The above picture is Venezuelan criminals known to the Aurora, CO police department.

There are thousands of Venezuelan immigrants near my hermitage in Aurora, CO.  I have spoken to and helped some of them seeking a better life for their families. (I asked one in Spanish how he crossed the border and he simply admitted: “I walked across it.”) But other Venezuelans who came to my town took over a building where they raped and killed people to such an extent that even the Aurora police were unable to enter it this last summer.  A few of these dangerous gangsters are seen in the above picture.

When the office of the Governor of Colorado said such threats were in the “imagination” of conservatives, the video of armed Venezuelan gangs in Aurora went viral and got lawmakers and police into action last August 2024.

Shortly after that, in Oct 2024, Trump spoke very close to my hermitage at the Gaylord Hotel on his Presidential campaign.  Here, he cited significant evidence that violent crime (murder and rape) was down 75% in Venezuela.  Why?  Because they had mostly come to the United States.   Especially Colorado.  Especially Aurora.  Thus, when Trump said years ago “They didn’t send their best,” it turns out that wasn’t racism.  It was a fact that countries had purposely sent their worst criminals to the USA at the behest or even invitation of the Biden Administration.  (The Franciscan Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea said on a podcast last year that rape in the USA was now up 40% under the Biden administration.)

The incoming Trump administration is already taking steps to deport illegal immigrants.  But the above video reveals how Catholic Charities is now opposing such law and order.  It’s nearly unbelievable.  Thus, we must ask the cause:  What is the motivation for the above Catholic Charities woman to instruct illegal immigrants that “you do not need to speak to the immigration authorities or answer any questions”?  Does this include rapists and murderers?

Also, what is the motivation for the US bishops’ opposition to President Donald Trump’s re-doubled attempts at closing the US borders again?  Keep in mind that Trump’s opposition to open-borders is partly because the only people benefitting from Biden’s open-borders were the Cartels who got $5,000 for each person brought across the border.  Also keep in mind that 80% of the females trafficked across the US/Mexico border are raped.  That includes small girls and even toddlers.

The answer is simply money and social-pressure from illegitimate agents.  The US bishops would apparently oppose a President opposed to the trafficking of children because of the money involved and pressure from the Vatican.  The US bishops are not receiving millions, but billions from the Democrats to open US borders to murders and rapists.  If you think those financial figures are an exaggeration or a false accusation, listen to Mr. Anthony Stine as he came recently with the receipts in a recent episode of his Return to Tradition channel.  In fact, even WaPo admitted the American chanceries received $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts between just 2012-2016.  Again, that is a billion with a b.

But this isn’t just about politics and money.  The US bishops and Catholic Charities are opposing the doctrine of the Bible and St. Thomas Aquinas in essentially arguing for open borders.  For example, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote: “Man’s relations with foreigners are twofold: peaceful, and hostile: and in directing both kinds of relation the Law contained suitable precepts.”  Of course, by “the Law,” St. Thomas is here writing specifically about the Law given by God to the Hebrews in the Old Testament.  But the saint is here insisting that any reasonable country is also bound to the same law of protecting borders.  This is especially true against “hostile” agents, as St. Thomas seems to assert that it’s not very difficult to tell the difference between would-be immigrants who are “peaceful” and others who are “hostile.”

America has an enormous land mass. I would personally support large numbers of legal immigration to this country regardless of skin-color. But I would only support these masses coming into our country if they were peaceful and law-abiding and willing to work. Notice again in the quote from St. Thomas above that the receiving country should easily be able to discern (with some level of accuracy) the difference between “peaceful” and “hostile” applicants.

But the Soros/Biden/Obama leftists sought out hostile agents to enter the USA over the last four years.  It wasn’t because Soros and Obama were the “anti-racists” on the block.  It’s because they hate this country and all forms of law and order in really any country, regardless of the skin-color of the defenders or the creed of invaders.  (Soros, a Jew, has absolutely no problem sending violent Muslims to execute terrorism on US soil.)  But the American bishops apparently have less allegiance to their own religion than Jews or Muslims, for they happily take Democratic blood money to shame any conservative who would dare stand against the dangerous open borders where child-rape takes place on a daily basis.

This is where we look to St. Thomas Aquinas again: “When any foreigners wished to be admitted entirely to their fellowship and mode of worship, with regard to these, a certain order was observed. For they were not at once admitted to citizenship: just as it was law with some nations that no one was deemed a citizen except after two or three generations, as the Philosopher says (Polit. iii, 1).”  Notice St. Thomas is saying here that even those who legally cross the borders into a country are required by the Catholic Church to enter a period of probation, as established by the receiving country.

Finally, we need to put to rest the historically inaccurate notion that Jesus and Mary and Joseph were “illegal immigrants.”  Mr. Michael Matt rebuked James Martin SJ’s historical and theological errors on Twitter with these words: “Joseph and Mary were not breaking the law when they traveled to Bethlehem; they were complying with it. They were such conscientious citizens that they were diligently obeying the law by having themselves counted as part of the census Caesar Augustus was requiring. When refugees are weaponized as part of an attack on the sovereignty of a given nation, it really is blasphemy to compare that to Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem.”