About Father David Nix

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24 03, 2022

Communism is the Easiest Way to Be Evil

By |2022-03-24T15:35:25+00:00March 24th, 2022|Theology|

Driving across the Mojave desert, I was recently thinking of my favorite saint (outside the 1st century) St. Francis Xavier.  St. Francis was converted by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century at the University of Paris and he went on to baptize a half million people in Southeast Asia and East Asia.  On his missions, he was pure charity to the Indians but he was fire and brimstone to the Portuguese settlers who he constantly found whoring, trading, slaving and fighting.  After numerous fruitless warnings to the eternal salvation of these men who were impeding his mission, Xavier finally wrote King John of Portugal to tell him (in [...]

22 03, 2022

Things Come to Life In Death

By |2022-03-24T15:40:55+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Theology|

p/c: Peter Sweden I have always found my spirituality in the Jesuit and Franciscan traditions, maybe also in the Carmelite traditions, too.  Personally, I have always found Benedictine spirituality a bit boring when compared to, say, the stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi or the transports of St. Teresa of Avila or St. Peter Claver nursing to life mostly-dead African slaves sliding off boats onto the docks of Cartegena so he can evangelize and eventually baptize them. But as I look at a modern world that spends more time looking at a screen than the sky, listening to YouTube more than family members, laughing at Netflix characters more than with [...]

21 03, 2022

VLX 105: Why You Can Trust the Bible

By |2022-03-21T18:56:00+00:00March 21st, 2022|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

“For all the books which the Church receives as sacred and canonical, are written wholly and entirely, with all their parts, at the dictation of the Holy Ghost; and so far is it from being possible that any error can co-exist with inspiration, that inspiration not only is essentially incompatible with error, but excludes and rejects it as absolutely and necessarily as it is impossible that God Himself, the supreme Truth, can utter that which is not true. This is the ancient and unchanging faith of the Church, solemnly defined in the Councils of Florence and of Trent, and finally confirmed and more expressly formulated by the Council of the [...]

21 03, 2022

Continued Mass Psychosis Formation

By |2022-03-21T12:55:27+00:00March 21st, 2022|Theology|

One can have truth without love, but one can not have love without truth.  Also, even though not all mental illness is directly due to sin, all sin eventually leads to mental illness.  Such mental illness now seems to include a large part of a North America's population actually desiring nuclear war.  This was something absent even in the Cold War of the 20th century.  The below graph reveals that if most people live in mortal sin, then most people will have insane desires:  NB I'm not saying that taking the C19 vaccine was necessarily a mortal sin. But I am saying that living in spiritual blindness for years has now [...]

17 03, 2022

Teaching Playlists on YouTube

By |2022-07-14T19:41:23+00:00March 17th, 2022|Theology|

My YouTube channel is here.  On that channel, I have five "playlists."  A "playlist" is a group of videos all linked by a common theme.  Each playlist could be seen as a University "course" with each video being a "class."  My playlists mostly follow a teaching pattern and they are arranged in a particular order, usually doctrinal in a catechism series or chapter-based in a Gospel series of similar videos.  I'd encourage you follow one of these playlists, especially if you have never heard of my podcasts or if you get tired of my Church-reform based blogging here.  My videos are not only free to all users, but they are also [...]

16 03, 2022

EIX 5: El Evangelio de Jesucristo en Español (Gospel in Spanish)

By |2022-03-16T22:38:34+00:00March 16th, 2022|Talks|

Este video y audio usan la abreviación EIX, que en griego significa Eὐαγγέλιον Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. Es decir, “El Evangelio de Jesucristo”. Esta es una serie de evangelización en varios idiomas para explicar la base del Catolicismo Apostolico en tan solo 15 minutos para no creyentes que buscan la fe y católicos que saben poco de su religión. La Parte 5 está en español. Por la gracia de Dios y de sus oraciones, los próximos episodios de EIX serán en otros idiomas. Un agradecimiento a Randy Grasso, Mike Ton, William Gil (y un agradecimiento especial al difunto Obispo Murrow quien escribió estas series). This is a video and audio series using [...]

15 03, 2022

Have America and Russia Switched Roles Since the 1980s?

By |2022-03-15T14:07:37+00:00March 15th, 2022|Theology|

Putin is dangerous to the Ukrainians, but do you know who is more dangerous?  Michael Matt of RemnantTV points out that the globalist communists from the West who are stoking this war are much more dangerous to Ukrainians than anyone in Russia.  The New Western Communists who control CNN demand that you fight for the Ukrainians. But these globalists care about the Ukrainians as much as they cared about George Floyd or grandma catching COVID:  Not. at. all.  It's a ruse for thermonuclear war to reduce the global population—their constant eugenic-based goal in everything they do. As I wrote before, I do not consider Putin to be a good man. [...]

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