CPX 61: The Administration of Baptism
Catechism of Pope St. Pius X p. 64 Q/A #5-10. Edit: When in doubt if the miscarried baby is alive or dead, do baptize it. https://youtu.be/iGyy_mBPiWw
Catechism of Pope St. Pius X p. 64 Q/A #5-10. Edit: When in doubt if the miscarried baby is alive or dead, do baptize it. https://youtu.be/iGyy_mBPiWw
Resurrection Grace Just before my diaconate ordination about 12 years ago, I went with a seminary professor and about 50 older adults to the Holy Land. I was just a layman and I paid for myself via donors, not the seminary. My seminary professor wanted nothing to do with me (yes, even back then!) so I ended up wandering the streets of Jerusalem one evening. (Earlier that week, I had hoped for really cool graces at the location where Jesus was executed, but felt little consolation.) However, that evening of wandering old Jerususalem, I came into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and inside that Church is both the location [...]
In the Spring of 2019, 18 year old Kenrick Castillo, top left, charged an active shooter at his high school to block bullets from hitting his friends. Kenrick had already taken his Catholic faith very seriously and was only 18 years old when he died from this heroic act. A Catholic school teacher who knew him later recalled, “In a video from her class that she posted to Facebook, Kendrick [acted] out the part of Jesus, going to search for his apostles or to comfort a suffering person, blessing them with the sign of the cross and inviting them to join him." Kenrick's father, John Castillo, said to local news about his [...]
Mt 10:5-15 https://youtu.be/ouXT4FUHxKI
How the resurrection will affect the future of every person alive. https://youtu.be/gNc2ZiR-rbA
This is the best thing I have seen since the scamdemic started. This Polish pastor kicks the Covidocracy Keystone Cops out, yelling "Gestapo!" and "Nazis!" at them. https://rumble.com/embed/vcqn5j/?pub=4 When I shared the above link on Facebook, someone told me he was a Protestant Pastor. I have never heard of a Polish Protestant Pastor, but if he is not Catholic, we have to ask: When are all Catholic priests going to stand up for their flock like this? Anyway, we're not afraid of a flu when Christ has conquered death either. Here is where I spent my first Solemn High Mass Triduum as Celebrant and also here below as sub-deacon for [...]
Solemn High Mass at St. Patrick's. https://youtu.be/uX7y3sX0FO8
I guess my Holy Week wouldn't be complete without false-accusations...again. This time, I'm considered "racist" for reporting how African immigrants see African-American culture on a podcast. My initial response to such ridiculous accusations is this: Reporting how, for example, Irish-immigrants see Irish-Americans would not be called "biased" by the cancel-culture liberals. Therefore, the very accusation that any comparison between African culture and African-American culture is "racist" naturally presupposes that blacks are an inferior race (which I do not hold, of course.) That the long-held premise of Democrats holding blacks as inferior is the only explanation to come to the conclusion that a discussion on African versus African-American culture is "racist." [...]
I snapped the above pic in the home of some former parishioners of mine who had purchased a new home a few years ago and decided to turn a little circular hallway into a beautiful chapel. Because I had my Mass kit on me while passing through their town recently, I was able to offer Holy Mass on one of the little ledges (less than 11" deep.) The above example is what one can do with a little paint and elbow grease. The father of the family has many children and is a train mechanic, so I don't buy the argument that only the rich can establish a little sanctuary [...]
Given at St. Patrick's during Holy Week 2021. https://youtu.be/eQ2N1z8d4gI