Sons of Thunder
By a strange turn of events, I have to spend a day in Istanbul while trying to get home from Spain—even though it's the opposite direction. The reason this is especially strange is because these two countries were evangelized by the brothers James and John, sons of a Galilean fisherman named Zebedee. These two men became first century Apostles of Jesus Christ. Jesus nicknamed them "Sons of Thunder" because of their attitude towards life. After His resurrection, Our Lord sent St. James to Spain and St. John to Turkey (with His own Blessed Mother.) I flew from James' land to John's land today, and I'm tryıng to navigate a keyboard set up for the Turkish language at 9pm here in the city [...]
Istanbul, Turkey
The above are two pictures of the Hagia Sophia, one from the outside (that I didn't take) and one from the inside (that I did take). It was a Church made in 337, become a mosque in the 15th century and now just a museum. So sad. On a lighter note, I've never seen more special-meal options than Turkish Aiırlines offers: Asian Vegetarian Meal Baby Meal Bland Meal Child Meal Celebratory Cake Diabetic Meal Fruit Platter Meal Gluten-Free Meal Non-vegetarian Hindu Meal without beef Kosher Meal Low-Calorie Meal Low-Fat Meal Low-Salt Meal Muslim Meal Non-Lactose Meal Raw Vegetarian Meal Seafood Meal Vegan Meal Vegetarian Jain Meal Vegetarian Lacto-Ovo Meal Vegetarian Oriental [...]
Pilgrimage 5 of 5
When I lived in a hermitage in Arizona called Merciful Heart Hermitage I was befuddled about why my hermit buddy named it Merciful Heart and then spoke so much of the Heart of the Father. "We only know of the Sacred Heart, not of the heart of the Father," I silently thought. But one day, in this very hermitage, I was reading the Gospel of St. John, and I noticed that the chest of Jesus (upon which the Apostle John listened to the heartbeat of love at the last supper) was the same Greek word (κόλπον ) as found much, much earlier in John 1:18: No man hath seen God at [...]
Santiago De Compostela, Spain
All Pilgrims have arrived safely!
Santiago, Spain (on the way to)
Students getting some help from animals