The Epoch Times recently estimated that 17,000,000 people have been killed by the “Covid-Vaccine.”  I believe that number is an extremely conservative estimate.  Whether high or low, we now know that the injection causing so many deaths was not in fact a vaccine, but rather gene therapy made from aborted babies.  It was released under emergency-use authorization by the FDA, and still has not been approved.  Many Catholics died after taking it, including my own mother after taking a third dose. I wrote about her tragedy but good death here last year.

Why did so many Catholics take it?  Like most Americans of other religions, Catholics listened to their physicians and the mainstream media.  But they also listened to the Vatican and their local clergy.

I knew this was going to happen.  Back in 2020 (when my mother was still alive) I made a video (removed by YT) alerting US bishops that it would be in their best interest to stop pushing a deadly injection.  I explained:  If they didn’t care about unborn lives or the adult lives they would endanger by pushing that “vaccine,” they might at least be concerned with their own pocketbooks.  I warned the US bishops that while pharmaceutical companies might one day claim indemnities (pre-approved security against financial loss for real or fabricated reasons) the US bishops would have no such protections when the faithful sue them years down the road for having told them to take an immoral and deadly injection.

Although my 2020 video was equally removed by YouTube for being against “community standards,” Miss Emily Mangiaracina at LifeSite News watched my video back then and captured my assertions: “Fr. Nix went on to caution bishops who are encouraging people to take the COVID-19 vaccine, warning that whereas vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for vaccine-related injury and death, the bishops themselves can be sued.”

She then quoted me directly:  “My suggestion to groups of bishops and priests out there telling people to take this vaccine out of charity for their neighbor: Well you might want to note that you are not covered in any such indemnity protections…. In other words, if you tell your faithful that they have to take this vaccine to be a good Catholic and they take it and end up non-verbal or zonked out of their mind in five years, or infertile or dead, they can sue you for going way outside of your pay grade into medicine.”—me, YouTube, December of 2020.

Now the effects of the Vatican and the US bishops blindly following genocidal globalists (like Bill Gates) are obvious for all to see. If you or your loved one took “the jab” because your bishop encouraged you to take it, I would highly encourage you to speak to an attorney to consider beginning a class-action lawsuit in your diocese.   A few years ago, some US bishops told parish priests they would lose their jobs if they didn’t take the shot.  Priests also told the same thing to lay workers at parishes.  Both groups of victims should consider lawsuits.   Finally, if you took the deadly gene-therapy because a certain priest on the internet told you to take it, comparing it to Tylenol, as he claimed both medicines were “safe and moral,” I would equally encourage you to speak to an attorney.

I cannot give legal advice, but I would like to imagine the faithful from every diocese in the US could one day assess a group lawsuit against any bishop who told them it was safe and moral to take the experimental gene-therapy.  As I said nearly four years ago in that video, the bishops’ blind insistence on the faithful taking the jab went far beyond their “pay grade [in] medicine.”  I also said the US bishops would “not be covered in any such indemnity protections.”

In 1 Cor 6, St. Paul discourages Christians from suing Christians.  But Christians know how to apologize.  And the US bishops still have not apologized over the last three years for having helped kill thousands of US Catholics.  Thus, I believe you can sue them in good conscience.

Some good Catholics reading this might think it is a good idea—but impossible.  I would guide you to First Liberty, representing Navy SEALS against the Biden Administration “regarding the settlement agreement approved by the court on June 24, 2024.”  First Liberty invites more victims to join the lawsuit: “If you were an active member of the Navy as of the date the Court granted our request for class certification (March 28, 2022) and filed a religious accommodation request in response to the Navy’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, then you are a Class Member and the Settlement Agreement applies to you.”

So, if military members are suing the US government for forced injections, why not consider a similar cause of action against the USCCB or your local chancery?  This is especially true if a diocese or parish threatened you or fired you for not taking “the vaccine.” You might just win—like this 24 year old soldier: