellectual conversions in my life.  (I'll spare you the moral conversions until another time, but you can find some of that below, too.) Growing up in Denver in the 1980s, my family didn’t have a lot of options as far as diversity of parishes. Nearly everything was progressive. Most parishes were run by liberal Vincentians, as was our St. Thomas seminary. I attended Most Precious Blood in the city for ten years. I [...]

4 02, 2023

A Narc and Her Flying Monkeys

By |2023-02-05T19:30:09+00:00February 4th, 2023|Life|

You would think that after I was on Dr. Taylor Marshall's show late last year explaining boundaries to narcissism, those very narcissists would leave me alone.  But recently an angry woman (who left the traditional Catholic-movement a couple years ago) snagged a very broken man (who had been abused by a priest as a child, and later left the Catholic Church—not JS) to harass and divide some high-profile friends of mine in the traditional Catholic world, including myself (the smallest fish in that group of online professionals she attacked.) That woman Narc employed that man as a flying-monkey (a groupy who spreads lies) to conquer and divide those Catholics she [...]

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