Recently, I watched an excellent documentary called Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. That movie includes the 1991 Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings where Clarence Thomas had to defend himself against the false-accusations of Anita Hill in regards to verbal sexual harassment. Most people in the 1990s were fascinated by the racy language surrounding things like “Long Dong Silver” and other odd statements from Hill. But what I found most interesting in the movie was that the then-Senator Joe Biden tried to hang Clarence Thomas on these false-accusations mainly because the Democrats were afraid Thomas was going to vote against abortion if he were elected to the Supreme Court.
Their fears proved correct on Justice Thomas being pro-life. But today’s article is not about the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade.
Back to the 1991 confirmation hearings: Despite the obvious red-herring of Anita Hill, Joe Biden failed to hide the fact that his main intentions in this “high tech lynching” (as Thomas labeled it towards the end of the hearing) were actually about abortion, not verbal sexual-harassment. Amazingly, in that exact hearing (where Thomas was supposed to be on trial) Biden admitted that abortion had more to do with the Natural Law than Divine Revelation. As we will see in this article, that admission was fascinating coming from a “liberal Catholic” (like Biden) attacking conservative Catholic (like Thomas.)
I put together a short compilation of that senate hearing and the above-linked movie on my Rumble channel here with public domain videos. In that video, Biden thinks he is holding something against Thomas as he grills him. In that video, Biden says: “Good morning Judge. Welcome to the blinding light. Finding out what you mean when you say that would apply the ‘natural law philosophy’ to the Constitution is in my view the single-most important task of this committee… There’s a fervent—an aggressive school of thought that wishes to see Natural Law further inform the Constitution than it does now.”
Now, despite the fact Justice Thomas (in the top-linked documentary) looks back laughing (seen also on that compilation I put on Rumble) at how Biden had no idea at all what he was talking about when he blabbed in the hearings about Natural Law, Biden still revealed something very true: Liberal Catholics reject not only Divine Revelation, but also Natural Law in their death-based views of abortion and sexuality. Notice that a “Catholic” rejecting a pro-life stance is not rejecting, say, an advanced or isolated part of the Magisterium. Rather, they are rejecting something even animals know not to do: Kill their own children.
What is the difference between Natural Law and Divine Revelation? Natural Law is stamped into the heart of every person on the planet before baptism, even before they become a Christian. It is why a pagan knows why he should not kill his own child. It’s why pagans know there is something divine in the universe greater than them, even if they erroneously label this as “many gods.” But many even come to the conclusion God is only one. Divine Revelation is God’s revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ and the truths of the Catholic Church. For example, even if a pagan knew that God was one, such a pagan could not know God is Three-in-One (the Trinity) without Divine Revelation.
Thus, we need Divine Revelation to be saved. But those who adhere to Divine Revelation could never reject Natural Law. In fact, we must accept both Natural Law and Divine Revelation to be saved forever in heaven.
In some sense, we could say Divine Revelation is built on Natural Law. Divine Revelation is Natural Law and so much more. In other words, nothing in Divine Revelation contradicts Natural Law. But “liberal Catholics” are against both, as you can see in the above videos. This is why I am annoyed when people say “The Catholic Church is against abortion.” No, you do not need to be Catholic to know that killing your own child is wrong. It’s already stamped on your heart, regardless of your religion. As I said earlier, even animals normally know not to kill their own offspring. (There are a few exceptions to this, but this is just because the fall has affected all of creation.)
This means that Biden in the above video mocking Natural Law (and Thomas) proves “liberal Catholics” walk in a worse darkness than even pagans who would never kill their own children. Biden then pretends like Natural Law was a foreign injection into the Constitution. The fact is that even our founding fathers of the United States (whether they were lame Deists or heretical Protestants) still believed that Natural Law was the basis of the Constitution. Keep in mind that is an extremely low-bar to approaching the truth. And yet Democrats even reject this.
Biden’s own words above prove he is not only a bad Catholic, but even a bad American. In fact, he’s not a Catholic at all for denying Natural Law and Divine Revelation. These people are worse than animals. Thankfully, Justice Thomas remains an excellent example of both a Catholic and—much less importantly—an American.