The above is a picture I snapped at Ave Maria University while traveling to a funeral in Florida.
Normally these updates go in my Life-Update section, but I wanted to express my deep and heartfelt thanks to those who sacrifice for me, either by finances or by time in prayer. Here’s some points on where your money is going:
- I pray or read several hours a day. This usually includes Mass, mental prayer, Rosary and the old Divine Office.
- I still receive health insurance from my Archdiocese. However, all my income still comes from you who read my site and listen to my pods. This is because I am not in parish life anymore. As you know, there are no advertisements on my site or channel, so as to avoid immodesty. I also refrain from offering Patreon subscriptions so as to allow the poor to have access to all my online catechesis. You can experience my Scripture and Catechesis on my YouTube channel here. (I highly recommend the playlist called “CPX” to anyone interested in learning traditional Catholicism for free in about 100 hours.)
- When you donate to Peregrino Hermitage Limited, a 501(c)(3) your generous donations fund my room, board, sacramental and traveling ministry. On top of that, I take a salary from that of about $1700 a month after taxes from the charity I run. Excess donations will be used eventually to build a real hermitage (something more than the condo I live in.) I do not know where the location will be, but I am already planning out the chapel in my mind.
- I continue to do evangelization with Miraculous Medals on chains as I travel in planes or Ubers or on the streets. Nearly everyone takes one.
- My online mission is spreading what I call “Apostolic Catholicism” (hence the picture of the Apostles above in the featured image.) It is to prove that Catholicism can’t change. It really is that simple.
- In regards to pro-life work, I have a trial on 14 March 2025 in New Jersey for peaceful pro-life counseling inside an abortion center back in 2019. The state is threatening my friends and me with up to 30 days in jail. My webmaster will inform readers on this site on 18 March 2025 about the length of my sentencing, if any. Please pray for me.
- Many Catholics are now donating to smaller operations due to the corruption uncovered in big Catholic Charities as explained in this recent video with Dr. Marshall interviewing Mr. Hichborn on corrupt use of Catholics’ finances. None of the money you donate to my charity will end up in the hands of Catholic NGOs. It all goes to things like feeding me groceries or getting me a new computer to teach the faith online, Miraculous Medals for the streets, sacramental needs, travel to missions, etc.
- I spend almost no time or money fundraising because you readers take such good care of me, both materially and spiritually. Thanks again to my donors who make my life of prayer, sacraments and evangelization possible.
- You can donate digitally by Continue to Give or via Snail Mail. Both are found on this site at the Donate link. (That also explains why I don’t take Mass stipends.)