29 08, 2024

Should a Wife Obey a Secular (or Lazy) Husband?

By |2024-09-01T23:45:06+00:00August 29th, 2024|Theology|

A reader gave me permission to publish her letter to me (anonymously).  I include my reply below, too: Dear Father Nix, I just listened to your homily on Sensus Fidelium about Woman's Submission where you encourage and admonish the husbands to live like Christ in their marriages. I thought it was a wonderful homily and so true as to how easy it is for us wives to submit to and love well such a husband. However, it, and other homilies and conferences on the subject, leave me with a gaping question: How am I, a revert to Catholicism with a secular/agnostic husband (who was also born and baptized Catholic like [...]

27 08, 2024

Two Reasons the Coup is Not Complete

By |2024-09-01T23:37:16+00:00August 27th, 2024|Theology|

Not long ago, I wrote an article about why leftists promote the "errors of Russia." The "errors of Russia" is obviously leftism, which Mary warned against at Fatima.  In that article, I cite Jack Posobiec and Tucker Carlson, for they show that Marxism has killed 100 million people in the name of compassion.  This has happened everywhere from Cambodia to Czechoslovakia.  We also in the United States have been on the precipice of a communist coup for several decades, but we haven't gone over the precipice.  Why? Many people will say "God." Of course, I agree with this, as everything falls under Divine Providence.  However, I believe that (besides China) [...]

26 08, 2024

VLX 156: Mt 26:69-75. “Before the Rooster Crows.”

By |2024-08-27T00:48:02+00:00August 26th, 2024|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

-Donate: https://www.padreperegrino.org/donate/ -STV: https://spiritustv.com/@padreperegrino -Telegram: https://t.me/padreperegrino Gospel: Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. And a servant girl came up to him and said, “You also were with Jesus the Galilean.” But he denied it before them all, saying, “I do not know what you mean.” And when he went out to the entrance, another servant girl saw him, and she said to the bystanders, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.” And again he denied it with an oath: “I do not know the man.” After a little while the bystanders came up and said to Peter, “Certainly you too are one of them, for your accent betrays [...]

25 08, 2024

Avoid All Fantasy Novels

By |2024-08-29T18:37:52+00:00August 25th, 2024|Life|

Late last week I visited a family that lives an hour and a half from my hermitage.  The wife of the family has been my friend for 20 years.  The husband has been my friend for about 10 years.  They have six children.  After a nice dinner of street tacos, they asked me for blessings with St. Charbel oil that I keep in my car, confessions for everyone, and a blessing of the home.  Upstairs, three boys share a room and three girls share a room.  The family loves outdoor sports and they seem afraid of nothing.  That is why I was surprised at what happened next. The oldest girl, [...]

22 08, 2024

Courage in the Immaculate Heart of Mary

By |2024-08-31T03:17:47+00:00August 22nd, 2024|Theology|

There's a lot of people on the good side of the Church crisis who strangely still choose silence under pretext of prudence.   Decent priests may say things like, "I won't preach against the heresy coming from the Vatican because I don't want to be removed from my congregation," or "I'll offer the Traditional Latin Mass secretly, but I can't be public about it because then it will harm my parish in the long run," or "I'll be suspended if I really say what I think about the papacy." Lay people may say things like, "I know I should correct my boss for taking Our Lord's name in vain, but [...]

20 08, 2024

Advice to Parents by St. Alphonsus

By |2024-08-20T01:53:01+00:00August 20th, 2024|Theology|

The following is "Advice to Parents," by St. Alphonsus Liguori, Saint and Doctor of the Church: The gospel tells us, that a good plant cannot produce bad fruit, and that a bad one cannot produce good fruit. We learn from this, that a good father brings up good children. But, if the parents are wicked, how can the children be virtuous? Our Lord says, in the same gospel, Do men gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? (Matt. 7:16). So, it is impossible, or rather very difficult, to find children virtuous, who are brought up by immoral parents. Fathers and mothers, be attentive to this sermon, which is of [...]

19 08, 2024

RCT 45: The Resurrection of the Body pt 3.

By |2024-08-19T13:43:41+00:00August 19th, 2024|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

The Roman Catechism of Trent (RCT) p.128-136 The Creed, Article XI, Section C. -Donate: https://www.padreperegrino.org/donate/ -STV: https://spiritustv.com/@padreperegrino -Telegram: https://t.me/padreperegrino -Music Bumpers thanks to Benedictines of Queen of the Apostles https://benedictinesofmary.org

15 08, 2024

A Marian View To the Church Crisis

By |2024-08-31T03:24:04+00:00August 15th, 2024|Theology|

Towards the end of an article at Tradition in Action, Dr. Marian T. Horvat, Ph. D wrote the following about Mary's own Triumph at the Cross.  I will put Dr. Horvat's words in below italics and my own commentary in this bold-orange font. But at the same time that her own heart was pierced with sorrow, she told Ven. Mary of Agreda, she was given a deep understanding of the mystery of that final affront, that is, that from this last pouring forth of the Precious Blood and water, a new Church issued forth that would spread out through the whole world. And she composed a canticle of praise of [...]

13 08, 2024

The “Pontifical Academy for Life” Now Allows Euthanasia?

By |2024-08-31T03:32:28+00:00August 13th, 2024|Theology|

Photo Credit at top:  "Pontifical Academy for Life." A new article at Crux is titled Vatican loosens stance on food, water for patients in vegetative state.  It reports on the "Pontifical Academy for Life" which just released an 80 page pamphlet in Italian nearly eliminating past parameters on end-of-life issues.   Shockingly, even the USCCB admits that pamphlet contains "an evolution of church teaching" on end-of-life issues.  If by "evolution" we mean a moral descent beneath how pagans know how to treat their elders, then that is accurate. Now, according to Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the "Pontifical Academy for Life," (all three words being false by this point) their [...]

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