The Eclipse, the Annunciation and God’s Glory
We clergy must return to being God-centered instead of man-centered. Maybe Monday will be the day.
We clergy must return to being God-centered instead of man-centered. Maybe Monday will be the day.
On the YouTube channel Avoiding Babylon, I have been joining my friends Anthony and Rob to have a Catholic discussion about a good movie (some of which are Catholic and some of which are not.) We usually do this on the last Thursday of the month, and we call it our Faith in Film series. Tap the top left of any box to leave my site for their channel: A Man for All Seasons: Padre Pio: Miracle Man: The Island (Russian): I Confess by Hitchcock: Hacksaw (Live): Hacksaw (Pre-recorded) The Mission: Becket: For Greater Glory:
You always take the most fire over the target. My Telegram channel:
Mr. Dominic Morrow was a Chicago gangster who was shot twice in the stomach. He died and went to experience an antechamber to hell, but Our Lord gave him another chance as his soul returned to his body in the hospital where he had arrested. Dominic was not a Christian before his near-death experience (NDE.) Now, he is a Christian, but still not Catholic. Nevertheless, his account of what he saw in hell conforms to what I have read in the Church Fathers and St. Thomas Aquinas. It even supports what the mystics of the Catholic Church have stated in their visions of hell. One small example is that he [...]
This was our discussion with Mel Gibson on a recent episode of Avoiding Babylon:
I join Fr. Philomeno and the Marian Franciscans at Radio Immaculata to discuss the two greatest threats to children in the world right now:
Anti-Trafficking expert Liz Yore (who worked side-by-side with the FBI for years when they were good) discusses Biden’s open-borders with Fr. David Nix on this episode of Theology and Current Events (TCE) #54.
How to imagine the last day on earth using the instruction of the Gospel and the Fathers.
The Roman Catechism of Trent (RCT) p.87-90. The Creed, Article VII, Section B. My articles on Fiducia Supplicans: - -
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