About Father David Nix

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24 01, 2023

Revisiting “Santa Muerte”

By |2023-01-24T14:47:09+00:00January 24th, 2023|Theology|

On my video called Theology and Current Events (TCE) #41 I was joined in early 2022 by Armando Valenzuela to discuss the Mexican “devotion” called “Santa Muerte.” Mr. Valenzuela is a former police officer and special-agent from the Los Angeles Police Department. One thing Armando made clear (and no one can accuse him of "racism" since he's half-Mexican and half-Pima Indian) is that the Santa Muerte devotion is not an old Mexican devotion based in Catholicism, but a new diabolical act of worship of the demon of death introduced into the country by Mexican drug cartels.   Or, more likely, as we will see later, it is a return of the [...]

22 01, 2023

“Walk for Life” in San Francisco

By |2023-01-22T17:56:25+00:00January 22nd, 2023|Life|

Two disclaimers before a short blog post:  1) I am sorry I didn't contact many friends or benefactors before coming to the Bay Area.  It was a quick trip for the Walk for Life.  I briefly stayed at Star of the Sea parish (above) a thriving parish of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. The pastor is Fr. Joseph Illo.  Fr. Illo and I were both in Mass of the Ages Part 1 and Part 2, discussing the TLM.  2)  I used to go to the March for Life in Wash DC every year but I stopped going because there is not a penitential enough tone to the March.  We should [...]

19 01, 2023

Why (and How) to Baptize a Miscarried Baby

By |2023-01-19T17:30:44+00:00January 19th, 2023|Theology|

The following was written by Alana M. Rosshirt in a 1958 production of Marriage: The Magazine of Catholic Family Living. Please open the pdf here to read about importance of baptizing miscarried babies, and how to do it.  Also, free to print it. Although the above pdf is the main thing that I hope you will read in this blog post, I want to mention a few more things about baptism.  The following canons from the new code of Canon Law (released in 1984 under Pope John Paul II) reveal some of the most overlooked parts of the theology and practice of infant baptism.  Keep in mind that that the [...]

17 01, 2023

The Four “C’s” of a Good Confession

By |2023-01-17T14:49:18+00:00January 17th, 2023|Theology|

Before going to confession, remember to never bring your phone in the confessional (as a phone even in airplane-mode may be hacked by the government or another enemy.)  Rather, write out your sins on a piece of paper that you may wish to bring into the confessional.  Then, begin your confession by saying to the priest your state in life (married, single, priest religious) and then say how long it's been since your last confession (one week, one month, one year, etc.).  Say, "I accuse myself of the following sins..." as you keep in mind the traditional Four C's of Making a Good Confession: Clear.  Someone recently told me about an [...]

15 01, 2023

Requiem Mass for Pope Benedict XVI

By |2023-01-15T21:42:05+00:00January 15th, 2023|Life|

Two weeks ago, Pope Benedict XVI died.  I have been saying his name in the Memento for the dead every day, but it was recently brought to my attention that I needed to do a requiem Mass for a deceased Pontiff.  Today, I offered a requiem Mass for Pope Benedict XVI, two weeks after his death.  These black vestments were brought to me by Mark who runs the Non Veni Pacem blog, and he attended this Holy Mass.  So did some others in the state I was visiting. It's not my job to canonize or condemn Pope Benedict XVI.  It's our job as Catholics to pray for all our deceased, [...]

14 01, 2023

Second Sunday after Epiphany

By |2023-01-12T21:23:48+00:00January 14th, 2023|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Sunday Sermon Series (SSS) S1E6. This weekend's sermon links of the wedding feast of Cana to a favor given in the life of 19th century converted-Jew Hermann Cohen (later become Fr. Augustine-Mary of the Blessed Sacrament, Carmelite.) Transalpine Redemptorists: http://papastronsay.blogspot.com/2011/10/text-of-letter-prophesied-to-father.html?m=1

12 01, 2023

The Four Lacunæ of the “New Evangelization”

By |2023-01-12T04:08:43+00:00January 12th, 2023|Theology|

The "old evangelization" is better than the "new evangelization" not because old things are better (which is generally true) or that human-nature is more fallen than it was in the 16th century (which is also probably true) but because of two other specific reasons: 1) The "old evangelization" goes back to Apostolic times where the ascetical life of union with Christ drove the exterior life of spreading the Catholic Faith (unlike the "new evangelization" that is reliant on people being relevant and "contagious.") 2) The old-evangelization worked, unlike the new evangelization.  Even promoters of the new evangelization admit that in the United States, for every convert coming in the front-door [...]

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