Tucker Carlson recently had on his show the former Navy-man Jack Posobiec. Jack frequently attends the Traditional Latin Mass.  Tucker seems to be on his way to Catholicism, or at least is taking his Christianity very seriously these days.   I set the time stamp in the above video around 1:43:00 in a chapter called “The Subversion of Christianity.” Part of their conversation goes like this:

Jack: “And so maybe the fact that communism kills 100 million people actually is the point of communism. And it’s not equality, justice, diversity, DEI, peace, land, bread… What if the point actually is the killing?”
Tucker: “And maybe if the victims are disproportionately Christian, which they have been always, from French Revolution to present, maybe the actual point is opposing Christianity.  Maybe your real enemy is Jesus.  I’m just thinking.  I mean if a point of a system is what it does, and every so-called communist revolution from the Maoist revolution to the French Revolution, Spanish Civil War to the Soviet Bolshevik revolution… They all targeted Christians.  So maybe that’s the real enemy for them.”

Over 2,000 years of Vatican-approved apparitions of Mary, I know of no other time when the Mother of God warned about a political regime than Fatima.  Of course, that regime is “the errors of Russia.”  Now we know the “errors of Russia” are not primarily economic, but as Jack said, the killing of 100,000,000 people.  Tucker rightly linked all the leftist movements that did this: “the French Revolution, the Spanish Civil War; the Soviet Bolshevik revolution; the Maoist revolution.”  Tucker and Jack both rightly name the left’s main goal as killing people—and especially killing Christians.  They would both recognize the Democratic party in the United States as the extension of the “errors of Russia” that is a killing machine.

Is the Democratic Party really part of the “errors of Russia”?  Remember that abortion has killed more people than any genocide in history.  This unending genocide of child-slaughter has been supported for over 50 years by most “Catholics” of the Democrat party including Biden and Pelosi.  I would not have written this five years ago, but this is pure Satanism.  And now I understand why Mary warned against “the errors or Russia:”  It’s not because it’s a political system, but Satanism enshrined in a political system.  And as Tucker and Jack pointed out, the leftists have now killed 100M people (not including abortion.)  And the first people they want to kill is Christians.

Where does the current Vatican apparatus stand with the most evil killers in all of history who claim to be “Catholic”?  Well, the Vatican marched pro-abortion Biden and Pelosi right into the Vatican to sacrilege the Eucharist in both 2021 and 2022, respectively.  Check those mainstream Catholic links to CNA if you don’t believe me.  Yes, I believe they all belong to the party of Satanism, and again, this is not something I would have written on my website five years ago.  But it’s all getting unveiled now.  And where does the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) stand with the Democratic Party of Satanism?  The USCCB took $90M in 2016 from the Democratic party (and probably similar numbers for decades prior to 2016 and up to now.)

Who is a Catholic priest (me) to name the Democratic party the “Party of Satanism”?  Again, I am only following Our Lady of Fatima who—for the first time in 2,000 years of Marian apparitions—warned of a political regime that would end up killing 100M people (not including abortion.)  I realize most liberal Catholics who vote Democrat don’t want to be worshipping Satan.  But they are following those who worship Satan.  (What do you think the Pachamama doll is, if not a demon?)  Furthermore, if you believe the Mother of God criticized only the Soviet Union when speaking at Fatima, you have not crunched the numbers on how many people the Democratic Party has killed in the United States.  The “errors of Russia” encapsulates every movement of the left, from gulags to abortion doctors to surgeries cutting off genitals. Honestly, the Soviet Party of the 1930s has nothing on the Satanism of the US Democratic Party when you consider how many innocent children they have harmed or killed.

Not that I put any of my support behind the Republican Party or the few US bishops who vote Republican.  They are as worthless as the Democrats in the fight for Christ as King or the protection of children.  We know this from the old Latin phrase, qui tacet consentire videtur, that is “he who stays silent seems to consent.”  In this case, all who stay silent against the heresy coming out of the Vatican and all the child-killing and child-abuse coming from “Catholic” politicians (and some priests) in the United States consent to all of their evil.  Or we see a spark of courage that can only be described as “too-little, too-late,” like the Cardinals and bishops who finally “repudiated” the mockery of the Last Supper at the Olympics.  But this weak flex happened only after the Muslim leader of Turkey, Erdogan, pushed the Vatican to condemn that Olympic-sized blasphemy.  Yep, we’re getting outdone by Muslims in resisting Christian blasphemy.

Where is the good news in all of this?  As saints of the past lead people to Apostolic Catholicism via miracles, now it seems God is using the full unveiling of the left as full-blown Satanists as a way to lead people to traditional Catholicism.  Mr. Frank Walker recently said on his Canon212 Rumble around min 9:  “Former French Philosopher Alain Finkielkraut [was] so disgusted by Olympics Francis-Spectacle that he becomes a believer.  That’s the FrancisEffect.   That’s a perfect example of the FrancisEffect.  The FrancisEffect makes people vote Trump; it makes people become Catholics because they’re so disgusted by Francis, they think ‘Oh my gosh, I don’t ever want to be a liberal again.  I want to be whatever the opposite of a liberal is.  That’s me!'”

Frank is right:  Unlike any other time in Church history, God is allowing this global evil of leftism in order to wake people up and bring them to the ancient faith.

Speaking of “flexing,” this article is not meant to be a “flex” against anyone outside my tribe of traditional Catholicism.  I will quickly welcome anyone into traditional Catholicism.  The truth is that I’m a very easy confessor—at least compared to most traditional priests.  I believe entirely in God’s mercy and I want to provide no hurdles to the most virtuous person or the most wicked sinner to come into the Catholic Church.  As I always say, it’s quite simple to be a good Catholic.  But I’m not going to reach across the aisle any more with diabolical leftists who claim to be “Catholic.”  No, I’m not going to pretend like we have the same religion, even though they have a valid baptism.  If they want to leave their Marxism and abortion, I’ll be the very very first priest to welcome them to Jesus, Mary and the whole communion of saints.  But I’m not going to pretend anymore like the Democratic Party is anything but a front for full-blown Satanism.

I have Mary on my side who stood against these “errors or Russia.”  Or rather, if I stand with Mary against “the errors of Russia” (leftism at anytime in the last 100 years) then I stand with her Son, Jesus Christ.   And just like St. Paul giving up on the Jews and going to preach to the Gentiles, I will bring True Catholicism to evangelicals and Muslims and anyone who can see the truth before the people who claim to be “Catholic” but follow a cult around one man.

So, while Tucker has not specifically used the words “Our Lady of Fatima,” he has publicly identified “the errors of Russia” before nearly every US bishop—at least since Fulton Sheen—who constantly preached against communism.  Tucker might be like the Widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17, for God often brings the beginnings of his grace (what St. Augustine called prevenient grace to non-Catholics) to people outside His one true world religion of the time.  Of course, in Tucker’s case, we hope his recognition of Marxism as Satanism will lead him to Our Lady of Fatima and Catholicism.  But he’s halfway there by identifying leftists (errors of Russia) as the greatest enemy to Christians in 2000 years (as Mary warned at Fatima in an unprecedented way.)  And that is why I named this article “Tucker Stumbles Across Fatima.”