29 07, 2021

Yes, “Truth is a Person…” but…

By |2021-08-04T18:28:37+00:00July 29th, 2021|Theology|

We often hear the phrase "Truth is a person, not a concept."  I do like this phrase because it is a reference to Jesus Christ.  Of course, it was Jesus who said I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.—John 14:6. But I fear that the phrase "Truth is a person, not a concept," is now being commandeered to place emotions over doctrine.  I fear that some people who say that phrase  are moving towards a state of placing their own personal emotions towards Christ over Christ's doctrine as established by the Catholic Church, especially as what is found in [...]

7 09, 2020

The French Revolution and the American-Catholic Today

By |2020-09-07T19:13:55+00:00September 7th, 2020|Theology|

Art by Gloria Thomas. I'm 98% sure my history text book in Catholic grade school portrayed the French Revolution as a good thing. We learned the aristocrats were against “fraternity, equality and liberty" and that is apparently all we needed to know as 7th graders in a Catholic grade school in Denver.  But the reality is that the French Revolution was a mass martyrdom of Catholics. Though done in the name of dis-empowering aristocrats (only 30 of the 1400 executed in the initial “Terror” in Paris were aristocrats) this bloody revolution was nothing short of a revolt against God and an overturning of all social order. There is a Catholic [...]

29 04, 2018

Heresy Podcast: 4th century Arians vs. St. Athanasius

By |2019-04-04T20:37:17+00:00April 29th, 2018|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

This podcast considers the heresy of Arius and how St. Athanasius (featured image on blog, feast day 2 May) promoted the faith that is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. That Christ is homoousian (of one substance or one in being) with the Father is the true and orthodox view.  Heterodox or heretical views include homoiousian (that the Son is of a similar substance to the Father but not the same) and homoian (that the Son is similar to the Father, in all things, without speaking of substance) and heteroousian (that the Son is of a different substance from the Father, that is, created, as Arius wrongly taught.)  But again, the orthodox teaching [...]

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