Bishop Williamson was born Richard Nelson Williamson on 8 March 1940.  A convert to the Catholic faith, he was consecrated a bishop by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988.  He fell asleep in the Lord at 23:23h GMT last night on 29 January 2025.  I had the honor of staying with him in the UK two years ago.  Also, I interviewed him on my channel just a few months ago here.

Bp. Williamson drew a brilliant outline connecting Protestantism to modernism via naturalism, rationalism, ecumenism and even communism as seen below.  Always standing against the revolution within the Church, Bp. Williamson was a living St. Athansius who stood for true, orthodox and timeless Catholicism.  He did this as the world stood against him.  Requiescat in pace, good bishop.

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