Life Updates2021-12-06T17:31:59+00:00
1303, 2022

Miraculous Medals: Should You Hand Out Blessed Ones?

By |March 13th, 2022|

Hello Father Nix, I am a senior in a public high school and have been trying to discuss matters of the Faith to various people, I have been contemplating on whether I should give out blessed or unblessed Miraculous Medals in this type of environment. What do you suggest? Sincerely, G --- Hi G, It's a good question. I understand the philosophy of giving out unblessed Miraculous Medals (MM)s in case people of bad will sacrilege them but ultimately I think it's best to give out blessed MMs on chains to people who have a good-will. If someone has a bad will, we don't want them sacrileging MMs that are blessed or unblessed . If they have a good will (even if not Catholic) the blessing can only help them. Of course, you can't judge who has a good-will or [...]

2302, 2022

To Remain at the Foot of the Cross

By |February 23rd, 2022|

My friend, Msgr. Philip Reilly of the diocese of Brooklyn was the founder of Helpers of God's Precious Infants.  Msgr. Reilly was one of the pioneers of sidewalk counseling in the United States.  His method of love, fasting, prayer, kindness and constant presence at the abortion centers has been the cause of tens of thousands of saves and the closing of many abortion centers. Msgr. Reilly is an extremely gentle and compassionate sidewalk counselor who has turned away countless women from an abortion center in Brooklyn and has inspired the satellite units of Helpers of God's Precious Infants to close numerous abortion mills.  But even when sidewalk counselors are not as successful as him, they remember his spirituality:  At the abortion center, we are truly at Calvary.  Jesus Christ is re-crucified in the unborn because Jesus Himself said as you [...]

702, 2022

No Flexing, Just Limping

By |February 7th, 2022|

In the Catholic Church, no single group has any room left to flex in such a huge crisis of doctrine and morals. It's the perfect time for the reunification of all Christians. I could name a logical flaw with the ecclesiology of every group in the Catholic Church trying to answer the current outrageous crisis: Charismatic Novus-Ordo, Conservative Novus-Ordo, diocesan TLM, FSSP, SSPX, Bennyplenist, Sedevacantist, Eastern Churches... They all have at least one logical flaw on the post-Vatican II papacy and hierarchy. (I actually belong in one of those groups, but point is: I'm not above any of those groups. I probably haven't figured out something you haven't.) The fact is that I'm genuinely confused and humbled by the crisis in the Church. I will never leave the Catholic Church but with seven revamped sacraments starting 55 years ago and [...]

1801, 2022

“The Saving of Many Lives.”—Genesis 50:20

By |January 18th, 2022|

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.—Gen 50:20 NIV A friend recently described to me that her narcissistic mother-in-law was the "victim and hero" of every story she told.  I thought that was both hilarious and accurate in the description of what Miss Ann Barnhardt might call a "diabolical narcissist."  Remember, a narcissist is one not concerned as much with looks as with control, manipulation and gas-lighting. So, I'm very hesitant to write a blog post that could come anywhere close to the edge of the cliff of being both "victim and hero" but I want to thank God that He has used my enemies to give me a bigger voice than if I had just been left alone in my little confessional in [...]

1301, 2022

Unmasking More Lies About Alana Chen

By |January 13th, 2022|

Above is The Denver Post's picture of Ms. Joyce Calvo-Chen In December 2019, a young woman named Miss Alana Chen (see picture far below) was found dead at age 24 and Boulder County, Colorado ruled it a suicide. Her mother, Ms. Joyce Calvo-Chen (see featured image at top) immediately pinned it on the past counseling of two diocesan priests (including myself) and two religious sisters. This was despite the fact I had not seen Alana for three years before her death.  This was despite the fact that I was a priest at Joyce and Alana's Boulder parish from 2010-2011—a full nine years before Alana's death.  At her death, I blogged about how Alana had (in the past) defended me against false-accusations here. Immediately following Alana's death, Ms. Joyce Calvo (her divorced mother) told many secular media sources that her daughter [...]

312, 2021

Oath Against Modernism

By |December 3rd, 2021|

As many traditional priests are currently being told they must take oaths in favor of modernism (to the possible endangerment of their souls) I hereby take the oath against modernism as Pope St. Pius X asked all priests to take: I, Fr. David Nix, firmly embrace and accept each and every definition that has been set forth and declared by the unerring teaching authority of the Church, especially those principal truths which are directly opposed to the errors of this day. And first of all, I profess that God, the origin and end of all things, can be known with certainty by the natural light of reason from the created world (see Rom. 1:19), that is, from the visible works of creation, as a cause from its effects, and that, therefore, his existence can also be demonstrated: Secondly, I accept [...]

1311, 2021

Does a Roman Priest Need Permission to Offer the Roman Rite?

By |November 13th, 2021|

In the 16th century, Pope St. Pius V wrote that no "superiors" can ever push "secular priests" or "religious" to be  "coerced to alter" the Traditional Latin Mass, for the Council of Trent showed that it has its roots in Apostolic times.  The following is a quote from Quo Primum from Pope St. Pius V.  This document is part of the ordinary Magisterium that has been considered infallible and unchangeable.  It entirely binds the Roman Catholic priest to never offer anything except the traditional Roman Rite, frequently called the Tridentine Mass: Furthermore, by these presents [this law], in virtue of Our Apostolic authority, We grant and concede in perpetuity that, for the chanting or reading of the Mass in any church whatsoever, this Missal is hereafter to be followed absolutely, without any scruple of conscience or fear of incurring any penalty, [...]

2310, 2021

Why Am I Always Dreaming of the Past?

By |October 23rd, 2021|

Even though you can already see horizontalism, communitarianism and ecumenism creeping into the vocabulary of a modern Pope in 1961, it's interesting that Pope John XXIII insisted that the Catholic Church was "vibrant with vitality" just before convoking his council in 1962: ​ Then, if we turn our attention to the Church, we see that it has not remained a lifeless spectator in the face of these events, but has followed step by step the evolution of peoples, scientific progress, and social revolution. It has opposed decisively the materialistic ideologies which deny faith. Lastly, it has witnessed the rise and growth of the immense energies of the apostolate of prayer, of action in all fields. It has seen the emergence of a clergy constantly better equipped in learning and virtue for its mission; and of a laity which has become [...]

910, 2021

First Year of Solemn High Masses

By |October 9th, 2021|

There are a few different ways to offer the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM): 1) The Solemn High Mass (which is the standard from the early Church, even though it is the most ornate.  See picture above for an example.) The Solemn High Mass requires three clerics (priest, deacon and sub-deacon) as well as many acolytes and a choir.  (A Pontifical High Mass is a Solemn High Mass with a bishop as the main cleric.) 2) The Missa Cantata, which requires a priest, several servers and a choir. (Thus, it is less ornate than the Solemn High Mass.) 3) The low Mass which can be offered by a priest with no one else except God and the angels.  (See picture directly below.) Me in the Midwest a few years ago. Most people would think that the low Mass is [...]

2609, 2021

Life Update 2021.09.25

By |September 26th, 2021|

This summer, I was blessed to be the chaplain for a couple weeks on the set of an upcoming movie by Metanoia Films called Cabrini.  They filmed it in New York State (not NYC.) It is a big-screen-targeted movie on the life of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini and much of it takes place in lower Manhattan around the turn of the century.  The set above is part of the re-creation of Five Points where St. Cabrini served the Italian immigrants of New York City.   (Not that I think anyone should watch Godfather 2, but I believe the set above of Cabrini rivaled that of Coppola's 1974 movie.) The director Alejandro Monteverde and the producer Leo Severino also gave me a private showing one weekend of their new movie Sound of Freedom where Jim Caviezel plays Tim Ballard in his international [...]

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