5 04, 2022

What is a Pro-Life Rescuer?

By |2022-04-05T14:30:09+00:00April 5th, 2022|Theology|

Guest Post by Will Goodman "What is a prolife rescuer" I wish to write about an ideal. And share what I have seen and learned from the lives of countless good people who have sacrificed their own lives to save the lives of others in pursuing this ideal. They have quite literally laid down their lives in love so that others may live. They are the rescuers. And this is what i have learned from them. A rescuer is called to be a witness. A very particular and unique witness. A rescuer is an advocate prepared to stay with the endangered victims, no matter what. A rescuer may choose to [...]

1 04, 2022

FBI Arrests My Friends After Discovering They Found Full-Term Murdered Babies

By |2022-04-03T19:18:45+00:00April 1st, 2022|Theology|

I just wrote in the Life Section of my blog about my friends in the pro-life movement who were taken with drawn guns by the FBI for a peaceful sit-in (aka "rescue") at an abortion center in Washington DC in 2020 where they were arrested.  But as these events of late March 2022 have now exploded into mainstream media, I'm putting an updated story on my front page here. https://youtu.be/erIQTJ0dZWI The above footage on YouTube is from an FBI raid against pro-lifers just a couple days ago (March 2022.)  But if the pro-life rescue (sit-in) took place in 2020, why did the FBI wait until 2022 to raid their homes? [...]

31 03, 2022

An Aborted Baby Saved by a Paramedic

By |2022-03-29T17:02:22+00:00March 31st, 2022|Theology|

This is a guest post written by a firemedic and father of a young man I met this year in Arizona who reads this blog. I am a retired captain for the Tucson Fire Department but before this I was a paramedic. It was during this time that I worked one of the most memorable and life changing moments of my career. The incident was on Friday, Sept. 21, 1990. Being my 29th birthday, I'll never forget the most unusual gift I have ever received from The Lord who truly works in mysterious ways. That Friday I arrived to work at Station 10 in the late afternoon. Our shift are [...]

29 03, 2022

How You Will Know When the Consecration Is Done Properly

By |2022-03-29T17:04:39+00:00March 29th, 2022|Theology|

Imagine you had a 12 year old son who punched your 10 year old daughter in the face.  Let's say that son was very stubborn and you knew getting an apology out of him was going to be difficult.  You bring your son and crying daughter into the same room and make him apologize.  You know this will be difficult so you give him the exact words:  "Say to your sister, 'I am sorry for punching you in the face.'"  You know you need to give him those nine exact words because of past subterfuge this stubborn son will play with word games. Your son initially says to his sister [...]

28 03, 2022

A Year After the “Vaccines”…

By |2022-03-28T18:41:55+00:00March 28th, 2022|Theology|

A friend's friend whose son was trying out for a high school sport in the Pacific Northwest texted him the following notice that came from the athletic board warning their potential high school athletes on upcoming physicals:

24 03, 2022

Communism is the Easiest Way to Be Evil

By |2022-03-24T15:35:25+00:00March 24th, 2022|Theology|

Driving across the Mojave desert, I was recently thinking of my favorite saint (outside the 1st century) St. Francis Xavier.  St. Francis was converted by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century at the University of Paris and he went on to baptize a half million people in Southeast Asia and East Asia.  On his missions, he was pure charity to the Indians but he was fire and brimstone to the Portuguese settlers who he constantly found whoring, trading, slaving and fighting.  After numerous fruitless warnings to the eternal salvation of these men who were impeding his mission, Xavier finally wrote King John of Portugal to tell him (in [...]

22 03, 2022

Things Come to Life In Death

By |2022-03-24T15:40:55+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Theology|

p/c: Peter Sweden I have always found my spirituality in the Jesuit and Franciscan traditions, maybe also in the Carmelite traditions, too.  Personally, I have always found Benedictine spirituality a bit boring when compared to, say, the stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi or the transports of St. Teresa of Avila or St. Peter Claver nursing to life mostly-dead African slaves sliding off boats onto the docks of Cartegena so he can evangelize and eventually baptize them. But as I look at a modern world that spends more time looking at a screen than the sky, listening to YouTube more than family members, laughing at Netflix characters more than with [...]

21 03, 2022

Continued Mass Psychosis Formation

By |2022-03-21T12:55:27+00:00March 21st, 2022|Theology|

One can have truth without love, but one can not have love without truth.  Also, even though not all mental illness is directly due to sin, all sin eventually leads to mental illness.  Such mental illness now seems to include a large part of a North America's population actually desiring nuclear war.  This was something absent even in the Cold War of the 20th century.  The below graph reveals that if most people live in mortal sin, then most people will have insane desires:  NB I'm not saying that taking the C19 vaccine was necessarily a mortal sin. But I am saying that living in spiritual blindness for years has now [...]

17 03, 2022

Teaching Playlists on YouTube

By |2022-07-14T19:41:23+00:00March 17th, 2022|Theology|

My YouTube channel is here.  On that channel, I have five "playlists."  A "playlist" is a group of videos all linked by a common theme.  Each playlist could be seen as a University "course" with each video being a "class."  My playlists mostly follow a teaching pattern and they are arranged in a particular order, usually doctrinal in a catechism series or chapter-based in a Gospel series of similar videos.  I'd encourage you follow one of these playlists, especially if you have never heard of my podcasts or if you get tired of my Church-reform based blogging here.  My videos are not only free to all users, but they are also [...]

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