25 03, 2021

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary

By |2021-03-25T17:30:18+00:00March 25th, 2021|Theology|

Should lay people pray the Roman Breviary? As far as the old-school Roman Breviary as found in the featured image above, I would say no.  Why would I say no?  Because it is 8 "canonical hours" of the Psalms on repeat all day long and most of us pray it in Latin.  It takes 2-3 hours a day and we pray all 150 Psalms a week in Latin.  2-3 hours of Latin prayers is appropriate for a hermit like me, but probably not for a lay person like most of you.  However, if you insist on a couple of the old-school canonical hours, there is a good app that has [...]

17 02, 2021

CPX 54: The Angelus

By |2021-02-18T01:31:56+00:00February 17th, 2021|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Prayer part 12 in the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) p. 57 Q/A #12-15.  This is the last section of prayer before we move onto the sacraments in CPX.   This is a short one today. Also, a thanks and tax-deduction note to donors can be found here, or at by clicking this direct URL link. (https://padreperegrino.org/2021/02/tax1/) […]

16 02, 2021

Fatima, Portugal and Abortion

By |2022-05-11T17:36:58+00:00February 16th, 2021|Theology|

In 1917, towards the end of World War I, Mary (the Mother of God) appeared to three shepherd children (including the future Sr. Lucia) in the small town of Fatima, Portugal to speak of God's honor, the Rosary, the state of the Church, the state of Communism that was coming and heaven and hell. There were three secrets that had to do with: 1. A vision of souls in hell. 2. The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the annihilation of nations. 3. "In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc." That third secret was written down by Sr. Lucia later in her convent. Many people have [...]

11 02, 2021

Real Union Within the Catholic Church

By |2022-05-11T17:33:45+00:00February 11th, 2021|Theology|

With all these accusations of "schismatic" and "conspiracy theorist" being hurled from normy Catholics to traditional Catholics, let's see what St. Thomas Aquinas has to say: “The sin of unbelief, which fundamentally severs a man from the unity of the Church, simply speaking, makes him to be utterly unfit for receiving this sacrament of the Eucharist because it is the sacrament of the Church's unity.”—St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica 3.80.5ad2 This means that sins against the Deposit of the Faith unchanged from Apostolic times is more what separates a Catholic from worthiness to receive the Eucharist than fighting for reform within the hierarchy.  (In fact, fighting for Church reform comes from [...]

12 01, 2021

“When You Say It, Don’t Hide”—Bl. Jacinta Marto

By |2021-01-12T15:54:46+00:00January 12th, 2021|Theology|

Usually when I bring the beginnings of repentance for my sins to prayer, I sense a deeper call to repentance. (In other words, when I begin to repent in prayer, I find I'm not repenting nearly enough.) Lately, I have been trying to bring to prayer the shame I have that I come to such radically different conclusions than almost all other priests online on the issues of 2021. Going to prayer, I expect to feel more shame for these differences of opinion I have with most of the hierarchy. But amazingly (and I realize what we sense in prayer is by no means infallible and probably shouldn't even go [...]

24 12, 2020

Scapular Enrollment: The Best Gift You Can Give Your Family

By |2020-12-24T23:25:12+00:00December 24th, 2020|Theology|

The scapular is found in the featured image above.  It is a garment dedicated to Mary and worn around the neck by Catholics through the centuries.  Those who wear it are promised two major things, known as the Sabbatine Privilege:  No hell.  "The Blessed Virgin of Mt. Carmel has promised to save those who wear the scapular from the fires of hell."—Scapular insert Reduced Purgatory.  "I, the Mother of Grace, shall descend on the Saturday after their death and whomsoever I shall find in Purgatory, I shall free, so that I may lead them to the holy mountain of life everlasting."—Mary, the Mother of God. As we Catholics believe one [...]

31 10, 2020

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Margaret Sanger and Hillary Clinton in March 2009

By |2020-11-01T05:51:53+00:00October 31st, 2020|Theology|

On Thursday, the 26th of March 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Mexico.  The above framed image (on the left) of Mary, the mother of Jesus, was miraculously imprinted by heaven upon the tilma of St. Juan Diego, a 16th century saint in Mexico.  According to a Catholic News Agency (CNA) article Hillary Clinton asked the rector of the Basilica, Msgr. Monroy (in the above picture) "Who painted it?"  He responded, "God."  Hillary Clinton seems to have laughed. (See video at end of blog post.) On Friday, the 27th of March, 2009, the very next day, Hilary Clinton then [...]

27 10, 2020

TCE 6: Uncut Version: Ex-satanist Discusses Religion and Politicians in 2020

By |2021-03-04T00:22:10+00:00October 27th, 2020|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

A former satanic high-wizard of the World Satanic Church converted and became a Traditional Latin Mass Catholic who now works for the end of abortion. Zachary King speaks about his conversion via the Miraculous Medal and we then walk back through Zachary's life including his youth, entrance into Satan’s World Church, induction as High Wizard, B*hemian Grove, abortions and curses for the Bild*rb*rg Group and the involvement with Gates. We end with what Zachary is doing for the end of abortion (after committing so many himself.) This is an exceptional account of the love of Divine Mercy and an unlikely recruitment into "Mary’s Army" as he describes his new vocation. [...]

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