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12 12, 2024

What Does a Future Pope Do With Vatican II?

By |2024-12-12T20:00:08+00:00December 12th, 2024|Theology|

Or, more specifically: What Does a Future Traditional Pope Do With Vatican II?  First we must tackle these two questions: Was Vatican II inspired by the Holy Spirit? and/or Did Vatican II come from God?  Before people get nervous about my answer, please realize that I'm going to give three answers and only eliminate one of those three as illogical.  Here's the three answers to the two above questions in bold: Yes, Vatican II entirely came from God in the 1960s. Kind of—some aspects of Vatican II came from God and some didn't.  It was unfortunately weaponized ambiguity and so we have to sift out the errors and keep the [...]

10 12, 2024

Was Russia Accurately Consecrated to Mary?

By |2024-12-12T03:29:56+00:00December 10th, 2024|Theology|

In this last quarter of 2024, we have bumped up against the threat of thermonuclear war several times.  As everyone knows, every government contingency following the release of a single ICBM nuclear warhead always leads to mutually assured destruction for up to 90% of humanity.  We have been bracing for this since the scamdemic, so I don't want to cry wolf.  But we do need to review our theology in light of global politics again. Theologically, we must remember only one thing will get the Church (and subsequently the world) back on-track:  A traditional Pope who validly consecrates Russia (and Russia alone) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (with all [...]

5 12, 2024

Your Emotions Are Not “God Speaking.”

By |2025-01-15T20:15:02+00:00December 5th, 2024|Theology|

Update: The Catholic CEO mentioned below dropped the pro-abort from his audio line-up shortly after the production of this article. Divinations and omens and dreams are folly, and like a woman with labor pains the mind has fancies. Unless they are sent from the Most High as a visitation, do not give your mind to them. For dreams have deceived many, and those who put their hope in them have failed.—Sir 34:5-7. Recently I saw some news: A large Catholic company hired a rabid pro-abort to do some voice-overs.  When the Catholic CEO was challenged on this decision by mainstream Catholic media, the CEO said publicly, “It’s something we have [...]

3 12, 2024

Three Things to Learn From Sirach

By |2024-12-02T12:25:21+00:00December 3rd, 2024|Theology|

One who trusts others too quickly is lightminded, and one who sins does wrong to himself. One who rejoices in wickedness will be condemned, and for one who hates gossip evil is lessened. Never repeat a conversation, and you will lose nothing at all. With friend or foe do not report it, and unless it would be a sin for you, do not disclose it; for some one has heard you and watched you, and when the time comes he will hate you.—Sir 19:4-9. Let's consider a few lines passage from the Sirach 19 (a book found on in the Catholic and Orthodox Bibles, not Protestant ones) and see what [...]

1 12, 2024

RIP Msgr. Philip J. Reilly

By |2024-12-01T19:18:57+00:00December 1st, 2024|Life|

RIP Msgr. Philip Reilly, grandfather of the pro-life movement of NYC. pic.twitter.com/GwaG9YYlAV — Fr. Dave Nix (@FrDaveNix) December 1, 2024 The above video is four minutes, but I promise you it is worth watching.  Credit to "Therefore Choose Life." Rest in Peace, Msgr. Philip J. Reilly. This unsung hero of the pro-life movement has gone to his eternal reward. Founder of “Helper of God’s Precious Infants,” Msgr. Reilly saved tens of thousands of babies in his compassionate method of sidewalk counseling for decades in Brooklyn. His evangelization spread throughout the world. In NYC, he taught the Sisters of Life and the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (and me) all of [...]

28 11, 2024

Thanksgiving and Purity

By |2024-11-29T12:03:52+00:00November 28th, 2024|Theology|

Many good Catholics today are striving for an increase in purity by both prayer and mortification.  This is extremely commendable.  But did you know the virtue of purity is directly connected to supernatural hope?  And the virtue of supernatural hope is directly connected to gratitude?  I found this while studying Scripture: Gratitude increases hope: The hope of an ungrateful man will melt like wintry frost and flow away like waste water.—Wis 16:29. ... and hope increases purity: And everyone who thus hopes in Him purifies Himself as He is pure.—1 John 3:3. Therefore, real gratitude increases both supernatural hope and purity.  Purity of heart is not only something in regards [...]

26 11, 2024

TCE 58: Persecuted Christians in the East.

By |2024-11-27T23:58:15+00:00November 26th, 2024|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Mr. Joseph Janssen is a Pakistani Catholic whose sister was tortured and imprisoned for Christ for eight years. To free her, he founded https://voiceforjustice.eu. Joseph’s sister was then released and she wrote a book called, “Under Threat of Death: A Mother's Faith in the Face of Injustice”: https://a.co/d/6oFUpbW Novena for the release from prison of Will and Shagufta:  “O Saint Francis Xavier, well beloved and full of charity, in union with thee, I reverently adore the Majesty of God; and since I rejoice with exceeding joy in the singular gifts of grace bestowed upon thee during thy life, and thy gifts of glory after death, I give Him hearty thanks [...]

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