Vaccinated Physician Writes About New ICU Patients in California
The following is a letter from a USC/Georgetown/Harvard educated physician (fully vaccinated herself) named Dr. Patricia Lee about new patient presentations at ICUs in California. It first appeared on Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson's government page. Emphasis in following letter is mine. From: Dr. Patricia Lee MD on 28 Sept 2021 To: Dr. Tom Shimabukuro COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Corporate Square, Bldg 12 Atlanta, GA 30329 and Dr. Peter Marks Director, CBER Food & Drug Administration 10903 New Hampshire Avenue W071-3128 Silver Spring, MD 20993 Dear Dr. Marks and Dr. Shimabukuro, As a physician, I am compelled by conscience [...]