10 05, 2021

The Antichrist by Soloviev

By |2024-07-09T19:52:32+00:00May 10th, 2021|Events|

This is a short fictional story originally titled Tale of the Antichrist by the Russian author, Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov. It was published by him in the Nedelya newspaper on February 27, 1900. It tells the tale of a smooth-talking antichrist quite accidentally uniting the remaining faithful Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants during the final persecution on earth. The twentieth century was the epoch of the last great wars and revolutions. The greatest of these wars had its distant cause in the movement of Pan Mongolism which originated in Japan as far back as the end of the nineteenth century. The imitative Japanese, who showed such wonderful speed and success in copying [...]

20 11, 2019

Mail Policy

By |2019-12-12T21:05:20+00:00November 20th, 2019|Events|

Dear Friends, Ave Maria!  For mail correspondence with me, I humbly ask two things: No packages.  This is because my PO box in downtown Denver is #1445 in the picture above.  As you can see, no packages can fit in that, and if the USPS tries to jam packages in there, there is a chance that other mail to be will be rejected. I won't be taking Mass stipends.  Mass stipends, as most of you know, are money to offer Mass.  Besides the fact that a Mass stipend is no longer enough for a priest to make a living on, this policy also allows me to take Mass requests from [...]

14 06, 2018

The Winners of Human History

By |2018-08-04T02:57:36+00:00June 14th, 2018|Events|

"The history of the world from the beginning is but the history of the struggle between the powers of the world, and of hell, against the souls which are humbly devoted to the divine action. In this struggle all the advantage seems to be on the side of pride, yet the victory always remains with humility. The image of the world is always presented to our eyes as a statue of gold, brass, iron, and clay. This mystery of iniquity, shown in a dream to Nabuchodonosor, is nothing but a confused medley of all the actions, interior and exterior, of the children of darkness. This is also typified by the [...]

2 06, 2018

A Little Help from Pope St. Pius X

By |2018-08-04T02:59:04+00:00June 2nd, 2018|Events|

The following is an unpublished article by Neil McCaffrey II (d. 1994, seen above right) on the power of an encyclical by Pope St. Pius X (above left.)  I am good friends with Neil McCaffrey III, who kindly gave me copies of many of the treasures of his father's writings.  Below, you will find that most of the italicized words belong to  Pope St. Pius X.  Breathes there a beleaguered Catholic today who hasn’t had recourse to Pius X’s epochal encyclical on Modernism? Pascendi Gregis was issued in 1907 – and I suggest that there isn’t a papal document extant that is more contemporary, or more consoling. It is directed against the [...]

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