Most Americans in the pro-life movement do not know that first two states “to decriminalize abortion” in certain circumstances (like rape) were Mississippi and Colorado. Rep. Dick Lamb and Gov. John Love did this in Denver on the 25th of April 1967. This was six years before the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade, a landmark decision which would begin the largest genocide in the Western Hemisphere. Then, when this ruling of Roe was allegedly kicked-back to the States in 2022, abortion providers here in Colorado doubled-down, hoping to attract people from other states to their killing centers.
Now in 2024, this attraction to murder others across State-borders is aimed not only at the unborn, but even towards the sick and old. Currently, anyone in Colorado with a terminal-illness can request a physician to “hasten” their death. But under prime-sponsors Senator Ginal and House Rep. Brown, the Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) bill would allow this killing of the feeble to be done by not only a physician, but even a nurse. Furthermore, this Nazi-like bill would allow non-residents of Colorado to travel here in order to be euthanized. (This bill was creepily introduced on the 51st memorial of Roe Vs. Wade.)
If passed, Colo-bill 24-068 (MAID) would also assure that anyone with a terminal-illness who wants to kill himself be assured the provider “reduc[e] the waiting period between oral requests from 15 days to 48 hours, and allowing attending providers to waive the mandatory waiting period if the patient is unlikely to survive more than 48 hours.”
The above sentence is preposterous for two reasons: 1) Bill 24-068 is seeking to kill any dying-person who is going to die on their own within the next two days without any euthanasia-based intervention (hence, the words, “unlikely to survive more than 48 hours.”) and 2) Under the MAID bill, a Coloradan (or visitor) could kill himself by taking a pill or shot given him by a doc (or even a nurse) and this weak patient would not even need to think about his fatal decision for more than 48 hours. (I originally called this article Colorado Suicide-Bill To Allow Two Days of “Discernment.”)
But I changed the title of it to Colorado Suicide Bill Eradicates Discernment Time because the bill’s line of “allowing attending providers to waive the mandatory waiting period” seems to imply that the proposed 48-hour waiting-period could also be reduced to just one-minute. We Coloradans could apparently be looking at just one-minute of “discernment” between thinking of suicide and actually calling in a nurse with a pill or shot to kill us. You could presumably execute yourself without any involvement of family, clergy or even a physician in such a rapid time-lapse. (What “spirit” do you think is behind this bill?)
Besides the fact that the Catholic Church teaches that suicide is a mortal-sin and leaves little hope for salvation, the passing of this bill would be a travesty even from a secular point of view. Here is the proof:
Psychology Today had an article by Dr. Steve Taylor PhD. back in 2011 called The Jumpers. In it, Dr. Taylor writes: “The Golden Gate Bridge is the most popular suicide spot in the United States, perhaps even in the world. In the 75 years since its opening, at least 1,300 people have committed suicide there, an average of almost 20 people per year, or one person every 16 days. The bridge is so popular partly because of its beautiful and romantic location, but also because it’s such a failsafe way of dying. Every jumper has a 98% chance of success, a much higher percentage than for hanging, a drug overdose, or shooting. The bridge is 225 feet high, and after a four-second fall, jumpers hit the water at a speed of 75mph, with a force equivalent to a lorry [truck] crashing into a wall.”
But 2% of those San-Fran jumpers actually survive the water-impact. If they can swim the Golden-Gate Strait to the shore, all the survivors say the same thing. Using Dr. Steve Taylor’s research on The Jumpers and other sites, Mr. Ed Newman at Medium came to the conclusion that “all 29 people who survived their suicide attempts off San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge have said they regretted their decision as soon as they jumped.”
That is a full 100%. 100% of those who were interviewed after jumping off the Golden-Gate bridge (and somehow survived it) regretted their decision “as soon as they jumped.” What that shows is that (Catholic-theology-aside) it is reckless for Colorado representatives to offer an immediate “solution” of suicide with no period of discernment. Yes, this is true even if one has a terminal-illness in Denver, not just depression in San Francisco. Countless people regret their decision after starting their own suicide, so SB 24-068 (MAID) is impulsive and irresponsible, even from a secular point of view.