13 09, 2015

Men are the Problem. Men are the Solution.

By |2015-09-13T15:43:02+00:00September 13th, 2015|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

In the 16th Sunday after Pentecost (Traditional Latin Mass Calendar) the Apostle Paul writes I bow my knees before the Father, from Whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.—Eph 3.  In the homily I only quoted five of these, but included here 1) To all those who shall recite my Rosary devoutly, I promise my special protection and very great graces. 2) Those who shall persevere in the recitation of my Rosary shall receive some signal grace. 3) The Rosary shall be a very powerful armor against hell; it will destroy vice, deliver from sin, and dispel heresy. 4) The Rosary will make virtue and good works flourish, and [...]

29 08, 2015

Marriage Defenders: Part 2 of 2

By |2015-08-31T19:13:37+00:00August 29th, 2015|Theology|

A friend of mine who is a beautiful wife and mother of seven children was in a supermarket this week.  A 50 year old man stopped her and then sarcastically asked her if she knew what "caused" having seven kids. She texted me about this and then added her and her husband's thoughts on this: Some days the world just wears you down and a part of you starts to feel like maybe you are a freak. Not just about having a lot of kids, but about everything. And then you realize you need to spend some time in adoration and start to once again see life through Jesus' eyes [...]

27 08, 2015

Marriage Defenders: Part 1 of 2

By |2015-09-20T00:47:17+00:00August 27th, 2015|Theology|

The reason why the Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox hesitantly accept divorce and remarriage today can be traced back to a 9th century synod, where Greece had a pre-emptive episode of England’s Henry VIII’s libido issues. In fact, the Greek bishops of the 9th century held a synod to recognize the legitimacy of the emperor Constantine’s second marriage. A Greek monk, St. Theodore, stood alone in the breach, calling this synod the “Adultery-Synod,” moecho-synodus in Greek. Like history that would be repeated seven hundred years later in England with Henry VIII versus St. Thomas More, the Greek bishops and the emperor stood behind the synod of adultery, not behind the saint. St. [...]

12 08, 2015

Mercy Killing of Consciences

By |2015-08-13T20:29:57+00:00August 12th, 2015|Theology|

Today, many Catholics believe that "mercy" consists in remaining silent before someone's sinful lifestyle, so as to let that individual’s gasping conscience, well, die in peace. I think this is the “mercy” that the media is begging the bishops to invoke over those who have fallen into gravely sinful lifestyles: Leave them alone, so they can go on living in peace. And both parties' consciences are alive.  barely. Here's my proof that America still has a conscience: The media does not attack Mormons or Muslims for jaw-dropping beliefs like the reception of a pile of women for every man in the afterlife (a strange overlap of Islam and Mormonism.) Why doesn’t the media attack such [...]

16 04, 2015

Family Roles and the Sacrifice of the Mass

By |2018-07-13T02:24:51+00:00April 16th, 2015|Theology|

The masculine and the feminine in the liturgy is a common topic on the blogosphere right now, so I want to put polemic aside and just see how the Sacred Scripture sees male and female symbolism in the sacrifice of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Because we’re looking to Scripture, I want to quote the man who I believe is the greatest Scripture scholar alive, Dr. Brandt Pitre. He is a young husband and father raising several children in Louisiana. Dr. Pitre contends that, for St. Paul, the main difference between male and female is not strength versus weakness, but rather transcendent versus immanent. Let’s consider the definitions [...]

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