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So far guest has created 30 blog entries.
9 02, 2023

Flow Chart of Grace

By |2023-02-09T23:08:07+00:00February 9th, 2023|Theology|

by Randall Grasso The Most Important Thing in Life What is the most important thing in life?  The most important thing in life is to get to Heaven. Why is getting to Heaven the most important thing in life?  Getting to Heaven is the most important thing in life because it the purpose for which God made us. God desires all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.  1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pt. 3:9. God made us to love Him and serve Him in this life and to be happy with Him forever in the next. After death we enter eternity where we will forever [...]

30 08, 2022

Should Catholics Join the US Military? Part 1: “Negative.”

By |2022-08-27T22:51:45+00:00August 30th, 2022|Theology|

by Captain Emily Rainey Emily Grace Rainey is a former Army Special Operations Officer who deployed to Afghanistan as the leader of a Cultural Support Team, where she conducted dozens of helicopter infil night raids while assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment. Later she was selected into Psychological Operations, the primary propaganda arm of the Department of Defense and deployed to Iraq as the commander of a tactical PSYOP detachment. The highly decorated Captain Rainey resigned her commission in July of 2021 after receiving career ending reprimands for defying Covid lockdowns as well as peaceably attending the Jan 6 rally in Washington DC. Since leaving the military she bought a [...]

9 08, 2022

Testimony from a New Catholic

By |2022-08-06T04:55:29+00:00August 9th, 2022|Theology|

Guest Author:  Dr. Francis Joel Smith Featured image above:  Fr. David Nix, Dr. Francis Joel Smith, Mr. Michael Alarcon (pausing from prayer outside Denver's Planned Parenthood.) Early life, including birth defects and challenges with other kids growing up I was born with Treacher Collins syndrome. That means, due to a genetic mutation, I was born without the bones that make up the ears, cheekbones, and eye sockets, as well as severe deformities of both jaws and a gaping cleft palate. Without ears, I have never been able to hear without special bone-conduction hearing aids. My jaw deformities have always made it difficult to breathe, speak, bite, chew, and swallow food. [...]

15 07, 2022

“I Delivered My Child.”

By |2022-07-15T21:23:15+00:00July 15th, 2022|Theology|

by guest writer, Melody Lyons, found at The Essential Mother. Thirteen years ago I delivered our little Matthew Athanasius at home on the Feast of St. Maria Goretti. He was born too soon at 14 weeks in his intact amniotic sac. 2-3 inches of perfection. All his little fingers and toes visible.  I knew he had died after symptoms declined and we confirmed via non-medical ultrasound.  I’d never lost a baby before so I called L&D at a local Catholic hospital to find out what their protocol was. The nurse said… “Just come in and we will do a D&C.” I asked her what they do with the baby. She said: [...]

28 06, 2022

Advice to Young Courting Catholics, Part II

By |2022-10-07T04:51:33+00:00June 28th, 2022|Theology|

N.B This blog post is from a lay guest writer. NOTES FROM A BATTLEFIELD OBSERVER I write this from the perspective of a fifty-something Catholic father with three grown children. Watching my children become young adults has given me a ringside seat from which to view many of the follies and customs of today’s young people, around dating, courtship, and views on marriage. What follows is practical advice. It seems obvious to me that “love” is almost wholly misunderstood, and because it’s misunderstood, it’s highly overrated. That tingle you feel – it’s most likely just a touch of eros. This is not enough on which to base a permanent relationship. [...]

5 04, 2022

What is a Pro-Life Rescuer?

By |2022-04-05T14:30:09+00:00April 5th, 2022|Theology|

Guest Post by Will Goodman "What is a prolife rescuer" I wish to write about an ideal. And share what I have seen and learned from the lives of countless good people who have sacrificed their own lives to save the lives of others in pursuing this ideal. They have quite literally laid down their lives in love so that others may live. They are the rescuers. And this is what i have learned from them. A rescuer is called to be a witness. A very particular and unique witness. A rescuer is an advocate prepared to stay with the endangered victims, no matter what. A rescuer may choose to [...]

31 03, 2022

An Aborted Baby Saved by a Paramedic

By |2022-03-29T17:02:22+00:00March 31st, 2022|Theology|

This is a guest post written by a firemedic and father of a young man I met this year in Arizona who reads this blog. I am a retired captain for the Tucson Fire Department but before this I was a paramedic. It was during this time that I worked one of the most memorable and life changing moments of my career. The incident was on Friday, Sept. 21, 1990. Being my 29th birthday, I'll never forget the most unusual gift I have ever received from The Lord who truly works in mysterious ways. That Friday I arrived to work at Station 10 in the late afternoon. Our shift are [...]

28 10, 2021

The Great Ones Part 3 of 3

By |2021-10-26T17:53:36+00:00October 28th, 2021|Theology|

by Guest Writer “And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.’” - Luke 23:34 I’ll admit that I’ve long harbored an idea, albeit subconsciously, that only God could forgive heroically. What I mean is that only an infinite God of infinite magnanimity towards the most treacherous of His creatures could speak words of forgiveness while wasting away on the cross. For the rest of us finite humans, there has to be a limit. It’s the same mentality that St. Peter had when he thought he hit it out of the park with his question of forgiving a brother who sins against him seven times.  In [...]

9 09, 2021

Red Rose Rescue: Why We Rescue

By |2021-09-09T15:19:30+00:00September 9th, 2021|Theology|

I asked my friend Will Goodman (seen above) why we joined a group called Red Rose Rescue (RRR).  RRR is a rescue arm of the pro-life movement today.  Will Goodman (with whom I have been arrested for peaceful prayer inside of abortion centers) wrote the following about why we do RRR:Red Rose Rescue is a national coalition of pro-lifers committed to rescuing Moms and babies from the murderous violence of prenatal homicide. This is why we rescue. Obedience. Almighty God gives us a Commandment in the Book of Proverbs: “Rescue those being taken to death, and spare those drawn towards slaughter.” (PRV 23:11) This is not a suggestion. It is [...]

27 07, 2021

Staring Too Long Into the Abyss

By |2021-08-04T18:28:51+00:00July 27th, 2021|Theology|

by Guest Writer “Man is a rope,” Zarathustra cries out to the crowd, “fastened between animal and Superman – a rope over an abyss.” -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra “If you stare too long into the abyss, then it stares back at you.” -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil I read a lot of Nietzsche in college. While it has been years since I last picked up one of his works, I’ve been reflecting on his image of the abyss lately, following several “red pill” moments in the world and the Church that left me questioning whether there is any institution left worth trusting, if there is any [...]

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