29 04, 2021

Do We Need Catholic Labels in the 21st Century?

By |2021-04-28T22:22:39+00:00April 29th, 2021|Theology|

I'm fully aware there were heated debates on matters of speculative theology between Franciscans and Dominicans in the Middle Ages on topics such as "Is the intellect or the will the is the primary faculty in the beatific vision? (I think the Franciscans said the will and the Dominicans said the intellect.) I'm also fully aware there were heated political factions in the 19th century between Catholics and that already there were debates in politics between "liberals" and "conservatives." But far and away, Catholics in the 13th century and Catholics in the 19th century (and every century in between) did not use nasty titles modern like "traditional Catholic" or "liberal [...]

27 04, 2021

God Wants To Save Us From Ourselves

By |2021-04-27T01:57:33+00:00April 27th, 2021|Theology|

A wise philosopher who taught me at Boston College was once asked at a public talk, "Why does man sin?" The philosopher thought about it and said, "I suppose that is the one thing that even God Himself does not know, as we see in what He says to do the damned, I do not know you. (cf Mt 25:12) Even if not dogmatically true, it's at least "poetically true" that perhaps even God Himself does not know why man sins.  Indeed, if God made man for Himself, then to turn from Eternal Love Himself is so foolish as to be incomprehensible to, well, Eternal Truth Himself.   We know that on the [...]

22 04, 2021

Blasphemy Against Mother Mary in “The Chosen”

By |2021-04-24T04:57:02+00:00April 22nd, 2021|Theology|

Section A: The Scene The Chosen is a streaming video series on the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ with record-breaking viewership.  They did a decent job in Season 1, but a scene found in Season 2, Episode 3 has major blasphemy against the Mother of Jesus.  In this scene, a female disciple of Jesus named Rama is sitting next to Mother Mary and expresses her concern about how to know and follow Jesus in a better way. (As St. Mary Magdalene is also in this scene, I will refer to the mother of Jesus below as "Mother Mary.") Rama says, “I feel like I need to not make anymore [...]

20 04, 2021

Hermeneutic of Continuity or Hermeneutic of Rupture?

By |2021-09-22T03:15:35+00:00April 20th, 2021|Theology|

As a middle-of-the-road conservative in seminary, I would frequently say things like, "Vatican II did not change Catholic doctrine, but it did change how we package it for the post-modern mind."  Or, perhaps I would say, "Dogma can't change but how we explain it can change."  Phrases like this demonstrate the hermeneutic of continuity we clung to.  We believed the Catholic Church before 1963 was the same as the Church after 1963.  We just had to return to "the early Church" in order to "get back to the sources" if we wanted to square the circle, if we just lined up the stars correctly between the teachings of Pope St. [...]

15 04, 2021

Immune System Thoughts from a Mayo-Trained Pathologist

By |2021-04-15T06:11:04+00:00April 15th, 2021|Theology|

Dr. Ryan Cole MD founder of Cole Diagnostics is a Mayo clinic trained board-certified pathologist who has seen 350,000 patients and tested 100,000 COVID-19 tests in the past year. Dr. Cole MD is not an anti-vaxxer and yet he speaks very clearly about coronavirus and its easy solutions.  Anyone pregnant and anyone hoping to get pregnant should watch this video: https://rumble.com/embed/vcv8r5/?pub=4

13 04, 2021

New Weekly Production Schedule

By |2021-04-13T14:34:26+00:00April 13th, 2021|Theology|

New Weekly Schedule: Mon: Video Lectio Divina (VLX) on YouTube or podcasts apps. Tues: Theology Blog (here) Wed: Catechism of Pius X (CPX) on YouTube or podcasts apps. Thurs: Theology Blog (here) Fri: Theology and Current Events (TCE) on YouTube or podcasts apps (if time.) Sat: Life Update under pull-down blog section called "Life" (if time.) The above is my new production schedule starting next week (barring retreats or emergencies. ) See "Padre Peregrino" on "Talks" section of blog or YouTube, Apple Podcasts, any Android podcast app and Bitchute. (Bitchute is my back-up to YouTube if the latter deplatforms me for not having "woke" enough material.) The picture at the [...]

8 04, 2021

UK Gov’t Reports Pfizer Vaccine’s “Adverse Reactions”

By |2021-04-08T02:13:27+00:00April 8th, 2021|Theology|

Compare this: https://twitter.com/abirballan/status/1379436287107559427?s=20 to this: Looks like God will not bless a vaccine taken from lines of babies dissected while alive for their "life-giving science."  Also, as many of you already know, even the former Pfizer-VP has claimed the vaccine will lead to massive-scale depopulation.

6 04, 2021

Two Colorado Catholic Heroes Who Gave Their Lives For Others

By |2021-04-06T11:34:53+00:00April 6th, 2021|Theology|

In the Spring of 2019, 18 year old Kenrick Castillo, top left, charged an active shooter at his high school to block bullets from hitting his friends.  Kenrick had already taken his Catholic faith very seriously and was only 18 years old when he died from this heroic act.  A Catholic school teacher who knew him later recalled, “In a video from her class that she posted to Facebook, Kendrick [acted] out the part of Jesus, going to search for his apostles or to comfort a suffering person, blessing them with the sign of the cross and inviting them to join him."  Kenrick's father, John Castillo, said to local news about his [...]

4 04, 2021

The Courage of the Resurrection!

By |2021-04-04T22:06:13+00:00April 4th, 2021|Theology|

This is the best thing I have seen since the scamdemic started.  This Polish pastor kicks the Covidocracy Keystone Cops out, yelling "Gestapo!" and "Nazis!" at them. https://rumble.com/embed/vcqn5j/?pub=4 When I shared the above link on Facebook, someone told me he was a Protestant Pastor. I have never heard of a Polish Protestant Pastor, but if he is not Catholic, we have to ask: When are all Catholic priests going to stand up for their flock like this? Anyway, we're not afraid of a flu when Christ has conquered death either.  Here is where I spent my first Solemn High Mass Triduum as Celebrant and also here below as sub-deacon for [...]

1 04, 2021

Cancel-Culture’s Liberal-Catholic Zombies Are After Me Again

By |2021-04-01T08:49:58+00:00April 1st, 2021|Theology|

I guess my Holy Week wouldn't be complete without false-accusations...again.  This time, I'm considered "racist" for reporting how African immigrants see African-American culture on a podcast.  My initial response to such ridiculous accusations is this:  Reporting how, for example, Irish-immigrants see Irish-Americans would not be called "biased" by the cancel-culture liberals.  Therefore, the very accusation that any comparison between African culture and African-American culture is "racist" naturally presupposes that blacks are an inferior race (which I do not hold, of course.) That the long-held premise of Democrats holding blacks as inferior is the only explanation to come to the conclusion that a discussion on African versus African-American culture is "racist." [...]

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