30 01, 2023

VLX 126: Mt 20:29-34. “Let Our Eyes Be Opened.”

By |2023-02-11T16:00:44+00:00January 30th, 2023|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

- Donate: https://padreperegrino.org/donate/ - Music bumpers: Bach Cello Suite No. 1 in G-Maj perf. by Cooper Cannell. https://rumble.com/embed/v24i3u2/?pub=e5jg1 The blind woman who I reference in this sermon is standing next to me in this picture after the Walk for Life in San Fran.  

29 12, 2022

How to Learn the Low Mass

By |2022-12-28T14:27:18+00:00December 29th, 2022|Theology|

Nota Bene: The beginning of January was going to be for silent retreat, but I'm visiting a family member in the hospital. So, either way, there will be few blogs or podcasts for a little while. Please pray for us. Many people think I'm some traditional liturgy expert, but as you probably heard me say on previous podcasts, I learned French and Spanish and Portuguese in seminary because I just wanted to be a good Novus Ordo missionary priest one day.  In other words, I got into the priesthood for the salvation of souls, not to make a stink on liturgy debates.  As I've written before, it was only a [...]

22 12, 2022

Kamala Harris Links Griswold to Obergefell

By |2023-08-29T19:11:48+00:00December 22nd, 2022|Theology|

https://rumble.com/embed/v1yf6zg/?pub=e5jg1 In the above 60-second clip (or here if you're on a mobile device) the unelected-squatter to the office of Vice-President, Kamala Harris says, "Let us think about today, December 13th, 2022, a day when—thanks to Democrats and Republicans—we finally protect marriage rights in federal law.  For millions of LGBTQI+ Americans and interracial couples, this is a victory, and it is part of a larger fight.  The Dobbs decision reminds us that fundamental rights are interconnected, including the right to marry who you love, the right to access contraception and the right to make decisions about your own body." The silly thing about Kamala's words is that "gay marriage" was [...]

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