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24 09, 2022

We Need to Change Our Strategy with Infiltrators

By |2022-09-24T16:04:41+00:00September 24th, 2022|Theology|

When I saw this tweet by Matt Gaspers, I realized we were being trolled by the left. Or, Satan was openly trolling the left and still all leftists don't realize they are now fully under the grip of who St. Ignatius calls "the enemy of human nature."  Either way, there are currently no attempts by the left anymore to hide their evil intentions or actions. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote: "We know that they are lying. They know that they are lying. They even know that we know they are lying. We also know that they know we know they are lying. But they still continue to lie."  That's because the big-time [...]

20 09, 2022

He Who Is Not Against Us—Is For Us

By |2022-09-22T13:32:48+00:00September 20th, 2022|Theology|

The late Fr. Gabriele Amorth was the chief exorcist of Rome in the 20th century under Pope John Paul II.  In his second book, An Exorcist: More Stories,  he recounts on page 124 a soldier with a demon who had originally met with him but couldn't make future appointments.  Fr. Amorth writes:  "Continuing with the story of the young soldier: he called me to cancel our fourth appointment, citing military duties. Several months later, I received a letter from him. He told me that he had to leave Rome because he had been suddenly transferred to northern Italy. He gratefully thanked me for the help I had provided and joyfully [...]

17 09, 2022

In Exile From a Kidnapped Bride

By |2023-04-17T23:17:08+00:00September 17th, 2022|Life|

What is it like not to be in parish ministry anymore? Many of my enemies online say that my hermit-life is just a farce. In some sense, they are correct. When I was still in parish ministry five years ago, bouncing around, looking state-to-state where I could continue to help with the TLM, becoming "a hermit" was the last thing I could apply for under pressure like this: On the 20th of June 2017, a friend I hadn't seen since high-school bought me lunch at a Thai restaurant at the DTC. While eating, my phone rang.  Now, I usually don't answer my phone when I'm talking in real life to [...]

8 09, 2022

Attending Ex-Catholics’ “Weddings”

By |2022-09-09T03:13:25+00:00September 8th, 2022|Theology|

There's a lot of combinations of sacramental debates happening today, but most of them are very similar:  Someone's Catholic family member is getting married outside the Church.  Half the family feels squeamish about it.  A priest steps in and says to the more conservative family members, "You should indeed go to your son's wedding outside the Church, so as to not break the bonds of charity.  That way, you can evangelize him back into the Church later." Then, all the lay people in the family have their consciences euthanized by the smiling priest, and they all go to the "wedding." Here's why that priest is wrong and it's actually a [...]

6 09, 2022

St. John Vianney on the Final Judgment

By |2022-08-24T21:24:47+00:00September 6th, 2022|Theology|

And then they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with great power and majesty.—St. Luke chapter 21. Not a God clothed with our weaknesses, hidden in the darkness of a wretched stable, housed in a crib, treated with derision and mockery, bowed to earth by the heavy burden of His Cross, but a God who, clad in the glorious splendor of His great power and majesty, makes known His advent by the most terrifying manifestations, by the darkening of the sun and the moon, by the falling of the stars and by the upheaval of all creation. Not a Redeemer who comes with the meekness of [...]

4 09, 2022

Every Life Is a Pilgrimage

By |2022-09-05T03:54:42+00:00September 4th, 2022|Life|

Recently, a French priest wrote me from Europe and asked me about the title of my blog, "Padre Peregrino."  I admitted that "Father Pilgrim" sounds ridiculous in English, but it seems to work better in the romance languages and other languages.  He wrote me about the title of my blog: "It seems to me that it corresponds well to the present circumstances, where we realize that we must move from the 'classic' type of parish to a less ordinary type, at least for a European of origin and education, of 'mission.'" I replied, "You understood correctly that 'Padre Peregrino' was an accidental term. I was kicked out of five Novus Ordo parishes [...]

1 09, 2022

QuickPod: The Second Amendment and Third Secret

By |2022-09-05T03:57:49+00:00September 1st, 2022|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Dearmament year of Civilians in Genocidal Regimes with total deaths following - 1911 Turkey, then killed 1.5M Armenian EOs - 1929, Russia, 20M - 1935, China, 20M - 1940? German 6M Jews - 1956 Cambodia 1M - 1964 Guatemala 100k (Mayans) - 1970 Uganda 300k (Christians) https://rumble.com/embed/v1fqyb9/?pub=e5jg1  

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