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21 05, 2022

St. Augustine and the Drunk

By |2022-05-21T01:38:47+00:00May 21st, 2022|Theology|

Most people who recount the conversion of St. Augustine highlight his former life of sexual sin, and for good reason.  But he also had to undergo an enormous detachment from the admiration of the men of his age.   Before his conversion, Augustine was the 4th century equivalent of a tenured-professor at a prestigious University in Milan.  One day, while walking along, he came across a rather happy-drunk.  Unlike the modern tenured-professor who might ask shallow, self-righteous ethical questions (eg Why are there homeless people?  Why is he drunk?) Augustine ponders in Book VI of his Confessions as to why this drunk had attained some happiness and he had not: I [...]

17 05, 2022

If Evolution is True, Abortion is Only Survival of the Fittest

By |2022-05-19T02:41:10+00:00May 17th, 2022|Theology|

I am surprised how many modernist Catholics claim to be both "pro-life" and "pro-evolution." They hardly realize the contradiction involved here. Perhaps they believe both stances are "pro-science," but they would only be half correct. Of course, you don't need Catholicism (only common sense) to know it's wrong to kill a baby in the uterus. Neonatology and advances in genetics have made this reality even more undeniable. But again, how can so many Catholics believe they are marrying faith and reason in accepting Darwinian evolution?  Such Catholics must be stuck in the minds of the liberal hierarchy of the past 50 years because countless scientists (both Christian and atheistic) have [...]

13 05, 2022

“Not in Our Name.”

By |2022-05-13T10:38:47+00:00May 13th, 2022|Theology|

This is reprinted with permission of LifeSite News. You will see my signature at the bottom. A group of U.S. intellectuals – journalists, political advisers, and scholars – have signed an open letter to President Joe Biden (see full text below), pleading with him to reject policies which lead to an “intensification of conflict with Russia” and which “could lead to the deaths of millions of innocent people.” The open letter, entitled Not in our name, cites Biden’s recent request to the U.S. Congress for $33 billion in taxpayer funds to support Ukraine militarily in its conflict with Russia. “We reject your heightened escalation of this conflict as dangerous and a [...]

11 05, 2022

CPX 109: The Cardinal Virtues

By |2022-05-11T14:24:33+00:00May 11th, 2022|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) p.145-146 Q/A #56-61. -Music bumpers *gratis* thanks to https://benedictinesofmary.org -More on the Cardinal Virtues by Dr. Taylor Marshall at: https://youtu.be/bFW9r-eaq_c and https://youtu.be/yQs52dDuAVs

10 05, 2022

The SSPX is Not Schismatic

By |2022-05-21T00:56:06+00:00May 10th, 2022|Theology|

Although canonically-irregular, the SSPX (Society of Pope St. Pius X) founded by Archbishop Lefebvre (above picture) in the 1970s, is not schismatic.  In traditional papal encyclicals, a "schismatic community" is a Christian community adhering to valid sacraments but without recognizing the primacy of place of Rome or the importance of the papacy.  An example of this would be the Eastern Orthodox:  The Eastern Orthodox have valid sacraments, but many do not realize the primacy of place of Rome (or believe it was transferred due to error a thousand years ago.)  In any case, the SSPX has always recognized the papacy and the primacy of Rome.  The reciprocal is also true, [...]

7 05, 2022

A Hermit’s “Base of Operations.”

By |2022-05-04T23:39:43+00:00May 7th, 2022|Life|

Please be aware that the email-notification app on this blog no longer works, so you’ll just have to check out these Life Updates every week. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to all my talks and videos at Padre Peregrino on Rumble. One of the funny accusations against me is that I'm not a good hermit precisely because I'm teaching people online or doing street evangelization (or, for example, today I am the roll of sub-deacon at a wedding.).  As I have written before, a hermit in the tradition of the Church is simply one who lives-alone.  It does not mean he refrains from talking to people or refrains from ministry. [...]

5 05, 2022

Pro-Aborts Deface a Catholic Church in Colorado

By |2022-05-05T16:16:13+00:00May 5th, 2022|Theology|

Shortly following the so-called "leak" that the Supreme Court of the United States may vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade (the non-law saying it was "legal" to kill unborn children from 1973) a group of vandals defaced Sacred Heart of Mary (Boulder County, CO above in featured image) with pro-abortion and anti-Catholic phrases. The news of the possible re-vote and the vandalism both took place in the first week of May 2022. Yesterday, I called the pastor of Sacred Heart of Mary and I was moved that he had such a view of the triumph (not defeat) of the cross in all of these events. After we spoke on the [...]

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