About Father David Nix

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27 03, 2025

Threats Against the Seal of Confession

By |2025-03-27T22:36:53+00:00March 27th, 2025|Theology|

Recently, LifeSite News published disturbing news: "The Washington state Senate passed legislation to throw priests in jail for almost a full year for maintaining the Seal of Confession. Senator Noel Frame, a Democrat, is on her third attempt to force priests to divulge what they hear during Confession if it concerns abuse." Notice the last four words above:  if it concerns abuse... Keep in mind we in the traditional Catholic world have been fighting clergy-abuse of children. That means those of us who defend the seal of confession are not looking for a "work-around" in hiding child-abuse when the predator is lay or clergy.  In fact, in past articles, I [...]

25 03, 2025

Detachment from Vice Is Attachment to God

By |2025-03-25T21:51:22+00:00March 25th, 2025|Theology|

When you see "a Theology of Attachment" as the title of this article, you probably think I'm going to tell you what to give up for Lent.  It's too late for that.  Rather, I'm simply going to compare that which Satan clung to and that which Mary clung to.  (And yes, I know I just ended a sentence in a preposition, but remember what GK Chesterton wrote: "A preposition, I may remark in passing, is about the best thing in the world to end a sentence with.") Satan's Attachments: St. Thomas Aquinas wrote:  "But [satan] desired resemblance with God in this respect---by desiring, as his last end of beatitude, something [...]

24 03, 2025

VLX 165: Mt 27:51-56. The Veil of the Temple.

By |2025-03-16T02:10:56+00:00March 24th, 2025|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Gospel: And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!” There were also many women there, looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus [...]

22 03, 2025

Jesse Romero Interviews Fr. Nix on Pro-Life Trial.

By |2025-03-22T04:48:57+00:00March 22nd, 2025|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

For our peaceful pro-life witness inside an abortion center, we were arrested in 2019 but sentenced in 2025.  My good friend Jesse Romero interviews me about the trial and sentencing.  The original video to their Jesus911 interview is seen here:

22 03, 2025

Trial, Sentencing and Award for Pro-Life

By |2025-03-22T03:25:00+00:00March 22nd, 2025|Life|

The Life-Update section of my site could easily become narcissistic, or at least self-centered.  But here's how I justify it:  Missionary Orders like the Franciscans and Jesuits (at least between Trent and Vatican II) had to report back in the annals of their congregations how many baptisms, confirmations, etc. they had among the natives in any certain region.  I think one reason for this strange convert-counting was simply internal accountability. So also, the Life-Update pull-down section affords  some accountability to my donors as to what I am doing with my life.  It is admittedly not as important as the theology section (the default section) or the podcast (talks) pull-down of [...]

20 03, 2025

The “New Evangelization” Has Officially Failed.

By |2025-03-24T22:30:46+00:00March 20th, 2025|Theology|

Mr. Eric Sammons of Crisis Magazine tweeted the above graph and commented: "From a high of 172,581 new converts in 1999, we only had 72,212 in 2022—a 58% decline."  In other words, the Catholic Church in the United States boasted 173k converts in 1999 but that number dropped to 72k in 2022.  Obviously, a drop in 58% of converts-per-year is a catastrophic loss for a Church that claims to be missionary. Furthermore, the Pew Study center released the above graph on the Catholic Church.  It reveals that for every convert welcomed into the front door of an American Catholic parish, over eight Catholics leave through the back door. How strange, [...]

18 03, 2025

Duress or Necessity in Civil Law

By |2025-03-18T11:59:07+00:00March 18th, 2025|Theology|

Even some pro-lifers do not understand why we with Red Rose Rescue do counseling to abortion-minded couples not only outside the abortion center (where I go every month) but also occasionally inside the abortion center (which I have only done twice in my life—both times resulting in arrest, even though our actions on the inside of the killing center were always peaceful and respectful.) Because I have never blocked entrance to an abortion mill (something my friends who are more courageous than me have indeed done) I have only been charged in the past with trespassing.  However, some pro-lifers believe this is imprudent and even increases buffer zones for the [...]

13 03, 2025

Respect of Egos Part 2: Discernment and Obedience

By |2025-03-14T10:15:56+00:00March 13th, 2025|Theology|

Part One: Respect of Egos was about St. Thomas Aquinas' warnings against "respect of persons" which I consider to be an avoidance of "Respect of Egos." This leads into today's article on having fortitude of character. Many of you are probably familiar with the Milgram experiment in 1961 where normal Americans involved in a psychological experiment were pressured into delivering lethal doses of electricity to other Americans involved in that experiment.  At least, they believed these were lethal doses of electricity... but they were not.  The experiment (linked above) was rather a test on the would-be electrocuters to determine how many people would deliver a lethal dose of 250 volts [...]

11 03, 2025

Respect of Egos Part 1: St. Thomas Aquinas

By |2025-03-13T20:06:45+00:00March 11th, 2025|Theology|

This is a two part series on the "Respect of Egos." It is easy to misunderstand St. Thomas Aquinas' condemnation of "respect of persons." The notion we are to avoid "respect of persons" obviously does not mean we should disrespect anyone.  Nor does it mean that we are supposed to treat everyone the exact same.  Rather, in his section on Respect of Persons, St. Thomas Aquinas essentially teaches that the true Christian is to honor his neighbor in proportion to his level of virtuous living, not his social status. In the above link, St. Thomas Aquinas writes about how we are indeed permitted to prefer one person over another.  The [...]

10 03, 2025

A Pilgrimage of Men, Not Angels

By |2025-03-11T14:50:09+00:00March 10th, 2025|Life|

While some people are struggling with temptations to change their gender, I often wish I had been created an angel.  It's not because I have lived an angelic life in my past or because I have an angelic intellect.  It's rather because we humans face millions of tests to get to heaven, where angels only had one major test of their obedience and sacrifice of their wills in order to be saved.  I suppose it's my laziness that makes me wish I could have just been saved by simply one decision (like the angels) instead of many, as we humans on earth have to do every week. Last year, I [...]

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