Mr. Eric Sammons of Crisis Magazine tweeted the above graph and commented: “From a high of 172,581 new converts in 1999, we only had 72,212 in 2022—a 58% decline.”  In other words, the Catholic Church in the United States boasted 173k converts in 1999 but that number dropped to 72k in 2022.  Obviously, a drop in 58% of converts-per-year is a catastrophic loss for a Church that claims to be missionary.

Furthermore, the Pew Study center released the above graph on the Catholic Church.  It reveals that for every convert welcomed into the front door of an American Catholic parish, over eight Catholics leave through the back door.

How strange, then, that videos at Catholic Youth Conferences will often feature a slick young priest mocking dour, bad-news Catholics (like me) by saying something sarcastic on the camera like, “This is the sleepy, dying Church!”   Well, no, I reply… your youth conference with laser-beams and smoke-machines may not currently portray a “sleepy dying Church,” but your antics will soon produce millions more casualties of kids who find anything more interesting than your drum-kits surrounded by Life-Teen plastic-cases.  At least, they will move on from Catholicism once they are done jumping around like MegaChurch Protestants with permagrins on their faces.  (Trust me, I went to these conferences and lived on the spiritual high as long as I could.)

The adherents to the “New Evangelization” will always tell you about the ten converts made to their parish in one year after employing some new gimmicky “Go Make Disciples” program without telling you about the 84 people who left that same year.  (Yes, 10 vs 84 is the above graph in green.)  It’s nice a few Protestants in your town read a “Catholic Answers” site on the Eucharist and show up at the local Catholic parish.  But when that same local parish has lay people touching the Eucharist as if it were normal bread, there’s really no reason to stay.  That’s why the Catholics are departing.

Also, the Catholic clergy don’t act Catholic anymore.  The New Evangelization is statistically and religiously a total shipwreck of the very people who could be believers if it weren’t for modernism replacing true Catholicism.

How about the Old Evangelization?  First of all, the Old Evangelization has made billions of converts over 2,000 years.  But if 2,000 years and the number “billions” is too hard to mentally digest, let’s just look at the American statistics to see how many Protestants were converting to Catholicism in the first half of the 20th century, as seen in the book Index of Leading Catholic Indicators:

In the above graph, we see almost the same reduction from 1965 to 2002 (56%) in converts as we did at the beginning of this article between 1999 and 2022 (58%.)  This means that since Vatican II, the American Catholic Church has not only been losing Catholics at an enormous rate, but we have been making fewer-and-fewer converts than we did before Vatican II.

Many neo-con apologists will say our American Catholic numbers tanked “because of the sexual-revolution, not Vatican II.”  But if it were only the sexual revolution, why did our most Bible-believing Catholics flee to Bible-believing evangelical Protestant communities in the 1980s and 1990s in both North America and South America?  Because evangelicals kept more of the faith (even with their missing books of the Bible) than our social justice based pulpits in Novus Ordo parishes.

But wait a minute!  I thought Vatican II was supposed to attract Protestants to us Catholics because now we can finally boast “a real relationship with God” and apparently now have “an early Church liturgy.”  Rather, one of the many problems with transforming our own Catholic Church into nothing but an enormous Protestant community is that we stopped being attractive to Bible-believing Protestants.

After this much auto-destruction via modernism, the only way forward for us is going backwards into our full Catholic tradition.

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