5 09, 2024

The Innovation of the “Vocation Director.”

By |2024-09-10T04:35:57+00:00September 5th, 2024|Theology|

I went to a mainstream seminary that touted itself as conservative but not traditional.  There, we had a Monsignor from South America who taught us canon law, and he was admittedly quite traditional.  He told us one day in class that back in Peru, there were no vocation directors.  Msgr. explained that good priests spiritually inspired young men to become priests.  If a lazy parish priest did not get vocations from their parish, he got sent to the hinterlands.  I liked this plan, but even in seminary I recognized that this sounded like the opposite of North America, namely, where good priests get sent to the hinterlands. In any case, [...]

3 09, 2024

The Fashion Warned Against at Fatima

By |2024-09-03T01:54:51+00:00September 3rd, 2024|Theology|

Similar to the recent talk I gave at a women's conference called Restore Tradition, my article today is about the history of women's fashion, long before it is a statement on morality.  Even non-traditional Catholic believe the miracle of Fatima was real.  Thus, they should equally believe one of the seers, Bl. Jacinta of Fatima, who said before dying, “The sins which cause most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh.”  Many modern Catholics have heard that scary claim, but most Western Catholics think she was talking about sins worse than theirs.   Rather, the key to understanding this is that the Mother of God said [...]

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