22 03, 2025

Jesse Romero Interviews Fr. Nix on Pro-Life Trial.

By |2025-03-22T04:48:57+00:00March 22nd, 2025|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

For our peaceful pro-life witness inside an abortion center, we were arrested in 2019 but sentenced in 2025.  My good friend Jesse Romero interviews me about the trial and sentencing.  The original video to their Jesus911 interview is seen here:

20 02, 2025

Traitors’ Last Ditch Effort in Church and State

By |2025-02-20T12:47:19+00:00February 20th, 2025|Theology|

I have to admit I didn't have it in my bingo cards that 2025 was going to be the big year when hundreds of thousands of mainstream Catholics wake up to the corruption that a few of us have known about for years in certain Catholic organizations.  I'm quite thrilled to see how many Catholics are now standing up against the imposters in Rome, the corruption of the USCCB and the criminal activity of Catholic Charities that some of us have been sounding the alarm about for years.  (Notice I wrote that above-linked article exposing "Catholic Charities" of Galveston-Houston last year before Trump was even in power to defund that [...]

4 02, 2025

The Great Inversion of Love

By |2025-02-08T02:42:07+00:00February 4th, 2025|Theology|

Many new traditionalists may be ignorant of the fact that the first heretics excommunicated by Pope St. Pius X were heretics in their denial on the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture.  For instance, Pope St. Pius X excommunicated the French seminary professor, Fr. Loisy, for denying the supernatural aspects of the Bible.  Notice that Fr. Loisy was not excommunicated for liturgical issues or even moral issues, but denying the Bible.  This makes sense the initial heretics of modernism doubted Scripture, for Satan himself first said "Did God really say...?" Later in the 20th century, we saw the heresies of Fr. Loisy and others mushroom out into the heresy of modernism that [...]

28 01, 2025

Closing Our Dangerous Borders: Trump, the USCCB and Aquinas

By |2025-01-29T14:03:29+00:00January 28th, 2025|Theology|

The above picture is Venezuelan criminals known to the Aurora, CO police department. There are thousands of Venezuelan immigrants near my hermitage in Aurora, CO.  I have spoken to and helped some of them seeking a better life for their families. (I asked one in Spanish how he crossed the border and he simply admitted: "I walked across it.") But other Venezuelans who came to my town took over a building where they raped and killed people to such an extent that even the Aurora police were unable to enter it this last summer.  A few of these dangerous gangsters are seen in the above picture. When the office of [...]

31 12, 2024

Biden and Thomas on the Natural Law

By |2024-12-31T14:23:09+00:00December 31st, 2024|Theology|

Recently, I watched an excellent documentary called Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words.  That movie includes the 1991 Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings where Clarence Thomas had to defend himself against the false-accusations of Anita Hill in regards to verbal sexual harassment.  Most people in the 1990s were fascinated by the racy language surrounding things like "Long Dong Silver" and other odd statements from Hill.  But what I found most interesting in the movie was that the then-Senator Joe Biden tried to hang Clarence Thomas on these false-accusations mainly because the Democrats were afraid Thomas was going to vote against abortion if he were elected to the Supreme Court. [...]

7 11, 2024

Would Kamala’s Persecution Have Benefited Christians?

By |2024-11-07T17:48:38+00:00November 7th, 2024|Theology|

Yesterday, on the 6th of November 2024 at 2:24 EST, Mr. Donald Trump was officially predicted to be the President of the United States for the third time (2016, 2020 and 2024.)  The middle of those was obviously stolen.  Yes, I am a 2020 "election-denier."  But that is not the topic of today's article.  The topic of today's article (only to be tackled in the second half of this article) is to evaluate the assertion that certain Catholics (from left to right on the spectrum of theology and politics) have made, namely, that it would have been better for Kamala to become President so we could have gotten "done and [...]

27 08, 2024

Two Reasons the Coup is Not Complete

By |2024-09-01T23:37:16+00:00August 27th, 2024|Theology|

Not long ago, I wrote an article about why leftists promote the "errors of Russia." The "errors of Russia" is obviously leftism, which Mary warned against at Fatima.  In that article, I cite Jack Posobiec and Tucker Carlson, for they show that Marxism has killed 100 million people in the name of compassion.  This has happened everywhere from Cambodia to Czechoslovakia.  We also in the United States have been on the precipice of a communist coup for several decades, but we haven't gone over the precipice.  Why? Many people will say "God." Of course, I agree with this, as everything falls under Divine Providence.  However, I believe that (besides China) [...]

6 08, 2024

Tucker Stumbles Across Fatima

By |2024-08-06T13:30:14+00:00August 6th, 2024|Theology|

Tucker Carlson recently had on his show the former Navy-man Jack Posobiec. Jack frequently attends the Traditional Latin Mass.  Tucker seems to be on his way to Catholicism, or at least is taking his Christianity very seriously these days.   I set the time stamp in the above video around 1:43:00 in a chapter called "The Subversion of Christianity." Part of their conversation goes like this: Jack: "And so maybe the fact that communism kills 100 million people actually is the point of communism. And it's not equality, justice, diversity, DEI, peace, land, bread... What if the point actually is the killing?" Tucker: "And maybe if the victims are disproportionately [...]

14 07, 2024

Trump Shot But Alive

By |2024-07-14T02:44:50+00:00July 14th, 2024|Theology|

This evening, on the 13th of July 2024, President Trump was shot in the ear at a rally in Butler, PA.  It was obviously a failed assassination attempt.  Trump got up triumphantly as seen in the picture above.  One America News reports:  "Butler county district attorney Richard Goldinger said the shooter is dead after injuring former President Trump, killing one audience member and injuring another in the shooting." Here's the most important tweets I have seen so far: Impeached. Arrested. Convicted. Shot. Still standing. pic.twitter.com/ys50YJfdyZ — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) July 13, 2024 Joe Biden and the Democrats don’t get to wiggle out of this with half hearted statements. They framed [...]

30 05, 2024

Hope For America in the Heartland

By |2024-05-29T02:46:15+00:00May 30th, 2024|Theology|

Riding my bike around Denver as a 12 year old boy, I got good at maps.  These were obviously the days before cell-phones and GPS, so I studied my maps as a hobby.  I studied city maps of Denver and Chicago, state maps of Colorado and the Eisenhower Interstate System.  I would look at globes for hours, memorizing countries all over the world.  For me, my map study was always about both location and meaning. The current return to tradition that Catholics are making across the globe is strong, especially places like France and the United States.   As I mentioned above, for people obsessed with geography like me, I [...]

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