20 12, 2016

Why Catholic Men are Bored in Church

By |2018-07-13T02:22:22+00:00December 20th, 2016|Theology|

Although Colorado’s Supermax is the federal prison that is featured on all the TLC shows, Colorado’s death row for our homegrown felons is actually on the Eastern Plains. For my second assignment as a priest, I was sent to a parish containing within her bounds that very Correctional Facility. Upon arrival, I had a plan to reach not just the Catholics, but all the semi-professed Christians at the prison. I would hold a Bible Study called “What the First Christians Believed,” but not write “By Padre Peregrino” on the flyer. It was an immediate success. Many people from all denominations arrived. Great discussion ensued for the first two weeks. However, [...]

30 11, 2016

Were the Apostles Buffoons before Pentecost?

By |2016-11-30T15:58:01+00:00November 30th, 2016|Theology|

I must admit that there is something attractive and even accurate to the thesis that the Apostles were buffoons before they had the full transformation that happened at Pentecost.  First, Mother Angelica points out that they never seemed to catch anything on their own even as fishermen!  "Jesus chose a bunch of stinky fishermen" she reminds us as to why God chose someone like her to be a cloistered-evangelist to the nations in founding EWTN. We have Christ's disciples' obvious sins, like Peter's threefold denial of Jesus.  And yet, after the Resurrection, Jesus does not say "Peter, about denying me three nights ago...You can still remain my disciple, but I'm going to have [...]

29 10, 2016

Martin Luther, Catholics and Jews

By |2017-10-23T12:41:45+00:00October 29th, 2016|Theology|

Luther's rebellion against the Apostolic Faith turns 500 years old, and yet some Catholics actually consider his "reforms" to be a cause of admiration and celebration.  Instead of theological alarms, lets just do some myth-busting of bad European history.  Let's consider the truths of German history, both medieval and 20th century. The First Myth to be busted is that Martin Luther was a gentle, reforming monk.  The truth is that by any modern standards, he was a sociopath.  Like Hitler, Luther chose to incite violence by declaring that "Jews and Papists are ungodly wretches.  They are two stockings made of one piece of cloth."  He once wrote a book called The [...]

26 08, 2016

15° Sunday After Pentecost

By |2019-04-10T16:11:09+00:00August 26th, 2016|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Who caused the crisis in the Church? I did. "I hereby commit to staying engaged with the suffering of the world, as long as I am alive and as much as I am able. I commit to this because on the cross no tear is cried in vain, no ache in the heart is unfruitful. If I will gaze, wide-eyed, at the suffering of the world AND lean in, I will begin to learn what it is to be human, and I will see Jesus. And there is no other way of being a Christian for me anymore. None whatsoever. If I don't suffer with/for the world I might as [...]

28 06, 2016

On Eternal Rome

By |2018-05-22T16:40:11+00:00June 28th, 2016|Theology|

This is an edited re-post of a little-known blog I wrote when I was last in Rome. I originally called it "Peter and Paul" but two other titles that fit are: "Why Eternal Rome will Triumph over Temporary Rome" or "Why the hierarchical Church was no different from the charismatic Church." Most of us Americans picture the early Christians of Rome being physically underground but spiritually free. Then, everything changed in 313 when Constantine’s edict of Milan reversed the course of history, allowing Christians to be physically “above-ground” but spiritually oppressed by the Emperor and Pope who inadvertently became strange bedfellows. The idea of the pre-edict-of-Milan Christians being “more free” [...]

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