I have to admit I didn’t have it in my bingo cards that 2025 was going to be the big year when hundreds of thousands of mainstream Catholics wake up to the corruption that a few of us have known about for years in certain Catholic organizations. I’m quite thrilled to see how many Catholics are now standing up against the imposters in Rome, the corruption of the USCCB and the criminal activity of Catholic Charities that some of us have been sounding the alarm about for years. (Notice I wrote that above-linked article exposing “Catholic Charities” of Galveston-Houston last year before Trump was even in power to defund that corrupt organization.)
What we are talking about is not politics, but treachery or betrayal of an entire Church, of an entire country. Dante placed those who commit treachery in the very lowest ring of hell.
Archbishop Viganó recently wrote, “I very much hope the new CIA Director will investigate the deep state plan to eliminate Benedict XVI—so they could install a Davos puppet on the Throne of Peter.” Along those same lines, I have recently discovered the astonshing writings of Mike McCormick who has demonstrated here that criminal Fmr-Cdl. McCarrick was the proven lynchpin between US open-borders and the jacked “Conclave” of 2013.
Now that they are caught, the bad guys’ last ditch effort to justify their disobedience to God is to claim their inferiors are disobedient to them. For example, last year, I wrote an article called Three Broken Canons in the New Code where I said that one ambiguous canon in the new Code of Canon Law is this: “A person who publicly incites hatred or animosity against the Apostolic See or the Ordinary because of some act of ecclesiastical office or duty, or who provokes disobedience against them, is to be punished by interdict or other just penalties.”—Canon 1373.
As I demonstrated in that article, that canon is used by many leftist bishops against conservative priests. That is, bishops who are disobedient to God in their lifestyle and dogma are now claiming their few priests obedient to God are to be canonically tried for “inciting animosity.” (Read that article with receipts if you think that’s an exaggeration.)
Similarly, in 2023, I published a guest article by my friend and former parishioner, Commander Robert Green titled Spiritual Warfare in the US Military. In it (and also in his book Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines) this distinguished member of the US Navy described how members of the US military who would not take the mRNA shot from 2021 onwards were dismissed or heavily persecuted by their superiors who pushed for the shot.
Fearlessly, Commander Green exposed certain high-ranking superiors who were committing treachery against the country under the guise of “safety” and “health.” Of course, their real reason for supporting the poison-vaccine was the perks of career advancement and finances. These traitors to our country betrayed not only the few members of the US military who would not inject their bodies with an mRNA-re-arranger, but they also betrayed all US citizens whom the Military was enlisted to protect.
Just this week, CDR Green wrote about the reprisal he is now facing for being that whistle-blower under the scamdemic. Green’s post on X titled Jag Corruption Update reads: “Yesterday I had a teleconference with NCIS [Naval Criminal Investigative Service] regarding the criminal allegations into ADM [Admiral] French and ADM Crandall. NCIS confirmed that they have officially opened an investigation into the allegations. Based on this very positive meeting it appears that NCIS is taking this quite seriously. 30 minutes before that meeting, however, my CoC [Chain of Command] surprised me with an unannounced official verbal counseling for accusations that I violated Article 89 – Disrespect Towards Superior Commissioned Officers.”
Do you see the crossover between the Catholic Church’s Canon 1373 and the US Military’s Article 89? Both canons are fine in-and-of themselves, but they are highly subjective, meaning they exist among the few laws subject to misuse by corrupt superiors. For example, Can. 1373 is unclear if a priest exposing his bishop’s heresy is to be punished or applauded. Similarly, Article 89 in Military law is unclear if a Commander exposing the treachery of an Admiral is to be punished or applauded. A good superior will use those laws to protect a good inferior. But a bad superior will use those exact same laws to punish a law-abiding inferior who makes the superior look bad.
Nobody wants to be a tattle-tale, but there is only One “captain of their salvation” who is still “bringing many sons unto glory.” (Heb 2:10) and we are called to be loyal to that Captain first, for He is Jesus Christ. Those who try to change our Church from the inside are nothing but mutineers. While those who have stood against this mutiny have been called “disobedient” since the days of Archbishop Lefebvre, we are the truly obedient ones to the True Captain. The same thing can be said of our US military members who did not take the vaccine, even though the United States is not a Divine institution like the Catholic Church.
Thankfully, 2025 seems to be the year that the average Catholic is finally waking up to all these matters in Church and State. We must continue to believe that a mutiny against a mutiny is not disobedience, but obedience to the original Captain. As you continue to see this unveiling of good-players and bad-players, beware of the latter charging the former with “disobedience,” even though they have no evidence except their own hurt feelings.
This is the last-ditch effort of such smily imposters, meek traitors and quiet mutineers to remove the good-guys, for the bad-guys know their time has come. The time for Apostolic Catholics to reach across the aisle to leftist destroyers is gone, except for praying for the latter’s repentance and public penance for all the lives they have destroyed. Absent that, the good guys must continue to accelerate in exposing the treachery.
Finally, keep in mind that treason is a capital crime in the United States, that is, worthy of the death penalty. Treason against Christ and His Catholic Church lands you in an even worst place in hell. We do not want anyone in hell, which is why we must expose them—for their own salvation. In fact, our salvation also depends on standing up to corruption, for our silence in the face of their treachery could make us complicit in the greatest betrayal of the Catholic Church since Judas.
p/c Caminante Wanderer.