The website The Communist defines Dialectical Materialism as the Marxist attempt “to understand the laws of society and nature in order to change them.” For most countries in which Communism was briefly “successful” (and by “successful” I mean killing tens of millions of their own citizens while making an elite few rich) the events took place by fabricating tension in a society on the basis of economic differences between different strata of society. This was how Marxists in Russia began the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.
But in the United States, this was a harder task for the communists (and now globalists) because our country was founded on a remarkable mobility in raising oneself up by one’s own bootstraps in terms of economic and social success. Thus, the globalists had to fabricate fake tension in another difference found in American society: Race.
Mr. Matt Walsh’s new movie Am I Racist? (top right) reveals how the United States is not a racist country at her core (at least not anymore) but a select group of elite still drum-up racism in order to make money, foment riots and divide the country. In some circles, this is working. Why? Because the worst thing anyone can be called in American society today is “racist” and therefore the average American works hard to avoid mentioning any racial stereotypes. Being racist is the new “mortal sin.”
But it’s also the “mortal sin” accusation the woke Vatican has pre-loaded to hurl at anyone who disagrees with them. Like all globalists, the modernist wokesters never actually arrive at believing that the average American Catholic is truly a racist. But having the ability to throw around accusations like “racist” becomes the protection against any orthodox Catholic who might criticize any of the general acts of apostasy and heresy and even sacrilege currently being promoted by Rome.
For example, consider the new “Mayan Mass” (probably soon-t0-be invalid, but still sacrilegious nonetheless.) Mr. Michael Haynes at LifeSite News describes the newest sacrilege: “The Vatican has approved the Mayan rite of the Mass which will involve ritual dancing, women taking the place of the priest in incensing the altar, and lay leadership of certain prayers in the liturgy.” (See LSN‘s picture of it top left.)
Even mainstream Catholics who even occasionally look at Catholic news are going to squirm at bit at the notion of pagan dancing and women with incensors happening at an alleged-Mass. It’s all reminiscent of something out of Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto (before the Spanish Catholic missionaries arrive at the final scene.) In other words, the new “Mayan Mass” is simply an apostasy-based return to demon-worshipping paganism. It is certainly not inculturation in order to bring all nations to Jesus Christ and the One Apostolic Church that Christ founded.
But it’s tricky to criticize it. If you take a public stand against the new sacrilegious “Mayan Mass” you might be accused of… racism! Or worse, if you are a traditional Catholic, you might face questions from more lukewarm friends and family like: “But don’t you believe in inculturation?” or “Do you think Catholicism is only a white-man’s religion?” or even the most outrageous lie: “Why do you stand in the way of Francis who wants to bring the Gospel to native cultures?”
Don’t let anyone you know take the high-road of race if you stand against this newest act of apostasy in Rome. The fact is: You are not racist. I am not racist. In fact, we all know fine examples of inculturation before Vatican II that took place in devotional matters outside the sacraments. Rather, this new “Mayan Mass” has nothing to do with inculturation or even evangelization. It has everything to do with integrating demon-worship into the alleged-worship of the Son of God at Holy Mass. And that’s all you need to know about it.