7 11, 2019

40 “Smaller” Heresies of Modernism

By |2019-11-07T12:37:49+00:00November 7th, 2019|Theology|

Many Catholics studying the current crisis in the Church have become numb to the definition of Pope Saint Pius X that modernism is "the synthesis of all heresies." Some may think "synthesis of all heresies" is an amorphous problem of general doctrinal malaise.  Others might classify it as a paranoid papal prophesy that never really materialized for the good-willed but jumpy Pope. But what has been astonishing to me lately is that I keep seeing that I learned everything, yes, quite literally everything, while growing up in Catholic grade school, high school and even seminary—wrong.  I don't mean just liturgical issues.  I mean the seemingly-smaller issues of Catholic doctrine are all turning [...]

24 08, 2019

Does God Change His Mind Through Church History?

By |2019-08-24T18:29:20+00:00August 24th, 2019|Theology|

Two other titles I threw around for this blog post were, Was the early Church more traditional or charismatic?  and Was the Early Catholic Church as Dogmatic as the Medieval Catholic Church?  This is a long blog post, but if you follow it carefully to the end, I believe you'll be happy that you did. In the above picture, every domino represents a different century in Church history.  I used to believe that liturgy and dogma in Catholic Church history followed an erratic pattern like the above picture of dominos, where every century differed from the next century.  Where it is true that the politics of Church history have followed a [...]

14 08, 2019

Amazon Synod Podcast 2: Syncretism vs. Salvation of Souls

By |2019-08-10T16:00:16+00:00August 14th, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

In today’s podcast, we talk about first hand experiences of oppressive spirits in pagan roots until becoming Catholic.  We also see how la Nouvelle Theologie led to a collapsing of the order of grace into the order of nature. This led to the false notion that all religions are equal, including paganism and New Age. Both of these notions are openly promoted in the Instrumentorum Laboris of the upcoming Amazon Synod, which we quote directly and generously. We also talk about the third-world missionary work of St. Francis Xavier and Archbishop Lefebvre. This is RomeCast 19.  The Featured Image is the enormous Basilica of Our Lady of Aparacida in Brazil.

16 06, 2019

Athanasian Creed on the Trinity

By |2019-07-22T01:29:14+00:00June 16th, 2019|Theology|

In the old Divine Office, all of us priests pray during the morning hour called "Prime" the Symbolum Athanasium or Athanasian Creed on Trinity Sunday.  (It is prayed even more frequently in ancient editions preceding the 1960 Roman Breviary.)  The Creed below is attributed to St. Athanasius of Alexandria in the 4th century, written to distinguish true Catholic-Christians (from Arians who denied the Divinity of Christ.) This Creed on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit begins with the unusual and striking words, "Whosoever wills to be saved..."(Quicúmque vult salvus esse) "before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic faith." This is followed by an astonishingly beautiful and powerful treatise on [...]

18 05, 2019

World Religions Part III: Real Catholicism is the Only Antidote to Chaos

By |2019-05-18T12:38:36+00:00May 18th, 2019|Theology|

I attempted to prove in World Religions part I and part II that Catholicism is the only world religion that even claims to deliver lasting fulfillment to modern man. In this blog post, I will attempt to show that an "updated" Catholicism can never do this.  Only real Catholicism can serve as "an antidote to chaos" to borrow a term from the best-selling book by Jordan Peterson. Yesterday, I drove from Denver to Chicagoland to be with my grandma for what may be her last month on earth. I am vigiling by her bed with both an iPad to get some work done and the old Collectio Rituum to begin [...]

8 05, 2019

World Religions Part II: The Exclusive, All-Embracing Cross

By |2019-05-07T22:09:56+00:00May 8th, 2019|Theology|

Because this blog post will inevitably raise the question "Who can be saved?" I would like to give the two bookends within which all Catholic orthodox answers must fall. One the one end, Pope Pius IX wrote, "By Faith it is to be firmly held that outside the Apostolic Roman Church none can achieve salvation. This is the only ark of salvation. He who does not enter into it, will perish in the flood. Nevertheless equally certainly it is to be held that those who suffer from invincible ignorance of the true religion, are not, for this reason, guilty in the eyes of the Lord." (Denzinger 1647, Ott 312.) Invincible [...]

12 03, 2019

Salvation Podcast 1

By |2019-04-04T19:21:54+00:00March 12th, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Who was Pelagius and what is Pelagianism? How did Pelgianism in the 5th century lead to ecumenism in the 20th century? Has ecumenism led the Vatican to begin an approach to the UN’s Agenda 2030? What is "one world religion”? Is salvation a free-gift or must we work hard for it? What is that 18th century heresy of Quietism? How does free-will come into salvation? What importance does faith, grace and works make in our lives? "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For [...]

4 03, 2019

The Simple Gospel

By |2019-03-05T05:50:25+00:00March 4th, 2019|Theology|

Our Patristics professor in seminary said something that I will never forget. He said: “Don’t read the Scriptures with a higher IQ than who it was written for.” I’m going to keep coming back to this line, “Don’t read the Scriptures with a higher IQ than who it was written for,” so I need to explain first what it does not mean. My professor was a very intellectual man, so he was not saying that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was created to trick peasant-doofuses into becoming Christians or later that Catholicism would become the opium of the illiterate-masses. Nor did he mean that the Deposit of the Faith was [...]

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