2 07, 2022

QuickPod: Planned Parenthood post-RvW Being Overturned

By |2022-07-02T20:13:03+00:00July 2nd, 2022|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

9 minutes on contraception vs. abortion as well as how to get involved in the pro-life movement after the Supreme Court handed the decision on abortion "laws" to the individual states. https://rumble.com/embed/v18361v/?pub=e5jg1    

1 07, 2022

The Last CPX (and my Upcoming RCT)

By |2022-07-14T19:39:58+00:00July 1st, 2022|Theology|

Yesterday, we released the very last CPX video, found on this YouTube playlist.  CPX stands for Catechism of Pius X.  It is my doctrinal and catechetical series of 15 minute videos numbered from 1 to 113.   Each video contains about five minutes of my reading an old-school catechism and then about ten minutes of my commentary on it.  Of course, my commentary is not as important as the words of a canonized Pope from 100 years ago.  However, my application to a post-modern man who is battling the heresy of modernism is something the holy Pope never expected to be in the battle-array of a priest in the not-too-distant [...]

23 06, 2022

Why Murder of an Unborn Child May Be Worse than Murder of An Adult

By |2022-06-24T15:51:56+00:00June 23rd, 2022|Theology|

Here's four ways abortion is possibly worse than the murder of an adult: 1. The level of innocence. I am not saying any babies are conceived without original sin. I'm simply saying they have no actual sin on their hands at the moment of their slaughter, unlike adult victims of homicide. 2. Abortion is a bloody sacrifice to demons as a mockery of the Mass.  The Mass is an unbloody sacrifice to God. 3. Every abortion drags a dozen people to hell, regardless of where that baby goes (heaven, or much more likely—limbo.) 4. By the sheer number of these murders, chaos is introduced into a society and demons' power [...]

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