Real men take ownership. Cowards blame each other. In the below video, Navy Seal Jocko Willink describes a fire-fight in Iraq that went bad into a situation of deadly friendly-fire. At minute 8, Willink asks: “Who’s fault was this?” One Seal stood up and explained the deadly situation, adding: “…And it was my fault.” But then the next Navy Seal stands up and says: “It was my fault…” The next Navy Seal stands up and says: “No, it was my fault, because…” Again, watch time stamp 8:00 to 9:00:
Contrast this to the below video from the 1960s where a young Irish priest asks an older Irish priest why so many changes were starting to take place in the Catholic Church in regards to altering dogma and an upcoming but total re-vamping of all ancient sacramental practices. The older priest was on “the committee who had prepared the new ritual.” At minute 4:30, the older priest answers the younger priest’s question with these two reasons: “The Liturgical movement has been encouraged by the Church. In other countries, the people have asked—that is with the approval of their priests and bishops—that they might be allowed to use their own language.”
Again, watch time stamp 4:30 to 5:00:
Notice that in the latter video, the buck is passed from the little guy to the big guy under the pretense of obedience: “The ‘liturgical movement’ has been encouraged by the Church” but the buck is then subsequently passed in the very next sentence from the big guy to the little guy under pretense of solidarity: “In other countries, the people have asked…” Of course, I have still seen no proof that lay people asked for the eradication of Latin in the sacraments. But I am noticing the same excuses in the upcoming Amazon synod where Rome points to the bishops of the Amazon and vice versa to introduce pagan earth-worship into Catholic missionary activity. Similarly, I am noticing the same “buck-passing” with the North American child-abuse cover-ups. The buck is always passed where no one is responsible by the end of the day.
But saints quote other saints. Saints quote the Bible. Saints courageously quote the perennial Magisterium and endure exile for it, if necessary, when all stand against them to preserve the Catholic faith and protect children. A great example of a bishop who protected the Church from heretics like Arius, and children from traffickers, is St. Nicholas of Myra:

Real men take ownership. Cowards blame each other.