10 03, 2022

EIX 4: 耶穌基督的福音中文版 (Gospel in Mandarin Chinese)

By |2022-03-13T03:57:29+00:00March 10th, 2022|Talks|

https://rumble.com/embed/vucues/?pub=e5jg1 這是 EIX 4 中文版, EIX 是希臘文的縮寫代表 Eὐαγγέλιον Ἰησοῦ Χριστο,翻譯成中文就是“耶穌基督的福音”。我們希望在這十幾分鐘內用多種語言解釋天主教的基本教義給新的天主教徒和尋求天主教信仰的人。EIX 4 是耶穌基督的福音中文版。靠著上帝的恩典和你們的祈禱,我們會有很多其他的語言版。我們非常感謝 Randy Grasso, Mike Ton and William Gil. 我們也非常感謝過世的主教 Morrow 他寫了這個短集。 This is a video and audio series using the Greek abbreviation EIX which stands for Eὐαγγέλιον Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. That is, “Gospel of Jesus Christ.” This is a multi-language evangelization series used to explain the basics of Apostolic Catholicism in just 15 minutes to unbelievers, seekers and even uneducated Catholics. Part 4 is in Mandarin. By God's grace and by your prayers, future episodes of EIX will be in other languages. Thanks to Randy Grasso, Mike Ton, William Gil (and special thanks to the late Bishop Morrow who wrote [...]

9 03, 2022

CPX 103: The Second Precept of the Church (Fasting)

By |2022-03-16T22:39:52+00:00March 9th, 2022|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) p.131-135 Q/A 15-26. **** CPX 33 on the Eastern Rites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=600fkzBHdBc&t=1s Fr. Z on fasting expected of Roman Catholics in 1873 in Newark, NJ: https://wdtprs.com/2018/03/what-would-your-lent-have-been-like-in-1873/ Catechism of the Council of Trent: https://www.amazon.com/Catechism-Council-Trent/dp/089555884X/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3374R7MJFFT3C&keywords=catechism+of+trent&qid=1645990154&sprefix=catechism+of+tren%2Caps%2C115&sr=8-3 https://rumble.com/embed/vusqmi/?pub=e5jg1  

6 03, 2022

EIX 3: Ewangelia Jezusa Chrystusa Po Polsku (Gospel in Polish)

By |2022-03-06T17:37:47+00:00March 6th, 2022|Talks|

https://rumble.com/embed/vtym7m/?pub=e5jg1 To jest seria filmów z lektorem posługująca się skrótem EIX z języka Greckiego Eὐαγγέλιον Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ EIX, co oznacza “Ewangelia Jezusa Chrystusa”. To jest wielojęzykowa seria ewangelizacyjna mająca na celu wyjaśnić podstawy Apostolskiego Katolicyzmu w piętnastominutowych odcinkach dla niewierzących, szukających a także dla nieświadomych katolików. Trzecia część jest po Polsku. Z Łaską Bożą i z waszą modlitwą, przyszłe odcinki EIX będą w innych językach. Podziękowania dla Randy Grasso, Mike Ton, William Gil oraz szczególne podziękowanie dla nieżyjącego Biskupa Morrow, który napisał tekst do tej serii.

6 03, 2022

EIX 2: L’Évangile de Jésus-Christ en français (Gospel in French)

By |2022-03-06T17:30:02+00:00March 6th, 2022|Talks|

https://rumble.com/embed/vtyleq/?pub=e5jg1 Il s’agit d’une série vidéo et audio utilisant l’abréviation grecque EIX qui signifie Eὐαγγέλιον Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. C’est-à-dire « Évangile de Jésus-Christ ». Il s’agit d’une série d’évangélisation multilingue utilisée pour expliquer les bases du catholicisme apostolique en seulement 15 minutes aux incroyants, aux aspirants spirituels et même aux catholiques incultes. Cette partie 2 est en français. Par la grâce de Dieu et par vos prières, les prochains épisodes de l'EIX seront dans d’autres langues. Merci à Randy Grasso, à Mike Ton, à William Gil (et merci tout particulièrement au défunt évêque Morrow qui a écrit le texte de cette série.)

29 01, 2022

How To Assist Someone in Making an Act of Perfect Contrition

By |2022-01-29T20:23:43+00:00January 29th, 2022|Theology|

Under all these continued lockdowns, I believe the below video might be the most underrated thing on YouTube.  It's Fr. Philip Wolfe FSSP describing how to assist someone in making an act of perfect contrition.  Most people would find it quite a show-stopper to learn that the Catholic Church teaches that a person dying in original sin (like a Muslim or Jew) or a person in mortal sin (like a Catholic who has not been to confession in a decade) can still be saved by God with only a layman at his deathbed!   It is so important as more priests and sacraments are cancelled and as hospitals double-down on [...]

12 12, 2021

Exceptions to Being Pro-Life?

By |2021-12-12T15:54:09+00:00December 12th, 2021|Theology|

Even in high school, long before my conversion to traditional Catholicism, I was pro-life.  I remember one guy from my high-school with whom I would work in the soup-kitchen in downtown Denver.  He was part of the young Republican club and he told me that he was "pro-life except in cases of rape and incest."  Even back then, before I had studied the defense of the pro-life position, I knew that a child should not have to pay for her life for the crime of her father.  I knew he was wrong.  If the unborn baby were human, then murder could never be justified based on any crime that led [...]

5 09, 2021

7 Min Video: Physician Explains Viral Respiratory Pathogens

By |2021-09-05T15:17:07+00:00September 5th, 2021|Theology|

Dr. Dan Stock MD is a non-anti-vaxx physician who explains below why Ivermectin alleviates coronavirus symptoms and why the C-19 "vaccine" will never work on any coronavirus variant: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FPNTcsF2qQqc/  

16 08, 2021

Mass of the Ages Documentary (Part 1 of 3)

By |2021-08-16T01:02:10+00:00August 16th, 2021|Theology|

I was honored to play a small part in this documentary on the resurgence of the Traditional Latin Mass in the United States.  In part one, you can hear me praying the prayers at the foot of the altar (Psalm 42) with B-roll overlays of beautiful Churches (and a quick glimpse into my hermitage at minute 10.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdbwNMYKhw0

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