About Father David Nix

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5 04, 2022

Viganò “On Irregularities” of 2013

By |2023-01-28T09:37:24+00:00April 5th, 2022|Theology|

I report today on how Archbishop Viganò answered several questions posed by Aldo Maria Valli in Italian.  Thanks to Non Veni Pacem who first put them into Google Translate to get the English.  I'm asking some Italian friends to correct the Google translation (if necessary.)  It seems pretty good from my limited Italian.  I'm including only one Q/A here from the interview: Valli:  "Within the College of Cardinals, in your opinion, is there a credible, authentically Catholic figure on which the cardinals, in the event of a conclave, could make the votes converge for a total change of register compared to the current pontificate?" Viganò:  "Certain Popes, let us not [...]

4 04, 2022

EIX 6: O Evangelho de Jesus Cristo em português (Gospel in Portuguese)

By |2022-04-04T00:45:02+00:00April 4th, 2022|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Esta é uma série de vídeos e gravações designada pela abreviação grega EIX, Eὐαγγέλιον Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, que quer dizer “Evangelho de Jesus Cristo”. Esta série de evangelização em várias línguas é usada para explicar os elementos básicos do Catolicismo Apostólico em apenas 15 minutos aos não-crentes, aos que estão num caminho de busca e mesmo aos católicos que necessitam de instrução. A Parte 6 é em português. https://rumble.com/embed/vwxdgb/?pub=e5jg1  

1 04, 2022

FBI Arrests My Friends After Discovering They Found Full-Term Murdered Babies

By |2022-04-03T19:18:45+00:00April 1st, 2022|Theology|

I just wrote in the Life Section of my blog about my friends in the pro-life movement who were taken with drawn guns by the FBI for a peaceful sit-in (aka "rescue") at an abortion center in Washington DC in 2020 where they were arrested.  But as these events of late March 2022 have now exploded into mainstream media, I'm putting an updated story on my front page here. https://youtu.be/erIQTJ0dZWI The above footage on YouTube is from an FBI raid against pro-lifers just a couple days ago (March 2022.)  But if the pro-life rescue (sit-in) took place in 2020, why did the FBI wait until 2022 to raid their homes? [...]

31 03, 2022

Pro-Lifers Arrested by FBI with Drawn Guns

By |2022-03-31T05:32:24+00:00March 31st, 2022|Life|

p/c Survivors LA Instagram As most of you know, I have been arrested for peacefully praying and counseling inside abortion centers in NJ and DC.  I do this with a group called Red Rose Rescue (RRR) that my friend Will Goodman wrote about on my website here not long ago.  A "rescue" is a group act to directly save lives in immediate danger by remaining in a killing center to intervene inside with peaceful prayer and calm counseling. There was a rescue in 2020 not associated with RRR but with some of the same people including my friends Will and Lauren.  The FBI went after them today.  Although Will is homeless [...]

29 03, 2022

How You Will Know When the Consecration Is Done Properly

By |2022-03-29T17:04:39+00:00March 29th, 2022|Theology|

Imagine you had a 12 year old son who punched your 10 year old daughter in the face.  Let's say that son was very stubborn and you knew getting an apology out of him was going to be difficult.  You bring your son and crying daughter into the same room and make him apologize.  You know this will be difficult so you give him the exact words:  "Say to your sister, 'I am sorry for punching you in the face.'"  You know you need to give him those nine exact words because of past subterfuge this stubborn son will play with word games. Your son initially says to his sister [...]

28 03, 2022

A Year After the “Vaccines”…

By |2022-03-28T18:41:55+00:00March 28th, 2022|Theology|

A friend's friend whose son was trying out for a high school sport in the Pacific Northwest texted him the following notice that came from the athletic board warning their potential high school athletes on upcoming physicals:

26 03, 2022

Personal Observations of Death Row

By |2022-03-24T16:14:06+00:00March 26th, 2022|Life|

For some reason, I have never written about my ministry at Sterling Correctional Facility (above) on the Eastern Plains of Colorado.  It's an extremely high-security prison in Sterling, CO.  I was once stationed as a Catholic priest here about 10 years ago.  Sterling contained Colorado's criminals who were on death-row.  However, two years ago (to the week) Governor Polis abolished the death penalty.  This was obviously several years after I left the facility. (Notice that the Federal-crimes death-row criminals are located in Colorado at infamous facility called Supermax.)  In any case, I used to go to the high-security Sterling Correctional Facility a few times a month to hear confessions, lead [...]

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