About Father David Nix

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17 04, 2021

Life Update 2021.04.17

By |2021-04-15T22:01:29+00:00April 17th, 2021|Life|

Jews vs. Catholic Basketball Game (10 Years Ago This Weekend) This weekend is the 10th anniversary of the Jews vs. Catholics basketball game that Rabbi Yisroel Wilhelm and I started as chaplains of University of Colorado in Boulder. (You can see how young I looked in my first year of my priesthood  in 2011.) Catholic News Agency covered the story 10 years ago in Boulder: Although the idea began as a joke, and still elicits laughter from students, an April 17 “Jews versus Catholics” basketball game has a serious purpose for the priest and the rabbi who organized it as a form of outreach to their communities' non-practicing members. “These [...]

15 04, 2021

Immune System Thoughts from a Mayo-Trained Pathologist

By |2021-04-15T06:11:04+00:00April 15th, 2021|Theology|

Dr. Ryan Cole MD founder of Cole Diagnostics is a Mayo clinic trained board-certified pathologist who has seen 350,000 patients and tested 100,000 COVID-19 tests in the past year. Dr. Cole MD is not an anti-vaxxer and yet he speaks very clearly about coronavirus and its easy solutions.  Anyone pregnant and anyone hoping to get pregnant should watch this video: https://rumble.com/embed/vcv8r5/?pub=4

13 04, 2021

New Weekly Production Schedule

By |2021-04-13T14:34:26+00:00April 13th, 2021|Theology|

New Weekly Schedule: Mon: Video Lectio Divina (VLX) on YouTube or podcasts apps. Tues: Theology Blog (here) Wed: Catechism of Pius X (CPX) on YouTube or podcasts apps. Thurs: Theology Blog (here) Fri: Theology and Current Events (TCE) on YouTube or podcasts apps (if time.) Sat: Life Update under pull-down blog section called "Life" (if time.) The above is my new production schedule starting next week (barring retreats or emergencies. ) See "Padre Peregrino" on "Talks" section of blog or YouTube, Apple Podcasts, any Android podcast app and Bitchute. (Bitchute is my back-up to YouTube if the latter deplatforms me for not having "woke" enough material.) The picture at the [...]

8 04, 2021

UK Gov’t Reports Pfizer Vaccine’s “Adverse Reactions”

By |2021-04-08T02:13:27+00:00April 8th, 2021|Theology|

Compare this: https://twitter.com/abirballan/status/1379436287107559427?s=20 to this: Looks like God will not bless a vaccine taken from lines of babies dissected while alive for their "life-giving science."  Also, as many of you already know, even the former Pfizer-VP has claimed the vaccine will lead to massive-scale depopulation.

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