Because the tendency of leftists normally tends towards the insecurity and manipulation found in narcissism, it is no wonder that there is an enormous overlap in the heresy of modernism with these traits.  In other words, modernists often reveal the same constellation of narcissistic traits as democrats, including accusing others of the very things they do.  Sometimes this is hard to identify in leftists within the Catholic Church because they appear meek and humble (at first.)

But “synodality” has blown the cover on such strategies.  The irony of the claims of those promoting “the synod on synodality” almost reads like they are trolling traditional Catholics.   Or, perhaps like the KGB defector Bezmenov explained, the real thrill of Marxism is not to get away with a lie, but rather the exact opposite:  The thrill of leftists is lying and then getting caught, knowing their enemies can’t do (or won’t do) anything about it.  That is peak narcissism and Marxism.

I’m not saying he is either of those, but earlier this year a Spanish bishop speaking at an “International Encounter” in Italy accused unnamed Catholics of doing the very thing the “Synod on Synodality” is currently doing to the Church.  Ironically, he was doing this while promoting the “Synod on Synodality.”  At the very least, his sermon smacks of intense irony when seen through the lens of traditionalism versus modernism.  His sermon is here but my translation of his most amazing lines is as follows:

To live synodality, we need the humility to accept that the Church has not begun now, nor with ourselves.  And this frees us from the immobility which conflates the will of God with human traditions.  It frees us from the rupturing attitudes of those who feel they are the saviors of the Church.  It requires the humility that no one has the magical remedy to fix all the problems.

Let’s dissect that sentence-by-sentence:

To live synodality, we need the humility to accept that the Church has not begun now, nor with ourselves.

Rather, the great error of synodality is the belief that the Church has begun with Vatican II and it is perfected in the mob-based Democracy of the “Synod on Synodality.”  Synodality is nothing short of voting for or against each data point of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church as given by Jesus Christ to the Apostles, especially teachings on the 6th Commandment.  Nothing could be more arrogant than Satanically “voting away” (through pre-selected voters at the synod) the articulated Faith, Morals, Liturgy and Discipline of the One Church founded by Christ.  Indeed, the bishop is correct about one thing in that sentence:  The attendants of the “Synod” might possibly begin to save their souls by admitting the Church did not start with them.

And this frees us from the immobility which conflates the will of God with human traditions.

Who are the real Pharisees in the Church—the modernists or the traditionalists?  The modernists gained a lot of ground in adding labels to us traditionalists like “rigorist” or “non-pastoral” or “scrupulous.”  But the fact is that Christ excoriated the Pharisees for changing the Commandments under pretext of endless legalistic and game-playing loopholes to promote themselves over adherence to God.  That is the exact point of this site in nearly every article and podcast—to reveal that modernists are the modern Pharisees, inventing new moral loopholes like Amoris Laetitia and Fiducia Supplicans while totally negating the true law of the Gospel, which is the law of Jesus Christ and His Church.  Yes, bishop, I am glad you recognize that placing “human traditions” ahead of the will of God (aka Divine Revelation) will land any of us (especially us clerics like you and me) in hell forever if we try to synodize-away the perennial Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

p/c Michael Haynes on X

It frees us from the rupturing attitudes of those who feel they are the saviors of the Church.

Now, this line from his sermon is truly astonishing.  Let’s do a little review that most of you know:  Neo-cons hold to a hermeneutic of continuity (that pre-Vatican II doctrine and liturgy can be squared away with post-Vatican-II doctrine and liturgy.)  Leftists and traditionalists ironically both hold to the hermeneutic of rupture, namely, that pre-and-post Vatican II cannot be reconciled, for they appear to be two religions (containing two different doctrines, two different liturgies, two different disciplines, two different sets of sacraments.)   So when the Spanish bishop stated at the “13th International Encounter” in Turin, Italy that we want to avoid “rupturing attitudes” (actitudes rupturistas) he said exactly what we traditionalists have been saying for years, namely, that we need to stop this 1969 rupture of the Faith.  We must return to the Faith of Our Fathers and the ancient Liturgy.  Almost like Caiaphas prophesying, the bishop said with tremendous precision that such a rupture is linked with people pretending to be the “Saviors of the Church.” In fact, his exact words were:  “Nos libera de las actitudes rupturistas de quienes se sienten los salvadores de la Iglesia.”  Truly the bishop is correct here (again, accidentally, unfortunately) that anyone who thinks they have an answer better than the Apostles has diabolically made themselves to be a fake and narcissistic “Savior” of the Church.  (But such a person is only a destroyer of the Church, as St. Francis of Assisi prophesied here.)

It requires the humility that no one has the magical remedy to fix all the problems.

If we are not going to continue on the current road attempting to tank the Catholic Church, then we have to go back to the fork in the road that started this auto-destruction.  That fork in the road is obviously found in the 1960s, but is culminated in the last decade in the Vatican.  By tracing our way back to that diversion from Apostolic Catholicism, we can get back on track to do what the Roman Church has always done.  We must return to how the Roman Church has always taught and always worshipped.  But again, the bishop is ironically correct that the creators of Vatican II and the voters at the Synod have no “magical remedy” to fix what was never broken in the first place—Traditional Catholicism.  Indeed, Apostolic Catholicism is only One.  The faith of Christ cannot ever change—certainly not by any man or grouping of men at a “synod” who don’t like the sexual teachings of the Catholic Church.  Let’s finally admit it’s the sexual teachings they despise and want to change under this fake-democracy of mob-rule in Rome.

Also, the synod folks should realize no one likes their fake ecclesiastical invention: