13 04, 2023

The Resurrection, Truth and Compromise

By |2023-04-13T15:02:20+00:00April 13th, 2023|Theology|

In Christ's Passion, we see what we ought to suffer for the truth, and in His resurrection, what we ought to hope for in eternity.—St. Thomas Aquinas. Jesus Christ died for love of every man and woman and child who would ever live, and this was done on occasion of our many sins throughout time. But if you look at the above quote from St. Thomas Aquinas, you see that the more immediate and historical cause of Christ's death was His defense of "the truth."  That is, Christ would not compromise on the truth of His Father's religion or liturgy. The Sanhedrein had been targeting Christ for at least two [...]

9 02, 2023

Flow Chart of Grace

By |2023-02-09T23:08:07+00:00February 9th, 2023|Theology|

by Randall Grasso The Most Important Thing in Life What is the most important thing in life?  The most important thing in life is to get to Heaven. Why is getting to Heaven the most important thing in life?  Getting to Heaven is the most important thing in life because it the purpose for which God made us. God desires all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.  1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pt. 3:9. God made us to love Him and serve Him in this life and to be happy with Him forever in the next. After death we enter eternity where we will forever [...]

10 01, 2023

The Bridge Given to St. Catherine of Siena

By |2023-01-10T12:36:39+00:00January 10th, 2023|Theology|

Some leftist "Catholics" now call traditional Catholics names like "Pelagians."  Pelagianism is the 4th century heresy that one could be saved by good works alone with no need for grace. It's very ironic that leftists call traditionalists "Pelagians" since we are always confessing our sins to obtain the grace of forgiveness. But the other reason it's ironic that leftists call traditionalists "Pelagian" is because nearly every lefty-Catholic is a Pelagian by virtue of their own theology.  Here's why:  Most lefty-Catholics believe that following one's own conscience is enough to be saved, even if you die a pagan or Jew or Muslim.  That is exactly the same definition as Pelagianism, but [...]

6 01, 2023

“He is to Be Accused by His Subjects.”—St. Isidore

By |2023-09-13T03:35:41+00:00January 6th, 2023|Theology|

I do not want this blog to turn my readers into "heresy hunters" since recognizing heresy is not enough to obtain eternal life. Also, there is so much heresy in current "Catholics" (both lay and clergy) that your "heresy hunting" would become an exhausting effort. But this blog is worth writing because there is an odd gnostic-myth floating around Catholic circles today that a heretic in the hierarchy can only be recognized by either a group of Cardinals or an obsolete battery of canonical trials. While it is true that the saints seem to delineate between "material heresy" (small points) and "manifest heresy" (obvious heresy) the latter is held by [...]

3 01, 2023

Keep the Old Liturgical Books Safe

By |2023-01-03T19:16:10+00:00January 3rd, 2023|Theology|

N.B:  I will be on silent retreat for a week.  Because I usually upload blogs, podcasts and videos a week ahead of time, my production schedule will normalize mid-January.  I hope to re-start myself (by God's grace) and also re-start my education series like VLX and the Sunday Sermon Series in a couple weeks.  I'm sorry for my absence on that, but one reason for the delay is that we had a medical emergency.  By your prayers, everything is good on that front, now.  Please pray for me on retreat. In Victories of the Martyrs as conglomerated by St. Alphonsus Liguori, we read about St. Philip, the bishop of Heraclea: [...]

15 12, 2022

The “Deposit of the Faith” and “the Mode in Which It is Announced.”

By |2023-10-05T20:10:00+00:00December 15th, 2022|Theology|

Most liberal Catholics will happily admit that the Catholic hierarchy began to openly espouse a new data set of doctrinal points in the 1960s.  (Many traditional Catholics—including myself—would ironically agree with this.)  But there's a group of Catholics between the liberals and the traditionalists that will say something like, "No, no.  Vatican II did not teach a new dogma.  Vatican II simply taught us how to transmit the constant dogmas of the Catholic Church in a manner that is now packaged in a new way to accommodate the sensitivities of modern man."  Fair enough.  This is the teaching of many neo-con Catholics and it's essentially what I espoused in seminary [...]

4 10, 2022

238 Infallible Dogmas of the Catholic Church

By |2022-10-04T10:41:33+00:00October 4th, 2022|Theology|

One of the most common questions I get is: "Which Dogmas are Infallible in the Catholic Church?" In 2013, the website Tradicat was able to conglomerate from the late Dr. Ludwig Ott's book, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma about 238 dogmas that are either De Fide (defined by the Catholic Church as infallible) or Sent. Certa (infallible by corollary.) I improved Tradicat's numbering system a bit below, but Dr. Ott and Dr. Daniel Stramara did the hard work on this long ago. More recently, Fr. Paul Kramer and Dr. Edmund Mazza have revealed that despite being a modernist, and despite hiding the Third Secret of Fatima, Pope Benedict XVI has denied none [...]

23 08, 2022

“Ecumenical:” Old and New Definitions

By |2022-08-24T14:18:17+00:00August 23rd, 2022|Theology|

Top Left:  An icon of St. Maximus the Confessor, a 7th century Greek monk loyal to Rome.  Top Right:  An "icon" of Fr. Hans Urs Von Balthasar SJ, a Jesuit of the 20th century. Ecumenical for the first thousand years of Christianity was an adjective to describe dogmatic meetings of orthodox bishops who cared about accurately defining the Catholic Faith.  New Advent has a good definition: "Ecumenical Councils are those to which the bishops, and others entitled to vote, are convoked from the whole world (oikoumene) under the presidency of the pope or his legates, and the decrees of which, having received papal confirmation, bind all Christians."  All 21 ecumenical [...]

25 07, 2022

Should You Obey Your Superior or the Bible?

By |2022-07-25T11:41:42+00:00July 25th, 2022|Theology|

Should You Obey Your Superior or the Bible?  Hopefully, both.  In happier days of the Church, there was never a rub between the two. But I keep getting emails and texts requesting help on understanding obedience. What does a physician do at a hospital if the CEO wants him to take an abortion-tainted injection? What does a teenager do if his parents tell him to go to a Drag-Queen story hour at the local library? What does a priest do if his bishop tells him to no longer preach on Fatima or offer the Traditional Latin Mass? These are questions I am getting from more than just traditionalists. In fact, [...]

1 07, 2022

The Last CPX (and my Upcoming RCT)

By |2022-07-14T19:39:58+00:00July 1st, 2022|Theology|

Yesterday, we released the very last CPX video, found on this YouTube playlist.  CPX stands for Catechism of Pius X.  It is my doctrinal and catechetical series of 15 minute videos numbered from 1 to 113.   Each video contains about five minutes of my reading an old-school catechism and then about ten minutes of my commentary on it.  Of course, my commentary is not as important as the words of a canonized Pope from 100 years ago.  However, my application to a post-modern man who is battling the heresy of modernism is something the holy Pope never expected to be in the battle-array of a priest in the not-too-distant [...]

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