I asked my friend Will Goodman (seen above) why we joined a group called Red Rose Rescue (RRR). RRR is a rescue arm of the pro-life movement today. Will Goodman (with whom I have been arrested for peaceful prayer inside of abortion centers) wrote the following about why we do RRR:
Red Rose Rescue is a national coalition of pro-lifers committed to rescuing Moms and babies from the murderous violence of prenatal homicide. This is why we rescue.
Obedience. Almighty God gives us a Commandment in the Book of Proverbs: “Rescue those being taken to death, and spare those drawn towards slaughter.” (PRV 23:11) This is not a suggestion. It is a command by which we will be judged (cf. PRV 23:12). The babies are “being taken” to imminent death. The mothers are being “drawn” by the devil’s lies towards slaughter. We enter the satanic abortion mills to share Christ’s love, offer a witness for life, and the gift of a red rose with a blessed Miraculous Medal and a card with pregnancy help information. This is God’s will for every believer— “Rescue the weak and needy; save them from the hand of the wicked.” (PS 82:4)
To Save Lives. Our missions seek to provide concrete assistance for pregnant mothers and real protection for our preborn brothers and sisters in harm’s way. We work as a team of first responders at the site of impending massacre in order to save God’s little ones from torturous dismemberment. We are also patient advocates for these babies, speaking to the abortion mill workers on their behalf. We go inside murder facilities to talk peacefully and respectfully with the parents to let them know that they are not alone because the prolife movement has a massive amount of free resources to assist them with any challenge or difficulty they may have. We will help them. At ground zero, we are the living conduit to that network of care. “I will not leave you orphans.” (JN 14:18 )
To Save Souls. The attacks on human life are part of a larger spiritual battle between satan and the human race. No human is our enemy. Therefore, our operations place the souls of the endangered above temporal existence. Jesus Christ has commanded His people to “Go out into the whole world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” (MK 16:15) By God’s grace, we seek to rescue from Hell the souls of the abortion staff, the parents, the police, judges, politicians, media, and pro-abortion protestors. We do this by preaching the Good News of the Gospel of Life, in season and out of season. “I came that they may have life, and life in abundance.” (JN 10:10)

Christ the Rescuer
To Offer Reparation. Our Lady of Fatima called the faithful to pray much for poor sinners, and make acts of sacrifice for them, and in addition, to do reparation for sin. What would it take to make reparation for one murder of God’s precious child created in His image and likeness with an immortal soul? What would it look like to make reparation for over a billion of God’s children slaughtered?! We wish to do our small part with great love. “I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is lacking of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for His Body’s sake, which is the Church.” (COL 1:24 )
To Testify to the Truth. The world has been taught by ultrasounds, good doctors, and educators that killing a baby is wrong. We testify to this reality with acts proportionate to the evil. Abortion is not a word but an act of killing a human being. As rescuers have long said, if abortion is murder— Pro-lifers must act like it! We desire to meet this murderous evil head on with a bold witness to truth in an act of courage and love. “Let us love not in word or speech, but in action and truth.” (1 JN 3:18)
A Strategy of Christian Non-violence & Non-compliance. We seek to directly interpose ourselves between the killing cartels and their victims. We are willing, with God’s generous grace, to receive the suffering intended for our brothers and sisters in the womb. No government has any power or competence to destroy the innocent; or stop those justly defending them. We shall stand in the gap for these defenseless. We will go in—peacefully following the Prince of Peace. We shall not use worldly force, we will not resist unjust arrest, but we will not assist with injustice either, or run away when the wolf comes for the sheep. We ask God to prepare us for court, jail, even death. We wish to leave nothing on the spiritual battlefield but mercy and peace. God is Love and Life, in Him we shall be victorious no matter what. “I AM the Resurrection and the Life, he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” (JN 11:25-26)

Arrested for peaceful prayer, witness and self-offering for the pre-born in a baby-slaughter factory.
To Love. By the fact of their intrinsic human dignity as God’s children, the babies are deserving of our rescue efforts. The parents are deserving of our rescue efforts. The world needed a Rescuer, and the Lord Jesus was the Almighty Father’s answer as a Divine Rescuer. We seek to love as Jesus loves in these demonic places of horror. We wish to love Jesus in the forgotten person of the outcast inside those hideous places where He is most abandoned. Every single thing Red Rose Rescue does begins with, continues, and ends with Christian charity. “We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 JN 3:36)

Fr. Fidelis and Fr. David being arrested in a NJ abortuary.
To Follow Jesus with the Cross as a Spiritual Weapon. In every spiritual battle, Christ Jesus is victorious. “Our war is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.” (EPH 6:12) Jesus defeated satan and his hellish army through the power of His Holy Cross. This is the greatest love for humanity, and the greatest weapon against evil. “Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (JN 15:13) The preborn and born are our friends. We love them in Christ. It is His love which shall rescue us all. In the end, Love alone will be victorious. “And they overcame the dragon by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of His testimony, love for life did not deter them from death. Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you that dwell therein.” (Apo 12:11)