28 10, 2016

The Key to the Pro-Life Movement

By |2019-04-09T20:05:55+00:00October 28th, 2016|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

This was a talk I gave to Catholics and Evangelicals at a "40 Days for Life" a few years ago based on the theology of Msgr. Phillip Reilley, founder of NYC's "Helpers of God's Precious Infants."  It is more than simply *why* you should pray at the abortion mill.  It is about how to go to Calvary:  We move from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to the other Calvary, both to simply remain with Jesus crucified, as did St. John and the Blessed Virgin.

8 07, 2016

St. Joseph versus Child-Sex-Trafficking

By |2016-07-08T13:34:49+00:00July 8th, 2016|Theology|

When it comes to triumph over unjust suffering, there are few saints more inspiring than the Apostle Paul:  "I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the Church.” (Col 1:24)  But in the Old Testament, the gold medal of joy amidst suffering must go to Joseph of Egypt.  When we consider that Joseph was betrayed by his family and sold into slavery, we begin to meditate on the plight of the millions of children sold into slavery today.  When Potiphar’s wife unsuccessfully tries to seduce him, she falsely [...]

15 09, 2015

Anti-Slavery Theology on Tap

By |2015-09-15T14:30:31+00:00September 15th, 2015|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Today is the feast of the 7 Sorrows of Mary.  I'm convinced that if she had an 8th and 9th sword pierce her heart, they would be abortion and child sex-slavery. Regarding all forms of slavery, in fact, there are more slaves today than there were during the days of the Trans-Atlantic slave-trade.  Today, there are between 20,000,000 and 40,000,000 slaves in the world. The numbers include such a wide range because of the hiddenness of the modern industry. We know that close to 100,000 of these slaves are child-sex-slaves here in the United States, most of whom were born here in the USA. Below is a Theology on Tap (1 [...]

11 09, 2015

9/11 Hope

By |2015-10-18T22:18:44+00:00September 11th, 2015|Theology|

Bear with the background story before a bit of a show-stopper. My good friend Msgr. Philip Reilly, founder of Helper of God's Precious Infants is my hero of diocesan life.  This Irish priest from NYC fasts all day (until 5pm) in front of an abortion mill in Brooklyn.   God has closed over 60 abortion clinics due to his work.  He trained the Franciscan Friars in sidewalk counseling.  They believe he'll be canonized (literally, not figuratively.)   This man lives all three munera of the priesthood to the maximum!  (See my last post to get that one.) In any case, he was in front of an abortion clinic in Brooklyn when he [...]

22 08, 2015

When Darkness Becomes Light

By |2015-10-12T01:38:03+00:00August 22nd, 2015|Life|

What about children conceived in rape or incest? What about fetal deformity? What about threats to the life or health of the mother? These are the abortion exceptions produced by my friend, Kevin Williams.  Even if you can't watch the full hour, just watch the first 10 minutes of this delicate and beautiful video: https://youtu.be/IrYOj3iwskk Won't you please forward this to anyone who needs to hear this message of life?  This is an important story to share with those who have been raped or abused, and especially anyone who is in a hard situation, thinking about abortion. Let them see in this gentle video that life is worth living  and that God can turn darkness [...]

16 08, 2015

Planned Parenthood and Priests

By |2015-09-21T01:20:17+00:00August 16th, 2015|Theology|

When I was sidewalk counseling at an abortion clinic last Friday, it hit me that it's good that there's actually a few priests and bishops speaking out against Planned Parenthood, but there’s still something worse than abortion. "For no crime is there heavier punishment to be feared from God than for the unholy or irreligious use [of the Holy Eucharist.]”—Council of Trent, De Euch v.i., 16th century. This could either refer to sacrilegious Masses or sacrilegious reception of Holy Communion. Of course, the interior state of a person who is receiving Holy Communion can never be judged by another, especially based on exterior indications.  However, a priest or a bishop who publicly tramples the rubrics of his [...]

21 07, 2015

Ransom Note

By |2015-07-22T14:11:20+00:00July 21st, 2015|Theology|

Last week, Planned Parenthood was exposed for handing over the tissue of dead babies for research.  The president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, immediately made a press release explaining that Planned Parenthood itself did not make any money on this. Here's proof she was lying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjCs_gvImyw America will be shocked, but the question remains:  What will end abortion?  Today, a woman in Louisiana texted me the answer:  "Our Response: Prayer and fasting isn’t enough! We need to sacrifice all for the love of God." We need to sacrifice all for the love of God. America has seen the evil of abortion, but we continue to slaughter 3,500 children a day.  Why?  Most [...]

2 05, 2015


By |2015-05-03T13:37:24+00:00May 2nd, 2015|Life|

The Americans I live with got me Old Spice, for showers here are rendered useless within five minutes of walking through the streets of Kolkata.  Old Spice is a time-tested product that has been eclipsed by newer sprays that promise impassioned encounters with strangers.  So, I'm happy to go with the Old Spice.  However, with the above advertising, I suspect that Old Spice decided that instead of simply replacing the geriatric connotations with sex, they could just combine the two. This advertising stunt of being self-deprecating is a bit like how Radio Shack had a Super Bowl commercial with the Muppets so as to display a good self-deprecating admission of [...]

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